Construction Projects in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Area
Traditions and Innovations in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Area
封面文章 Cover Stories
文 | 杨海霞
文 | 杨海霞
文 | 杨海霞
文 | 杨海霞
文 | 常浩
文 | 肖金成 申现杰
文 | 杨海霞
文 | 刘云德 杨毅鸿
现状·趋势 Status and Trends
——专访俄罗斯联邦远东发展部长亚历山大·加卢什卡(Александр Галушка)
文 | 周洋
文 | 陈积敏
丝路影像 Belts and Roads Images
国别 Country
文 | 魏琳
——专访波兰滨海省省长米柴夫斯拉夫·斯处克 (Mieczysław Struk)
文 | 张梅
文 | 杨海霞 褚骁骥
文 | 吉尔吉斯共和国经济部
| 媒体纵览 |
文 | 杰利·穆西科(Jelly Musico)
合作与实践 Efforts on the Ground
文 | 常浩
文 | 张军
产业与投资 Industry and Investment
《 癌症检测:未来的潜力市场》
文 | 杨海霞
文 | 任荣荣 杨阳
PPP 观察 Observation of PPP
《PPP 项目投资控制及其风险承担》
文 | 李莉 韩婷婷
读世界 Rread the World
文 | 钱镇
数据 Numbers
文 | 宁波航运交易所
文 | 国家信息中心“一带一路”大数据中心
文 | 国家信息中心“一带一路”大数据中心
Cover Stories
Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and Expectations
“The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge in the Present and Future”
by Yang Haixia
“The Cross-border Project Achives Win-win Cooperation”
——An Exclusive Interview with He Ningka, Director of the Guangdong Development and Reform Commission and Chairman of
the Three Areas Committee of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge
by Yang Haixia
“An Output Channel for Hongkong to Show Soft Power”
——An Exclusive Interview with Frank Fan Chan, Director of the Transport and Housing Bureau of
the Hongkong Special Administrative Region
by Yang Haixia
“The Bridge Perfects Comprehensive Transportation System in the Greater Bay Area”
——An Exclusive Interview with She Xiangyun,Director of Transportation Business of China International Engineering Consulting
by Yang Haixia
“Stories Behind the Superstructure”
by Yang Haixia
“The ‘Mount Qomolangma’ in Bridge Construction Area”
by Chang Hao
“The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Greater Bay Area Develops in the Competition”
by Xiao Jincheng, Shen Xianjie
“A City Changed By the Bridge”
by Yang Haixia
“The Cultural Mission of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao”
by Liu Yunde, Yang Yihong
Status and Trends
“The Far East Opens the Door to Cooperation”
——An Exclusive Interview with Alexander Galuska, Minister of the Development of the Far East of Russian Federation
by Zhou Yang
“The Far East Opens the Door to Cooperation”
by Chen Jimin
Belts and Roads Images
“Peru: A Treasure Land for Investors in Latin America”
by Wei Lin
“Welcome China to Invest in the New Harbour”
——An Exclusive Interview with Mieczysław Struk, Governor of the Pomorskie Province of Poland
by Zhang Mei
“Three New Areas of Investment in Kampuchea”
——An Exclusive Interview with Tea Kong, Commercial Minister-Counsellor of the Embassy of Kampuchea in China
by Yang Haixia, Chu Xiaoji
“Investment Guide to Kyrgyzstan”
by Economy Ministry of the Kyrgyz Republic
丨Media Scan丨
“Philippine Media Enjoys Vibrant Freedom”
by Jelly Musico
Efforts on the Ground
“International Cooperation and Lower Risk”
——An Exclusive Interview with Wang Shaofeng, Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice General Manager of China Three
Gorges International Corporation
by Chang Hao
“The Science Innovations of China Offshore Bitumen”
by Zhang Jun
Industry and Investment
“Cancer Detection: A Potential Market”
——An Exclusive Interview with Lin Liangguang, General Manager of Unipharma
by Yang Haixia
“Follow Regional Interaction in the Housing Market”
by Ren Rongrong, Yang Yang
Observation of PPP
“Investment Control and Risk-sharing of PPP Projects”
by Li Li Han, Tingting
Rread the World
“Decoding Brazil: Raízes do Brasil by Sérgio Buarque de Holanda”
by Qian Zhen
“Read Brazil”
by Qian Zhen
“The Index of Trade between China and “Maritime Silk Road” Countries(October 2017)”
by Ningbo Shipping Exchange
“High Degree of Trade Integration Shown Between these Countries and China”
by Big Data Center For the Belt and Road Initiative of China State Information Center
“Top 10 Countries in Terms of Bilateral Trade Volume with China”
by Big Data Center For the Belt and Road Initiative of China State Information Center
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