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文I 文霭洁 联合国开发计划署国别主任    翻译I 王晓波





























What can China contribute to the world?

By Agi Veres, Country Director,  The United Nations Development Programme

On 5th December 2017, the 4th World Internet Conference hosted by China was successfully completed. The Conference brought great attention to digital economy and its revolutionary impact on social-economic development in the foreseeable future. One keyword at the center of discussion is ‘connectivity’. This means, sectors, disciplines and people will become more closely integrated in shaping the world’s development agenda.

The private sector, while catalyzing these crucial changes, has also been playing an increasingly significant role in providing innovative development solutions. In the era led by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the private sector is an indispensable stakeholder when forming effective partnerships to define and navigate the sustainability space; one characterized by long-term social-economic and environmental gains that are shared by everyone.

There are at least two implications for the private sector. First, they could help finance the SDGs which require an annual investment of $5-$7 trillion per year globally. Developing countries alone require $3.3-$4.5 trillion annually, mainly for basic infrastructure, food security, climate change mitigation and adaptation, as well as health and education. Second, the private sector could shift to sustainable investment that helps generate positive impacts on the local context where it operates. One way to realize this – according to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) – is to be aware of the environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors when investing and incorporate these issues into financial performance analyses and decision-making processes.

The integration of ESG into core business models has recently been on the rise. The PRI, for instance, has nearly 1,700 signatories, from over 50 countries, representing $62 trillion and has agreed to a number of possible actions to strengthen and mainstream sustainability into corporate value, policies, actions and partnerships.

The movement has been witnessed in China too, where sustainability is increasingly embraced and adopted by multiple stakeholders across sectors. Business is no exception. The private sector has been localizing the SDGs through initiatives such as ecological civilization construction and green finance development – an example to advance environmental sustainability. Moreover, Chinese enterprises are increasingly going global, particularly through the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) that attempts to boost inclusive regional growth through interconnectivity in trade, investment, finance, infrastructure, policies and culture.

But as more and more Chinese enterprises go abroad, what can they do to promote sustainable development? Are there any challenges they face when transitioning to ESG investment? And how can these be addressed effectively to accelerate sustainable investment?

Figure 1 Linkages between the BRI and the SDGs

The Belt and Road Initiative: An emerging opportunity for sustainable investment?

Close linkages have been found between the BRI and the 2030 Agenda (Figure 1). Broadly, both advocate mutually beneficial collaboration that is open and inclusive. Meaning, both recognize and respect the different stages of development in each country and thus the diversity in social-economic and ecological conditions.

This also implies that balanced development is emphasized, with no region or no one left behind. Furthermore, both intend to form effective partnerships to realize development objectives. Multi-stakeholder consultation plays a pivotal role to facilitate effective inter-sectorial and inter-disciplinary coordination.

Moreover, Chinese enterprises act as a key force for implementing the 2030 Agenda in the Belt and Road region through investment in infrastructure and renewable energy, industrial cooperation, technology transfer and job creation. In doing so, they can help strengthen physical, financial and economic ties along the Belt and Road, all of which are core areas for intervention highlighted by the BRI. Investing in the SDGs makes sense for business too. Studies have shown that this can open up $12 trillion in market opportunities in key sectors creating 380 million new jobs by 2030.

The fact that ESG is quickly moving from the margins to the mainstream is partly grounded in the perceived value of ESG. ESG factors represent risks (e.g., political, regulatory, reputational) and opportunities yet to be internalized in financial performance. Hence, ESG considerations could enable risk-informed and risk-adjusted investment decisions in the long run. Evidence also tends to tilt in favor of sustainable practices as they appear to enhance financial performance.

China’s outbound direct investment (ODI): Is it sustainable?

According to National Bureau of Statistics, China’s ODI and foreign direct investment (FDI) exhibited an increasing trend in the last decade. In 2014, China became a “net capital exporter”, as for the first time China’s ODI exceeded FDI by $3.4 billion. In 2015, the growth rate of China’s ODI was 18.3% year-to-year, reaching the peak since 2011 (Figure 2). In the same year, China’s ODI flows reached $145.67 billion, accounting for nearly 10% of the global aggregate (Figure 3). China surpassed Japan for the first time and became the world’s second largest investor after the United States.

China’s ODI in the Belt and Road region grew from $13 billion to $19 billion between 2013-2015. It grew fast at the rate of 38.6% year-on-year. Yet, it only accounted for a relatively small share of China’s overall ODI. Research has shown that being on the official list of the Belt and Road countries does not appear an important factor for Chinese ODI allocation. There is certainly room left for future investment to grow.

The massive outflows of capital have engaged China closely with the rest of the world with depth and breadth. Take Africa for example. There are more than 10,000 Chinese-owned enterprises in operation in Africa– 90% of them are privately owned – with more than 30% in manufacturing. This has made positive contributions to Africa’s social-economic development: 89% of employees hired by Chinese businesses are African with 44% being managers; 64% of Chinese firms have provided training; half of Chinese firms have introduced a new product or service to the local market while one third have introduced a new technology. The latter, in some cases, have reduced prices of existing products or services by 40% through technological advancement or efficiencies of scale.

Other evidence coincides with the finding above, suggesting that Chinese multi-nationals are making progress in sustainable investing. A 2017 Report on the Sustainable Development of Chinese Enterprises Overseas provides information through results of questionnaires and case studies looking at 550 State-Owned Enterprises and private sector companies. As is shown in the report, more than half of the surveyed companies have conducted Social Impact Assessments (SIA) before project implementation, and nearly 67% of them have carried out Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) for their overseas projects. With regards to corporate governance, 93% of surveyed companies have taken into account development strategies of host countries, and 77% have incorporated host countries’ national plans into their corporate strategy and operational decision-making.

Yet, Chinese firms can do even more. More materials can be sourced locally. More attention can be paid to the environmental impact of business operations as instances of environmental violations by Chinese enterprises are still reported. Moreover, stronger communication and involvement with local people are needed to bridge cultural differences and enhance the understanding and implementation of labor regulations.

Figure 2 China’s ODI and FDI trends between 2007 and 2015.

2015 ODI Top 10 Countries

How can UNDP help?

UNDP China has been working to promote China’s sustainable business abroad. As mentioned above, one focal area is to keep track of China’s ESG investment overseas and document best practices that can enlighten south-south exchange. Moreover, UNDP strives to help cascade financing for sectors that are beneficial for sustainable development. For instance, UNDP has designed a framework to support policymakers in selecting public instruments to enable investments for renewable energy in developing countries.

In addition, UNDP has devised a set of Social and Environmental Standards (SES) to underpin social and environmental sustainability. This undertakes to ensure positive project outcomes through risk management, including not only ex-ante risk prevention, but also ex-post coping of adverse impacts, via full and effective stakeholder engagement. One of the key elements of SES is Social and Environmental Screening Procedure (SESP) that is aimed at project screening and categorization. SESP’s primary objective is risk identification and assessment, as well as determination of management required to tackle potential risks and impacts. The tool is intended for intervention at the early stage of the project cycle. It serves as an appraisal tool to help iteratively evaluate project concepts, design and formulation to enable integration of social and environmental considerations at the very start.

By understanding local priorities and conditions in Belt and Road countries, UNDP can also help close the gap between supply and demand, help channel investments where they are most needed and in a way that are most sustainable and responsible both as a business action and as a development impact. UNDP can achieve so, in particular, through its extensive global presence, as well as strong convening and leverage power across varied types of stakeholders. UNDP can also help with impact monitoring and help private sector understand and appreciate their contribution to the SDGs – tracking indicators that directly link business results to social impact. Moreover, UNDP can help evaluate investment feasibility that looks at macro-economic and sector outlook, policy and regulatory framework, and includes stakeholder due diligence check etc. Entailed in this assessment is country risk identification, which provides insights for opportunities to mitigate social-economic and environmental risks to ensure the sustainability of investment. Looking forward

With the world committed to the SDGs, the time for sustainable investment has arrived. The need to invest sustainably has been widely acknowledged, as economic growth progressively reaches the “natural boundary”, indicating the end of non-stop and “free” provision of social and environmental resources as productive factors. In this discourse of discussion, China’s private sector cannot be emphasized enough. In fact, they are driving a new round of technological innovation that is changing the life of millions of Chinese people. The impact, however, transcends beyond borders, as Chinese enterprises increasingly go global, bringing their knowledge, technology, products and services to the rest of world.

It is encouraging the see the progress of ESG investment in China. Yet, much more can be done to further its progress, not only in China, but in other countries, including those in the Belt and Road regions, to safeguard human dignity and environmental integrity while pursuing economic gains. UNDP stands ready to facilitate this transition, but also to engage deeply by bringing our own insights and expertise to the sustainable investment discussion for China and others.