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封面文章 Cover Stories



文 | 罗纳德·卡托(Ronald Kato)


文 | 伊翁·桑杜(Yvonnie Sundu)


文 | 查理斯(Charles Manuel)


文 | 智宇琛


文 | 国庆  马莉


文 | 潘心怡


文 | 杨海霞


现状·趋势 Status and Trends


文 | 梅拉库·穆鲁阿勒姆(Melaku Mulualem)


文 | 卡杜·塞博亚(Kaddu Kiwe Sebunya)


影像非洲  Africa Images



认识非洲 Understanding Africa


——专访纳米比亚驻华大使凯亚莫(H.E.Dr. Elia G. Kaiyamo)

文 |  常浩


文 |  多索·阿达玛(H.E.Mr.Dosso Adama) 科特迪瓦共和国驻中国大使

《加纳 非洲发展最快国家之一》

文 |  邱琼琼

| 媒体纵览 |


文 | 朱利叶斯·曼甘达(Julius Mnganga)

| 组织机构 |



合作实践 Efforts On The Ground


文 | 任明朝

投资非洲 Investing in Africa


文 | 朱伟东


社会人文 Society and Culture

| 专栏 | 非洲世界文化遗产巡礼


文 | 潘华琼

| 专栏 | 我眼中的非洲人


文 | 王正龙

读非洲 Read the Africa

| 万卷书 |



文 | 钱镇


数说非洲 Africa in Numbers


文 | 中国银行




Cover Stories

“Powering up Africa”

“Uganda: Shortage of Electricity Remains Despite an Energy Surplus”

| Ronald Kato

“Power challenges in Malawi: An opportunity for Chinese investors”

| Yvonnie Sundu

“South Africa’s Energy Agenda”

| Charles Manuel, Minister Counselor ( Economic ) of South African Embassy in China

“Powering up Africa”

| Zhi Yuchen

“Power Grid Connects Africa”

| Guo Qing, Ma Li

“Renewables Fuel African Electrification”

| Pan Xinyi

“How Far is Africa from Universal Access to Power”

| Yang Haixia


Status and Trends

“The Role of China in the Regional Integration of East Africa”

| Melaku Mulualem

“The Future of Africa Lies with ECO-Civilization”

|  Mr. Kaddu Kiwe Sebunya


African Images


Understanding Africa  

“Nambia Fully Supports the One Belt One Road Initiative”

——An Exclusive Interview with H.E.Dr. Elia G. Kaiyamo, Ambassador of the Republic of Namibia

|  ChangHao

“35 Years of Diplomatics Relations Between Coted’Ivoire and China: What Balance Sheets and What Prospects?”

| H.E.Mr. Dosso Adama, Ambassador of the Republic of Cote d’Ivoire to China

“Ghana, A Hot Spot for Investment in West Africa”      

| Qiu Qiongqiong

|Media Scan |

“An Insight into Nigerian Media”      

| Bukola Ogunsina

|Organizations  Institutions |

“Mano River Union”


Efforts on the Ground

“Build Airstrip for Africa’s Economic Takeoff”       

| Ren Mingzhao

Investing in Africa

“New Arbitration Rules and Prioritize Reforms”       

| Zhu Weidong


Society and Culture  

|Column| Survey of Africa World Heritage Sites

“Ancient Human Fossil Sites in Ethiopia and Tanzania”

| Pan Huaqiong

|Column| Africans in My Eyes

“Dhamar, the History of Songhay”

| Wang Zhenglong

Read the Africa

|Thousands of Books |

“Africa’s Under-development and A Developed Europe”

 ——A Review on How Europe Underdeveloped Africa

| Qian Zhen


Africa in Numbers

“Currency Exchange Table in Africa (2018.1)”

|  Bank of China
