您做在的位置: 中国投资 > 过往期刊目录 > 过往期刊 > 2018年3月(上)



封面文章Cover Stories



| 罗建波



现状·趋势   Status and Trends


| 赵柯



| 孙现朴



| 付随鑫



| 朱拜尔·哈桑(Jubair Hasan)



| 刘群



| 董青岭


丝路影像   Belts and Roads Images



国际   International


| 奥列格·焦明(H.E.Mr.OlegDyomin)乌克兰驻华大使



| 贝尼·卡伦(H. E. Mr.Bayney Karran)圭亚那驻华大使



| 曹航







| 拉扎·汗(Raza Khan)


投资与建设  Investment and Construction


| 王超  杜才良




| 王洪一


产业与区域  Industry and Region


| 王海滨



| 向阳



| 王文华


研究与实务   Study and Practice


| 黄昕



| 吴哲能


PPP 观察   Observation of PPP

《结束“百花齐放”的PPP 模式》

| 陈宏能 肖靓


读世界   Read the World



| 钱镇


数据   Numbers


| 宁波航运交易所



Cover Stories

Belt and Road Initiative: Where does itlead?

“Belt and Road Initiative: Where does it lead? ”

|Luo Jianbo

The spirit of BRI is not about counteringyour opponent, or eradicating it; the subtlety of BRI lies in the Chinesephilosophy of “going with the flow” and “swimming with the current”.


Status and Trends

“Who Will be the Next ECB President”  

|Zhao Ke


“US-India Relations in the Context of Indo-Pacific”  

|Sun Xianpu


“Trump Becoming Realistic”

|Fu Suixin


“Bangladesh’s Share Market Stake Debates: China or India? ”

|Jubair Hasan


“The Challenges of UN Peacekeeping Operations”

|Liu Qun


“Data TroopsBehind US Election”

|Dong Qingling


Belts and Roads Images




“China’s Investment Prospective in Ukraine in Frameworks of OBOR”

|H.E.Mr.Oleg Dyomin, Ambassador Extraordinary andPlenipotentiary of Ukraine to the People’s Republic of China


“Guyana Invites Chinese Companies to Invest in Win-win Partnerships”

|H. E. Mr. Bayney Karran, Ambassador of Gugana to China


“Right Time to Invest in Panama”

|Cao Hang


【International Regime】

“Svalbard Treaty”


【Media Scan】

“State of Media Affairs in Pakistan”

|Raza Khan


Investment and Construction

“Friendship Bridge Built above Coral Reef”

|Wang Chao, Du Cailiang


【Investment Case Analysis】

“Oil Disputes between Chad and US”

|Wang Hongyi


Industry and Region

“Potential Gas Business on the Belt and Road”

|Wang Haibin


“Three Key Development Directions of Future AI”

|Xiang Yang


“The Efforts to Separate Hospitals from SOEs”

|Wang Wenhua


Study and Practice

“Housing Prices May Face Long-term Regional Differentiation”

|Huang Xin


“FDI and National Economic Security”

|Wu Zheneng


Observation of PPP

“End those “Colorful” PPP Models”

|Chen Hongneng, Xiao Liang


Read the World

【Silk Road and Thousands of books】

“China and the Protection and Utilization of the Arctic”

|Qian Zhen



“The Index of Trade between China and “Maritime Silk Road”Countries(January 2018)”

|Ningbo Shipping Exchange



