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文|马里斯·赛尔嘉(H. E. Mr. Māris Selga)拉脱维亚共和国驻华大使









































Latvia – a Growing Northern European Hub

By H. E. Mr. Māris Selga,  Ambassador of the Republic of Latvia to China

The Republic of Latvia is a parliamentary republic situated at the very heart of the economically and culturally vibrant Nordic-Baltic region. It is found on the east coast of the Baltic Sea at the crossroads of northern and eastern Europe. Latvia is bordered by Estonia to the north, Russia and Belarus to the east, Lithuania to the south and has a maritime border with Sweden to the west.
Businesses based in Latvia can successfully target both the developed economies of the EU and emerging markets of eastern neighbours, as the nation enjoys membership in the EU, OECD, NATO and UN. It uses the Euro currency, and is in the Schengen area. This year Latvia will celebrate its centennial anniversary of statehood. We will use this opportunity to inform the Chinese people on our history and culture, as we continue to build our cooperation in other spheres, including investment.
Since regaining its independence in 1991, the Republic of Latvia has enjoyed a fast growing and fruitful relationship with the People’s Republic of China, becoming the first Baltic country to sign the Memorandum of Understanding between the two governments on Cooperation within the Framework of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative. The momentous agreement has provided a platform to further deepen the cooperation of the two nations, to great mutual benefit.
The Belt and Road Initiative underpins an already strong relationship between the two states in transport and logistics, trade initiatives, and various European Union – China projects. On the basis of concerted efforts from both nations, these areas are steadily growing. Together with Latvia’s position as one of the fastest growing economies of the European Union, there are still opportunities to open channels for further partnership.

Import and Export
Bilateral Import and export trade between Latvia and China has been increasing by double digits annually, establishing China as the most significant trading partner in Asia. For investors from China, Latvia offers tailored incentives, ease of doing business, low total taxes rate and a qualified talent pool. The combination of advantages is particularly well suited to new entrants into the European market.
Conversely, many Latvian products already have stable market shares in China. Consumers enjoy, for example, a high variety of quality dairy and fish products. Latvia is proud of its long-standing traditions and modern food processing technologies, dedicated to promoting Latvian foodstuffs in the Chinese market. This year alone, the Latvian company “Food Union” has established two factories in China, to offer fresh dairy products produced from imported Latvian ingredients. Latvian firms are also participating in several high profile exhibitions, including the “1st China International Import Expo” in Shanghai and "China-CEEC Investment and Trade Expo" in Ningbo, where Latvia’s expertise has granted it the title of guest country of honor. These are only a few of the initiatives Latvia has undertaken to increase the visibility of Latvian products in China.

Latvian exports are underpinned by a strong and developed infrastructure focused on investors. There are Four Free Ports and Special Economic Zones which offer favorable tax conditions. Over 10 business parks are located in major cities across Latvia providing a host of options (facilities, services, suppliers, etc.) and all necessary utilities suited to individual company needs. Regional business incubators ease the early stages of small and medium businesses to by providing granting provisions and services at discounted cost.

Transit and Logistics
Latvia is at the crossroads of trade flows between the main Eurasian markets, Latvia is one of the most convenient and practical hubs for transporting goods from Asia to Europe and vice versa. Latvia has more than a century of experience in handling international trade flows. It has created effective, secure, multi-modal, balanced, environmentally-friendly and competitive transport system. With three major ice-free ports (Rīga, Ventspils and Liepāja) and regional industry leaders in railway (JSC “Latvian Railways”) and aviation (International Airport “Riga” and national airline airBaltic) Latvia offers integrated transit and logistics solutions. Four priority areas for further development have been set in focus: railways; maritime ports; aviation and industrial parks, thus indicating a direction of further investments and policy streamlining.
Latvia actively engages with China to participate and contribute to the development of Eurasian transport corridors. The Latvian Ministry of Transport has concluded a Memorandum on Cooperation on Transport and Logistics in the Context of the Belt and Road Initiative with the Ministry of Transport of China and Memorandum on Port and Harbor Industrial Park cooperation with the National Development and Reform Commission. Latvia also organized and hosted the 1st Transport ministers meeting and established 16+1 Logistics Secretariat in Riga. Latvia and China has already reached many tangible outcomes, such as test container block-trains, chartered and cargo flights, negotiations on creating a land bridge, and connections linking ports of both countries.

As vitally important export and transit-transshipment points for Latvia itself and for several neighbouring countries, the three largest Latvian ice-free ports provide reliable access 365 days a year. Connections to all other transport infrastructure elements, along with attractive tax-free zone incentives, have resulted in the ports becoming regional centres of industrial activity. Nevertheless, there are still a number of port locations available for businesses, within customs-free zones and with direct sea access.
All of the ports are equipped with the required infrastructure – tanks for bulk liquids, terminals, warehouses and cranes, communications infrastructure – and have operating service-providers – stevedores, agents, customs brokers, and banks – with a number of internationally recognized names like Kuehne & Nagel and Maersk Line, comprising a visible part of the service offer.

The Riga International Airport is the largest airport in the Baltics and in 2017 it served over 6.097 million passengers breaking the annual passenger record (+12.9% y-o-y growth). Airport's cargo volumes have grown by almost a third, accounting for 51% of the Baltic air cargo market.
The Riga International Airport serves almost half (44%) of all Baltic capital passengers. In comparison, in 2016 Tallinn (Estonia) served 18% of total passengers and Vilnius (Lithuania) served 31%. The airport currently serves more than 17 airlines, including Latvia’s national airline airBaltic, European leaders like Lufthansa, Aeroflot, Turkish Airlines, SAS and Finnair, and low-fare carriers Ryanair, Wizzair and Norwegian. The said companies and others ensure fast and reliable direct travel from Riga International Airport to more than 80 destinations. In 2016, the airport completed construction of a North Pier for the terminal which will enable the airport to continue its current growth and increase passenger-handling capacity.
With cargo volumes going up by 29.2%, the Airport also managed to expand its air cargo market in 2017. It was facilitated by both the first scheduled cargo route in the Baltics launched by Turkish Cargo, as well as by the successful cooperation project of SJSC “Latvijas Pasts” and the e-commerce giant Alibaba, which resulted in mail cargo from China being handled at the Airport.

Roads and Railways
To the east, Latvia is one of only three EU countries that have a direct-access border with Russia, making it ideal for east/west trade. The Russian highway M9—the developed road-freight route known as the Baltic Highway—connects Moscow directly with Riga, where it also joins with the Via Baltica highway running north and south between Helsinki and Prague.
Latvia’s railway system is highly reliable, and is even used by NATO to deliver non-military supplies directly from ships from Latvian ports through to Afghanistan. The Trans-Siberian railway connects Riga directly with Moscow, with regularly-scheduled, container-block trains. Latvia and Russia share a common railway gauge and an infrastructure base that continues to facilitate growth in the flow of trade. In the meantime the Trans-European rail transport project Rail Baltica aiming to integrate the Baltic States in the European rail network is in the pipeline.
There are additional opportunities for trade connection with Japan and Southeast Asia. Currently, Latvian railways mostly serve as a transit trunk-line, with as much as 79% of total freight volume comprising transit from Russia to Latvian ports and approximately 35% of freight rolling-stock consisting of tanker-wagons. Movement in the opposite direction, to Moscow and other parts of Russia/CIS, is dominated by container cargo.
With a gamut of successes from previous cooperative projects, Latvia is confident in the potential for more cooperation with China in transport and logistics sector in the future.

Labor Force
The Latvian labour force is multi-lingual and very well educated, ready to take on new challenges and is highly motivated. It has one of the highest rates of university attendance in the world. In 2015/2016 there were 84 282 students attaining 59 higher education and 54 professional education institutions, 3 of which are branches of foreign universities. There are more than 14 thousand students studying in higher education programs for engineering, electronics, metalworking, etc. and also in vocational education programs. Countries with better-trained or better-motivated workforces than Latvia are few and far between. Concurrently, Latvia’s history has prepared its workforce with knowledge of business and cultural norms that enable partnership particularly with Russia and other CIS partners, as well as with western European countries. Over 80% of Latvians speak Russian and 70% of people under age 40 speak English. German and Scandinavian languages are also widely spoken. Latvia’s workforce is ranked in the top five in the world in terms of university students per capita. Latvians take pride in having strong work ethics being an integral part of Northern European culture, while at the same time having and extensive experience and knowledge of doing business with Russia.

Research and Development
Latvia is also a leader in digitization of its societies and markets. It has a bustling academic STEM environment, particularly in quantum computing and robotics. Our universities have won several awards in global robotics competitions, and has frontier-breaking research in industrial, health, domestic, defense and other technologies. The Riga Technical University, for example, has developed unique methods and algorithms for optical flow odometry critical for small mobile devices like drones.
Latvian enterprises are also actively pursuing active applied research. Deep learning AI developed by Squalio cloud consulting is already deployed across the country in transportation (e.g. in speed enforcement across the country). The JSC Latvia’s State Forests (LVM) is a forest management company managing 1.41 million ha of forest land. To manage forests effectively and sustainably, they use leading in-house developed geospatial information technologies providing users with numerous ways to view, process and analyze their data.
Latvia also actively develops international networks and builds collaborative project in the area of precision medicine. The infrastructure and flexibility that we can provide as a small and agile country attracts worldwide giants in the industry. For example, a multifaceted project that is run by University of Latvia in collaboration with pharmaceutical and IT trend setters in the field – Roche and Microsoft, is aiming to develop an open data-driven infrastructure – Data lake, which, will store different gene and health related datasets and make them available for a wide range of research questions. For example, In 2017 a Shenzhen based gene sequencing company Beijing Genom Institute (BGI) invested in Latvia and opened a R&D laboratory in cooperation with Latvian universities.

Tourism, Education and Culture
Collaboration in the fields of tourism, education and culture are intensifying as well. In the last two years, several important agreements and memorandums have been signed, thus creating a legal framework for future exchanges. The Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Science and Technology; agreement on Cooperation in Culture and Memorandum on cooperation for Think Tank Cooperation and Memorandum on Furthering Tourism Cooperation have already been signed.
Together with the events planned within the EU – China Tourism Year it will provide more opportunities for Chinese people to know about our country. We are constantly working to facilitate direct people to people contacts by offering modern and convenient solutions to visa application process and travel to Latvia. Think tank cooperation, exchanges in culture and education are increasing. In addition to considerable interest for studying the Chinese language and culture in Latvia, the Latvian language is being taught in three universities in China. The Belt and Road Academic Exchange Center has been set-up at the North China Institute of Science and Technology. A regional China Culture center is planned in Riga, aimed at further promoting understanding and exchanges between our countries. On the eve of the Olympic Games 2022 in China we are also exploring cooperation possibilities in winter sports.
Latvia is already a trusted Chinese partner in the Baltic region. There are ample opportunities to move Latvia – China cooperation forward. With the concentrated efforts of all those involved Latvia – China relations are sure to unlock its full potential.