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姆贝尔瓦 凯鲁基:坦桑尼亚的良好机遇

文/ 姆贝尔瓦 凯鲁基(H.E. Ambassador Mbelwa Kairuki)坦桑尼亚驻华大使

文|姆贝尔瓦 凯鲁基(H.E. Ambassador Mbelwa Kairuki)坦桑尼亚驻华大使   翻译|王晓波














Good Opportunity for Tanzania

By H.E. Ambassador Mbelwa Kairuki of The United Republic of Tanzania to China

Tanzania-China relations have existed for more than five decades and can be termed as a solid partnership. The relationship started out as a political one for the liberation of Africa as well as for putting China on the world map where Tanzania together with other developing co untries worked for the restoration of the People’s Republic of China at the United Nations. Now the relationship is evolving into more of an economic one where trade and investment opportunities are being explored between our two countries. 

The decision to establish the first China International Import Expo is a clear testimony to Chinese commitment to actively develop mutual-benefit and win-win economic and trade partnership with countries participating in the Belt and Road construction, impel the trade and investment facilitation with all relevant countries, construct the free trade network of the Belt and Road, and assist in regional and global economic growth.  In other words, the import Expo proved to the friends and foes alike, that Belt and Road initiative is not an empty empty talk or empty slogan, but rather a series of concrete measures that lead to establishment of win-win cooperation.  It is also a clear evidence of Chinese commitment to create a community of shared future and prosperity.

The import export expo provides a good opportunity to continue strengthening trade cooperation between Tanzania and China. China’s opening up to imports from other countries will enable Tanzania to sell to China its high quality products that Tanzania has comparative advantage in. These range from agricultural products, a variety of minerals found in Tanzania as well as breathtaking tourist products. The TANZANITE gemstone and TOURIST ATTRACTIONS would certainly attract the Chinese market.  

Tanzania is endowed with an abundance of semi-precious gemstones including minerals such as Ruby, Sapphire, Amethyst, garnets and Emeralds, and remains the only country with the most sought after gemstone, Tanzanite. Tanzanite is a thousand times rarer than diamonds and is only found in Tanzania. Tanzanite is noted for its remarkably strong sparkle, appearing alternately blue, violet and burgundy depending on crystal orientation. The Import Export Expo will give an opportunity for Tanzania to display this gemstone and the Chinese can consider to import it as a rare personal adornment directly from Tanzania and not through third parties as is happening now. Besides Tanzanite, other minerals that would be of interest to China are gold, uranium, nickel, caustic soda and iron ore.

Another products to meet China’s needs are rich tourism resources and an assortment of world cultural and natural heritage sites. These range from national parks where one can experience vast wildlife herds to exotic beaches as well as famous palaeoanthropological and historical sites such as Laetoli, Olduvai Kondoa Rock Art sites and Kilwa. The latter traded with China in ancient times.  Word famous Tourist attractions found in Tanzania include: Kilimanjaro Mountain, Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Conservation area, The Selous Game Reserve, Gombe National Park, Zanzibar beaches and many more.

One of the distinct features of Tanzania’s wildlife tourism is the Serengeti wildebeest migration. Seeking new pasture, the wildebeests and zebra herds move north from their breeding grounds in the grassy southern plains in massive numbers. Many cross the marshy western corridor’s crocodile-infested Grumeti River. Others veer northeast to the Lobo Hills, home to black eagles. The migration is an all year round spectacle starting from November through October the following year when the Serengeti Wildebeest migration starts again.

Zanzibar’s dazzling white beaches are another place that would interest the Chinese market. There are more than 25 fantastic beaches in Zanzibar and some are so quiet, remote and peaceful that the only sound one hears comes from the ocean. These beaches are a perfect place to relax, swim, snorkel, soak up the sun and take a break from the usual busy lifestyle. There are also several smaller offshore islands in Zanzibar where one of them has a large population of ancient Aldabra tortoises. 

Many Chinese tourists believe that tourism is an important means to improve their quality of life and happiness and for them outbound tourism is no longer a whirlwind tour just for wild shopping. Chinese tourists have gradually returned to nature tourism. Tanzania has numerous and word class natural and cultural heritage attractions to cater to for  the Chinese tourists’ needs and tastes. In order to facilitate Chinese tourist to explore the tourist attractions that Tanzania has to offer later this year Tanzania’s national carrier Air Tanzania will establish direct flights from Guangszhou to Dar es Salaam. The initial plan is to have three fights a week.