您做在的位置: 中国投资 > 过往期刊目录 > 过往期刊 > 2018年7月(下)


封面文章 Cover Stories

18  探访苏丹:机遇与挑战

20  苏丹:机遇和挑战

|  许成之

32  改善营商环境的努力


  (Dr. Nagmeldin Hassan lbrahim)

|  许成之 张梅  卢爱任

39  “是时候来苏丹开发资源了”


  (Mr.AzhariAbdul-Gadir Abdalla)

|  许成之 张梅  卢爱任

45  苏中关系新视野


  (H.E.Ambassador Ahmed Shawer)

|  张梅

现状·趋势 Status And Trends

16  美国模式能替代中国模式吗 ?

| 王洪一

影像非洲 Africa Images

66  南非

认识非洲 Understanding Africa


71  加纳媒体格局

| 阿福尔(Benson AFFUL)



72  非洲电信联盟

合作实践 Efforts On The Ground

74  行之有效的“地方性”实践

| 卢琰

投资非洲 Investing in Africa

76  坦桑尼亚推进本土化立法

| 朱伟东

50  苏丹投资指南

|  阿巴斯·亚辛(Abbas Yassin) 苏丹驻华使馆参赞

55  加强大学之间的交流


   HAMED ) 喀土穆大学文学院中文系主任

57  走进苏丹的“中国医院”

|  张梅

60  助力苏丹本土制药

|  张梅

63  惠及三分之一人口的民生工程

|  宋子龙

社会人文 Society and Culture


81  南部非洲成人仪式

| 蒂玛·布拉(Fatima Bulla)


84  走近曼德拉囚禁之地

| 潘华琼


88  跨界民族:富拉尼族人

| 王正龙

读非洲 Read Africa


90  政治秩序为什么瓦解?

| 钱镇

非洲商业观察 Business in Africa

93  非洲经济差异化发展态势

| 智宇琛

数说非洲 Africa in Numbers

96  非洲主要货币汇率表(2018 年 7 月)

| African Development Bank

Cover Stories

18 The Republic of Sudan:

Opportunities and Challenges

23  Sudan: opportunities and challenges

| Xu Chengzhi

28  Simplified Procedures to facilitate investment

——Interview with Dr. Nagmeldin Hassan Ibrahim , Undersecretary of

Sudan’s Ministry of Investment and acting Minister of Investment

| Xu Chengzhi ZhangMei Lu Airen

35  Time to Invest in Sudan’s Mineral Resources

——Interview with Mr.AzhariAbdul-Gadir Abdalla,

Minister of Sundan’s Ministry of Petroleum & Gas

| Xu Chengzhi ZhangMei Lu Airen

42  New vision of the relationship between Sudan and China

——Interview with the Ambassador of the Republic of Sundan to

China,H.E.Ahmed Shawer

| ZhangMei

47  Sudan Investment Guide

| Mr.Abbas Yassin, Counsellor of the Sudanese

Embassy to China

52  Strengthen the Communication between



Director of the Chinese Department of the

Faculty of Arts, University of Khartoum

57  “Chinese Hospital” in Sudan

| Zhang Mei

60  Help Sudan's Homegrown Pharmaceuticals

| Zhang Mei

63  People's Livelihood Projects Benefiting one-

third People

| Song Zilong

Status and Trends

16  Can the American Model replace the Chinese Model?

| Wang Hongyi

African Images

66  South Africa

Understanding Africa

【 Media Scan 】

70  Media situation in Ghana

| Benson AFFUL, Journalist at the Business& Financial

Times, Ghana

【 Organizations Institutions 】

72  African Telecommunications Union

Efforts on the Ground

74  Effective "local Practice" 

| Lu Yan

Investing in Africa

76  Localization Legislation in Tanzania 

| Zhu Weidong

Society and Culture

|Column| Africans tell stories

78  The Initiation tradition in Southern Africa

| Fatima Bulla, Journalist of The Sunday Mail

|Column| Survey of Africa World Heritage Sites

84  Robben Island: Witness Mandela’s Liberation

from Incarceration 

| Pan Huaqiong

|Column| Africans in My Eyes

88  Knowing about the Fulani

| Wang Zhenglong

Read Africa

|Thousands of Books|

90  Why is the political order disintegrated?

| Qian Zhen

Africa Insight

93  The situation of differentiated economic

development in Africa

| Zhi Yuchen

Africa in Numbers

96  Exchange Rate of Major African Currencies

(July 2018)

| African Development Bank
