您做在的位置: 中国投资 > 过往期刊目录 > 过往期刊 > 2018年8月(下)


特稿 Special Contribution

15  和平共处 : 构建人类命运共同体

|阿卜杜勒 – 阿齐兹·布特弗利卡 阿尔及利亚民主人民共和国总统

21  关于人类命运共同体的思考


22  打造中非命运共同体的典范

|孙保红 中国驻肯尼亚大使

31  构建合作共赢的新型国际关系

|多索 阿达马( S.E. DOSSO Adama )


33  中国的非洲情怀


40  深化中非卫生健康合作

|崔丽 国家卫生健康委员会副主任

45  以投资为纽带助力中非命运共同体

|杨宝华 中非发展基金董事长

51  新时代中非防务安全合作

|王斌 国防大学国际防务学院教授

59  命运共同体怎样改变非洲发展

|彼得·卡格万加(Prof. Peter Kagwanja)


64  从“我的利益”到“我们的利益”

|梅拉库·穆鲁阿勒姆(Melaku Mulualem K)


中非故事 Between China and Africa

68  驶向新世纪的时光列车

| 李佳璇

74  中非基础设施建设合作成就

| 智宇琛

82 产能合作:携手繁荣未来


86 佩德罗的“非洲梦”

|刘贝 温利

94 在华十个月的交流生活

|艾德蒙·史密斯 – 阿桑蒂

98 人文交流的作用


102 我的非洲朋友在中国


Special Contribution

13  Peaceful Coexistence: Building a Community of

Human Destiny

|H.E. President Abdelaziz Bouteflika,The People's

Democratic Republic of Algeria

19  Thoughts on a Communtty With a Shared Future

|H.E. President MOKGWEETSI E. K. MASISI, The Republic

of Botswana

25  Make a model for building the China-Africa

community of shared future

|H.E. Ambassador Sun Baohong of China to Kenya

28  Construire un nouveau type de relations

internationales avec une coopération

gagnant – gagnant

|S.E. DOSSO Adama, Ambassadeur extraordinaire

et plénipotentiaire de Côte d'Ivoire en Chine

36  China’s special bond with Africa

|Luo Jianbo, Professor and Director at the

Institute for International Strategic Studies, Party

School of the Central Committee of the CPC

42  Deepen health cooperation and build a

China-Africa community of shared future

|Cui Li, Deputy Director of the National Health


48  Investment, a Contribution to a Closer China-Africa

Community of Common Destiny

|Yang Baohua, Chairperson of China-Africa

Development Fund

53  China-Africa Defense and Security Cooperation in

the New Era

|Prof. Wang Bin, International College of Defense

Studies, National Defense University

56  How Community of Commondestiny is Shaping

Africa’s Development

|Prof. Peter Kagwanja, Chief Executive of the Africa

Policy Institute in Kenya

61  Building a Community of Shared Destiny: A Move

from "My Interests" to "Our Interests"

|Melaku Mulualem K, Foreign Policy Analysis

Department Head in The Ethiopian Foreign Relations

Strategic Studies Institute

Between China and Africa

71  "Mombasa-Nairobi" Standard Gauge Railway:

An Intercontinental Train Driving China-Africa

Cooperation into New Era

|Jiaxuan Li

76  State of Infrastructural Development Cooperation

between China and Africa

|Zhi Yuchen

79  China-Uganda Industrial Capacity Cooperation:

Building Community of Shared Future, Aiding


|Ronald Kato

88  Pedro’s African Dream

|Liu Bei, Wen Li

92  An African Journalist’s 10-month Sojourn in China

|Edmund Smith-Asante

96  Humanities Role in Building Cooperation 

|Jator Njechu

100 My African Journey in China

|Trix Ingado
