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中喀合作发展实践 ——专访喀麦隆驻华大使马丁·姆巴纳(Martin Mpana)

文/ 马丁·姆巴纳 (H.E. Ambassador Martin Mpana ) 喀麦隆驻华大使


——专访喀麦隆驻华大使马丁·姆巴纳(Martin Mpana)

文| 本刊记者  裴安迪   杰特·恩杰邱(Jator Njechu)(实习) 翻译| 张慧雯




























总的来说,喀麦隆拥有非洲一些最有优势的投资机会。它还是世界上最和平稳定的国家之一。喀麦隆人民的热情好客和双语能力(英语和法语)所带来的有利条件,哪怕是非洲以外的国家,都难以企及。(编辑: 裴安迪) 


In the wake of the Beijing Summit to mark the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) earlier this month, China Investment had a chat with the Ambassador of the Republic of Cameroon on his country’s economy and some investment opportunities, longstanding and traditional friendly relation with China, as well as government effort dredging deep into improving the business climate and other motivations to ensure win-win spin offs from investing in Cameroon, the most resilient to shock and most diversified economy in Central Africa.

China Investment: From a perspective of history, can you underline some successful experiences of cooperation between China and Cameroon?

Martin Mpana: Cameroon and China established diplomatic relations in 1971. Therefore, they are age-old partners that have been entertaining rich and highly diversified ties for almost half a century now. In this light, it would be illusionary trying to present an exhaustive retrospective review of these ties without running the risk of several omissions. Therefore I will focus on just a few landmarks.

On 9th June 1975, both parties signed a Protocol Agreement on cooperation in the domain of public health. Through this Agreement, China has been enhancing the skills of Cameroonian medics through exchange programmes which are carried out in the Mbalmayo, Guider, and Yaoundé main hospitals. More than seven hundred Cameroonian medics have benefitted from this programme especially in the fields of remedial medicine and traditional Chinese medicine.

China has also been pivotal in infrastructural development in Cameroon. The Yaoundé Conference Centre was built in the 1980s with Chinese partnership. The fame and pride of that structure is still unparalleled in Yaoundé even up to today. The Lagdo dam was built with Chinese support between 1977 and 1982. This dam supplies electricity to towns connected on the Northern grid lines. In more recent times, China supported Cameroon over the Bakassi dispute.

China Investment: To what extent is the role of bilateral relations with China on economic development of Cameroon since its longstanding and traditional relationship with China?

Martin Mpana: The fallouts of our cooperation with China are clearly visible on our economic landscape. The Cameroon Government’s current effort to resolve its energy deficit has received strong backing from China. EXIM Bank China has heavily financed the construction of the Mekin, Lom Pangar and Mem Mve’ele multi-purpose dam projects. When commissioned, these dams are earmarked to produce cumulatively almost 250 Mega-watts of electricity. The importance of these projects to our economy needs no special emphasis.

China’s mark is equally evident on our transport sector. The Kribi deep sea port and the Bamenda – Ikom (in Nigeria) express way were built with Chinese partnership. The Yaoundé-Douala dual carriage way and the Yaounde-Nsimalen express way are currently being constructed with Chinese expertise.

China has left indelible foot-prints in our public health and sporting sectors. The chain of gynecological – obstetric hospitals throughout Cameroon has been achieved through partnership with China. The Warda multi-purpose sport complex in Yaoundé, just like the Limbe and Bafoussam Omni sport football stadia are all owed to this cooperation with China.

In a nutshell, China has distinguished itself as one of Cameroon’s strategic and most reliable partners in the implementation of President Paul BIYA’s effort to transform Cameroon in to an Emergent Economy by 2035.

China Investment: What are the lessons of development have you got in China that you think can be relevant back in your country?

Martin Mpana: Primarily, I have learnt that the Chinese People fervently belief and uphold the political and economic choices of their Government. Therefore, they are uninterested in acrimonious and sterile political debates. It is a type of national consensus, that power should be vested in the Chinese Communist Party. That Party has been delivering the goods through the various reforms it has crafted and implemented meticulously over the last six decades. The various adjustments made by that Party during difficult times such as the Cultural Revolution, reveals its internal dynamism and responsiveness to the views and feelings of the Chinese People.

Secondly, the Chinese are hard, disciplined and dedicated workers.  They have understood that this is the path to development. I still have vivid memories of that class of Chinese “Migrant Workers” who toiled to build this country. I commend them. They are role models who sacrificed themselves to produce a new brand of China that the current generation of Chinese should be proud of and strive to emulate. If we in Africa are ready to emulate and replicate such Chinese models, then we can also dream to become like China in few years.

I have also learnt and imbibed the Chinese idea that development is not simply a point to be attained. According to the Chinese, it is a continuous endeavour. They are hardly contented with today’s progress. They constantly challenge themselves to improve upon their current achievements. That is why Reform is an integral and crucial issue in China. Such a Reformist mindset underpinned China’s openness to the world. The economic reforms instituted by President Deng Xiao Ping, and the “Belt and Road Project” that has been initiated by President Xi Jin Ping. 

China Investment: Cameroon shares a common goal of mutual benefit, win-win outcome and building a community of shared future with China, how do you see the future of China-Africa community?

Martin Mpana: The prospects are really bright especially when most of our people will start reaping the benefits of the Major Accomplishment Projects, which our Head of State, H.E Paul BIYA launched a few years ago.

Just imagine the spin-offs if Cameroon could feed five million Chinese with banana on a daily basis. That single action could employ at least 15 million persons in Cameroon. China is a huge market with a buoyant middle class. The challenge is for African countries to change their policies and methods production so that their products can penetrate this vast market through standardization. They should cease selling mostly unprocessed raw materials such as timber iron-ore, bauxite etc. So, let us be imaginative and creative. That mindset can be achieved through partnership with China.

China Investment: What do you regard as the main priorities within the bilateral relations with China? Are there general aspects which ought to be improved?

Martin Mpana: There is hardly any human endeavour that cannot be improved upon, and this is true of Sino-Africa cooperation, which has few gaps which can be improved if we want to attain higher heights. For instance, the local populations on both sides are still to grasp the essence of Sino-African cooperation. Secondly, the benefits of this cooperation are not reported sufficiently by our media. There are still some embedded cultural variations which stifle this cooperation. The most important is to look into what can unite us and make us stronger. 

China Investment: Do you have any word(s) of motivation in regards to potential investments?

Martin Mpana: Despite the rich and highly diversified cooperation ties between our two countries, potential Chinese investors should realize that there are still several avenues for cooperation between our two countries. I wish to equally reiterate here that my list will hardly be exhaustive. 

There are almost infinite opportunities for investment in the energy sector. Cameroon has the second hydro-electricity potential in Africa. Therefore, any prospective investor in this sector could simply examine the several feasibility studies that have been fine-tuned on various river basins in Cameroon, such as the Rivers Ekom-Nkam, Menchum or Nyazom etc. 

There are huge opportunities for exploiting the Mbalam iron ore deposits, the bauxite fields of Mini-Martap or the uranium deposits of Lolodorf. It would also be highly profitable to venture in the construction of the railway lines that would export these minerals to global markets. 

There are equally several opportunities for small and medium size investments, especially in the agro-allied and tourism industries. Cameroon has all the four ecological zones of Africa. Therefore, you can grow virtually every crop that is cultivated in Africa in Cameroon; as well as see almost all of Africa’s biodiversity in Cameroon. This unique trait is the main reason why Cameroon is often referred to as an Africa in miniature i.e. all of Africa’s natural wealth found in one country.

In addition to the above, there are huge incentives for investments in most of these sectors. Law N°2013/004 of 18 April 2013 outlines the different incentives for local and foreign investors in Cameroon. For example, Mining companies are exempted from a business license during the first two years of their existence. There are several tax exemptions on oil and mining research; and even on the dividends paid to shareholders. Certain Chinese investors are already taking advantage of that Law and are currently operating highly lucrative businesses in Cameroon.

Summarily, Cameroon has some of the most interesting investment opportunities in Africa. It remains one of the most peaceful and stable countries in the world. The legendary hospitality of its people and their bilingual character (English and French) are assets which are unparalleled even beyond Africa.