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——专访瑞士联邦经济、教育和研究部部长约翰·施耐德-阿曼(Mr. Johann N. Schneider-Ammann)

文|本刊记者  张梅    翻译|王晓波

  导 读 


● 中瑞自贸协定需要升级




N. Schneider-Ammann)在北京接受本刊记者独家专访。






















编辑   | 杨海霞

设计   | 姜灵枝


with Mr. Johann N. Schneider-Ammann, Swiss Federal Councillor and Head
of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research

the entry into force of China-Switzerland Free Trade Agreement in July
2014, it has made important contributions to the upgrading of bilateral
cooperation in various fields. At present, China is Switzerland’s most
important economic partner in Asia. In 2017, the total trade between
China and Switzerland, including rare metals, amounted to 37 billion
Swiss Francs, ranking just behind Switzerland's trade with European
Union and the United States. Besides rare metals, Switzerland's main
exports to China are pharmaceutical products, machinery and watches;
while at the same time, it also imports machinery, electrical appliances
and textiles from China. China's total investment in Switzerland has
exceeded 21 billion Swiss Francs, and China has also become the
preferred destination for Swiss enterprises to invest in Asia. The legal
framework of bilateral trade and investment between China and
Switzerland has been further confirmed through the bilateral tax
reduction and exemption, the signing of investment protection agreements
and the implementation of China-Switzerland Free Trade Agreement (FTA)
since 2014.

China-Switzerland Free Trade Agreement is entering into a stage of
improvement and upgrading, so in what areas does Switzerland hope to
upgrade? Furthermore, as the current global trade and investment system
is undergoing major changes, in which direction will it develop? And
what are the key and potential fields for the cooperation between China
and Switzerland? In early September, when Mr.Johann N. Schneider-Ammann,
who is the Swiss Federal Councillor and Head of the Federal Department
of Economic Affairs, Education and Research, came to China for a working
visit, he accepted an exclusive interview with China Investment in
Beijing, particularly talking about these issues.

China Investment:
China-Switzerland FTA has been officially implemented since July 1,
2014. Over the last five years, what is the important role of the FTA in
facilitating bilateral economic and trade relationship? What have we
achieved in these years? What are the shortcomings of FTA for now? Which
aspects of the FTA does your country would like to upgrade? In Which
areas do we need to improve? 

Mr. Johann N. Schneider-Ammann: The
Switzerland-China FTA has indeed given a boost to bilateral trade in
both directions. Even excluding gold as the most important traded good
between our two countries, Swiss exports to China have risen by almost
30% from 8.8 billion Swiss Francs to 11.4 billion between 2014 and 2017.
Imports of goods from China grew by 7% over the same period, from 12.1
to 12.9 billion. Even more importantly, the FTA has established direct
contact channels between competent authorities on both sides. Such
preferential contacts are extremely valuable when it comes to addressing
problems and swiftly solving all kinds of technical difficulties
encountered by economic operators in their daily business.

said this, there are still important Swiss high-tech products for which
Chinese companies have to pay high tariffs. It is important for me to
address this shortcoming in the near future.

:  Many Westerners believe that based on the FTA, China are
relying on Switzerland as a trade channel to import Chinese products
into the EU market. Is this the case?

Mr.Johann N. Schneider-Ammann: If
the last decade has shown us anything in trade, it is that companies
seek the most sensible route of production and assembly over many
territories. Developments like the integrated production in Europe or
the shift away from Made in China towards South-East Asia exemplify
this. We have truly entered the age of global value chains. Any FTA
should help making these value chains more efficient – as long as
manufacturers can fulfil the respective rules of origin.

China Investment
Recently, US President Trump expressed his intention to withdraw from
the WTO. Do you think the United States will withdraw? If they did
withdraw, how would this affect the global trading system?

Mr. Johann N. Schneider-Ammann: The
US also has an interest in a rules-based multilateral trading system
within the WTO. The WTO now has 164 member states, and more countries
are in the process of joining. For the US, too, the effort of putting in
place bilateral trade agreements with all these states is likely to be
too great. We do not expect the US to leave the WTO. The US is not
satisfied with certain developments in the WTO. From our point of view,
there is indeed a need for certain reforms in the WTO to safeguard and
improve the trading system.

China Investment
On July 25th, the President of European Commission Juncker and US
President Trump reached a consensus that the US and Europe will sign a
trade agreement with zero tariff. What’s your opinion on the prospects
of the US-European agreement? Would this become a successful agreement?

Mr. Johann N. Schneider-Ammann:
Switzerland would be amiss if we did not follow these developments
between our most and our second most important trading partner closely.
Experience shows us that there will be many details and topics other
than tariffs to be negotiated before such an agreement can become

China Investment
Switzerland is a very important country in the global economic system,
and the current trade and investment system is undergoing major changes.
In Swiss point of view, to which direction is the current system
evolving? What kind of trade and investment system is more in line with
global interests? 

Mr.Johann N. Schneider-Ammann: In
a world of global value chains, the purely bilateral, binary view of
trade must come to its logical end. Realising this shows us the true
value and achievement of the multilateral trading system. Any country
trying to uncouple from those value chains would be short sighted at
best, making itself a pariah and undermining trust in the system at
worst. Switzerland, therefore, wholeheartedly stands up for
strengthening the system and the WTO at its core. We work with all
members on new approaches to keep the WTO relevant – in administering
the existing agreements, in settling disputes, and in negotiating new
agreements. It is those rules that give legal security and thus keep
global trade and investment predictable. 

China Investment:
In Sino-Swiss economic cooperation, which areas are those with
potential? In these areas, what cooperation plans does Switzerland

Mr. Johann N. Schneider-Ammann: 
I am strongly opposed to governments making any such plans for the
private sector. It is our duty to provide the best framework conditions –
like the Switzerland-China FTA – for the private sector to find
creative ways to make use of it. Knowing how innovative Swiss companies
are, I am convinced they will succeed.

China Investment
What’s your opinion on the opportunities and challenges of Sino-Swiss
cooperation under the framework of Belt and Road Initiative? 

Mr. Johann N. Schneider-Ammann:  With
regard to the Belt and Road Initiative, our approach has been clear:
Switzerland welcomes the BRI. Swiss companies are interested in the BRI.
I believe they can give valuable inputs to projects along the BRI – for
as long as there is full transparency, also in procurement, and those
projects follow international norms and standards. They need to be
sustainable in their financing as well as in their social and
environmental impact. 

China Investment
At this moment, many EU countries are tightening rules on foreign
investment. In Switzerland, what’s the opinion on the investment from

Mr. Johann N. Schneider-Ammann: Swiss
investors are among the most important worldwide. They need open market
access and reciprocity regardless in which country. I want Switzerland
to be open to foreign investors as much as I want other countries – and
especially China – to be open reciprocally for Swiss investments. There
are only a few sectors, where I have come to the conclusion that they
have to stay domestic. Those are strategic infrastructures like power
distribution or telecommunications.

employee uses a tablet to check the functions of a robot named "Paul",
which can be used by customers to find products at a store of
electronics retailer Media Markt in (CFP)

Author | Zhang Mei 

Design | Jiang Lingzhi