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文| 迪亚·哈立德(Dhia Khaled)突尼斯驻华大使 翻译| 王晓波

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● 双边合作重大进展


“外交培训学院”—— 两国合作试点项目



⬆2018年10月12日,在突尼斯组装生产的首辆乘用车-“吉利”轿车成功下线(新华社 黄灵摄)


“外交培训学院”—— 两国合作试点项目


BRI Upgrades Tunisia-China Cooperation

By H.E. Dhia Khaled   Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia to China

The Tunisian-Chinese relations have seen a qualitative leap since the launch of the Belt and Road Initiative, to which Tunisia has paid a great attention and became, in July 2018, an official member after the signing, in Beijing, of a Memorandum of Understanding by their Excellencies Mr. Khemaies Jhinaou, Tunisian Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Mr. Wang Yi, Chinese State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The Belt and Road initiative has been transformed rapidly into an umbrella and a locomotive for various bilateral and multilateral cooperation mechanisms, and Tunisia is nourishing great expectations for the future of its bilateral relations and cooperation with China within this new and innovative mechanism.

As on 2017, Tunisia participated recently to the second session of the International Cooperation Forum of the Belt and Road Initiative, by an important delegation led by H.E. Mr Sabri Bachtobji, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, who discussed with several Chinese officials the ways and means to further develop our bilateral relations, having in mind and taking benefits of the new opportunities offered by the initiative.  

Important development of bilateral cooperation in recent years

The continuous evolving the Belt and Road initiative and the success of Tunisia in achieving its political transition and consolidating its social and economic progress, have had a positive impact on Tunisian-Chinese relations that are witnessing a day-to-day progress and updating in various fields.

The frequency of high-level reciprocal visits reflects, undeniably, the dynamism of the cooperation that exists between our two countries. I would recall, as significant examples, the visit paid by H.E M. Wang Yi State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs of P.R. China  to Tunisia in 2016, followed by two visits of his Tunisian counterpart, H.E.M Khemaies Jhinaoui, to China  in 2017 and 2018, and a visit of the Tunisian Chief of Government, H.E. Mr. Youssef Chahed, to Beijing in September 2018. Other governmental and Political Parties visits were also registered in both directions and largely contributed to the reinforcement of the basis of our cooperation .

Furthermore, a Tunisian-Chinese Business Council was created in 2017 and became, in a very short time, an important platform for communication and interaction between the business communities of the two countries.

China was ranked in recent years Tunisia’s fourth largest trading partner and its third provider in term of imports. It became also an important strategic market for Tunisia’s tourism sector, regarding the rapid increase in the number of Chinese tourists, which grew from only 3000 in 2010, to 8,000 in 2016 and to around 30,000 in 2018.

We have also witnessed an outstanding development of University and Scientific cooperation between Tunisia and China. The volume of student exchanges has remarkably risen and we have succeeded together in achieving an important archaeological discovery in 2018, which includes 10 archaeological sites in southern Tunisia as part of a joint scientific research program.

Besides, Tunisia aspires to increase the volume of China’s investment and encourages Chinese enterprises to take advantage of the propitious business climate in the country, whether through foreign investment policies approved by the Tunisian Government or free trade and commercial agreements that Tunisia signed with the European Union, the African COMESA Group and also with numerous regional bodies , which provide to the Chinese investor a direct access to a billion-strong market.

Infrastructure and modern industries, the locomotive of cooperation between the two countries

During a visit to Beijing, in September 2018, of the Tunisian Chief of Government H.E. Mr. Youssef Chahed, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed. It is related to the realization of feasibility of three major infrastructure projects in southern Tunisia, including a railway link project, a bridge and an industrial zone.

Furthermore, some other Memorandum of Understanding were signed during the visit to China, in February 2019, of H.E.. Mr Zied Laadhari, Minister of Investment, Development and International Cooperation, and they are related also to big infrastructure projects in the Governorates of Sfax, Bizerte and Nabeul.

It is a matter of fact that Tunisia attaches a great importance to cooperate with China in the field of big projects of development but it looks forward, at the same time, to attract, as much as possible, Chinese direct investments in productive activities.  It is one of the objectives that we are working on closely with the Chinese Government and companies form both public and private sectors, to achieve within a spirt of win-win partnership.

Moreover, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, AIIB, has approved on April 2019 Tunisia’s membership in the group of Member States. This membrship will certainly provide Tunisia with a new platform for cooperation with China and the other members of the Bank in developing some infrastructure projects within the spirit of the Belt and Road Initiative.

In the field of industry and modern technology, Chinese companies have shown increasing interest to the investment climate in Tunisia, where some Chinese strong automobile companies have opened car assembly factories. In addition, the Chinese “Beidou navigation system” conducted in Tunisia, in March 2019, its first experience in the agricultural field in African and Arab regions.

The sectors of modern industry and technology represent an important priority for the Tunisian Government, and there are direct contacts between Tunisian and Chinese companies to attract more Chinese investment in these crucial fields.

The “Diplomatic Academy “, a pilot project in the Tunisian-Chinese cooperation

Following the agreement reached, in 2017, by Tunisian and Chinese Foreign Affairs Ministers their Excellencies Mr. Khemaies Jhinaoui and Mr. Wang Yi, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed in Tunis, in February 2018, to establish a “Tunisian Diplomatic Academy”. The cornerstone of the project was laid on May 3rd, 2019 By the Tunisian President of Republic, H.E. Mr Béji Caïd Essebsi.

The “Diplomatic Academy” is certainly one of the most important projects to be realized within the framework of our bilateral cooperation in the coming future. It will serve as a model for mutual beneficial partnership and will contribute to the rapprochement and understanding between the two sides. Tunisia’s choice of China to build this important institution reflects the confidence that my country gives to China and the excellent level reached by our friendly relations.

Besides of training the Tunisian diplomats and officials, we are closely working with the Chinese authorities to make The Tunisian Diplomatic Academy as a platform for regional cooperation and training for diplomats coming from friendly countries.

The Tunisian side is positively and optimistically looking at the future of the bilateral relations with China and is determined to further upgrade theme to a much higher level.

| 迪亚·哈立德(Dhia Khaled)突尼斯驻华大使

编辑 | 张梅

  设计 | 李玉丹