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文|阿玛多·肯德萨·狄阿罗(Amadou Kendessa Diallo)  几内亚《自由报》记者 翻译|王晓波
图片提供|阿玛多·肯德萨·狄阿罗(Amadou Kendessa Diallo)

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● 几内亚地质和土壤适宜农业发展

























Guinea: country of mining and agricultural potential

By Amadou Kendessa Diallo  Journalist of HOROYA, Guinée

The Republic of Guinea with an area of 245,857 square kilometers is located on the west coast of Africa. It has a coastal area of more than 300 sq km with huge fishery resources because of its geographical position. In 2014, its population was about 12 million, according to the general census of Habitat and Population carried out by the government with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Guinea is also a well-known country for the Mont Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, located in the southeast of the country, in the N’Zérékoré region. This nature reserve protects a wooden mountain range containing local plants pieces and animals, including chimpanzees and viviparous toads.

Its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is 10.49 billion USD in 2017 and growth is between 5 and 6%. Its economy is highly dependent on the mining sector while the country has enormous agricultural potential not yet exploited.

Guinea, a geological and agricultural land
Guinea is one of the few countries in the sub-region, if not the only one that nature has endowed with so many natural resources. Hence its nicknamed the “geological land”. There are almost all kinds of mineral resources: iron, diamond, bauxite, uranium, limestone, gold, and offshore oil in its west coast. All these made Guinea an attractive and future country for investments.

Currently, the country has adopted important reforms in the context of investments. With these reforms, it is easier for an investor to see his/her file processed in a short period of time unlike in previous years. Before then the processing of investment files could take months but with the new reforms, it is a matter of days or hours.

To make these reforms operational, a platform has been set up by the Agency for the Promotion of Private Investment (APIP) to facilitate the work of local and foreign investors. This platform allows investors to see the Guinean opportunities they can invest in.

The Agency for the Promotion of Private Investment also spells out that Guinea’s favorable business climate is based on the commitment to fostering innovation and pursuing responsible growth. With solid experience in various aspects of economic performance, Guinea provides investors with the infrastructure, talent and regulatory support needed to grow their businesses in a competitive world.

Known for the richness and variety of its natural resources, Guinea offers potential for investment and attracts many investors in terms of infrastructure, energy, agriculture and mining among others. The country has bauxite (third exporter behind Australia and China according to the World Bank), gold, diamond, iron, uranium, limestone, cement …

Guinea is the largest reserve of Bauxite and the richest iron ore in the world.

Aside from these mineral resources, it must also be emphasized that Guinea, from the East to West, South to North of the country, has enormous agricultural potential which if implemented, could be a real engine for economic growth. the World Bank suggest that the country should make agriculture one of its priorities. It has 6 million arable land area, according to agricultural statistics and the country’s produce include palm oil, potato, pineapple, coconut, banana, rice, orange, mango, yam, cotton, cashew nut, lettuce, fonio, cassava, millet, sorghum.

Guinea was declared in 2018, one of the three most reforming countries in French-speaking Africa, according to a World Bank report published in 2019.

Chinese and Guinean relations are in good shape
Guinea and China have long-standing relations since 1959, the year of Chinese accession to the United Nations. The Chinese and Guinean presidents also have good rapport. In 2017, two years after the re-election of President Alpha Condé, Guinea and China signed a mega loan agreement worth $20 billion against mining resources. That’s $1 billion a year for 20 years. This explains the health of the cooperation between the two states and also announces a better future in this cooperation.

China supported Guinea during the Ebola outbreak in the country in 2014, spread to other West African countries, particularly Liberia and Sierra Leone.

Apart from this aid, China has built many public buildings for Guinea. These include the People’s Palace; which also the seat of the National Assembly, the Sékhoutoureya palace which houses the presidency and the headquarters of Guinean radio and television.

The latest building built under the Chinese and Guinean friendship is the hospital located at the heart of the capital Conakry. The modern 400 metre facility is equipped the state-of-the-earth equipment.

The luxurious hospital fully funded by China to the tune of ten million US dollars, was inaugurated in 2012.

⬆Gold mine in Guinea(CFP)

In terms of academic training, China offers scholarships every year to Guinean civil servants, researchers and students, not to mention the biannual, monthly or annual training courses and the construction of rural schools.

All of these culminated in the construction of the Plaza Diamant city in Kipé and the Kaleta hydroelectric dam, launched in 2015.

Major Chinese projects in Guinea
In Guinea, Chinese companies are active in energy, mining, infrastructure and agribusiness. Major ongoing projects include the Souapiti hydroelectric dam (with China Water International Electric), China Road and Bridge’s construction of the Coyah-Dabola road Corporation (CRBC) and China Power ongoing constructing the Koukoutamba Dam electric funded by the Organization of the Development of Senegal River.

To these various projects, we must add those relating to the modernization of the universities of Sonfonia, Labe, Kankan, and N’Zerekore.

It can be said that, despite the potentialities available to the country, there are still enormous challenges ahead. The country is sorely lacking in road and energy infrastructure. Without these two, the production, exploration of mineral resources, transportation and the preservation of local production will always be a big problem.

This is why it would be important for investors to be interested in these embryonic sectors in a country with great mining potential, economic and agricultural potential.

文  | 阿玛多·肯德萨·狄阿罗(Amadou Kendessa Diallo)  几内亚《自由报》记者

编辑  张梅  杨海霞

翻译  王晓波

设计  |  李玉丹