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文|特肖梅·托加(Teshome Toga) 埃塞俄比亚驻华大使    翻译|苗佳雨

  导 读 



借鉴中国经验  寻求自我发展


解决问题   加强合作







借鉴中国经验  寻求自我发展











解决问题   加强合作






Ethiopia and China relation through the lens of China’s 70 years advancement

By H.E.Ambassador Teshome Toga of The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to China

has registered what can be called a miraculous economic growth and
social development since 1949. The substantial expansion of Chinese
economy has also immensely contributed to world economic growth. The
growth and transformation helped China graduate millions out of poverty,
and the reform and opening up of China to the world through the
introduction of the market economy system, modern technology and
management opened a new chapter in China’s global cooperation. 

cooperation soared in the past three decades and the tie between the
two was elevated to a Comprehensive Strategic Cooperative Partnership in
the year 2017. Next year, 2020 will mark the 50th anniversary of the
setting up of our diplomatic relations and the two are working to deepen
and widen their cooperation in the years to come.

recently has become the second largest economy in the world and it is
increasingly playing an important and influential role in the global
economy. This has unprecedentedly opened the door for more improved
relation with Ethiopia in terms of Foreign Direct Investment, trade,
technical assistance, investment, skill and knowledge transfer among
others. China is Ethiopia's largest source of foreign direct investment
and largest trading partner. Not only is China doing hard infrastructure
projects in Ethiopia like rail and road; but also assisting in the soft
ones like poverty alleviation, human resources development, health
care, etc.

fact, Chinese cooperation with Ethiopia and the dynamics of Ethio-China
relationships in the last three decades can mainly be explained by the
similarities of their pro poor economic policies. China has a track
record of providing non political development aid and assistance to
developing countries. Although the size of Chinese economic cooperation
varies noticeably across countries, Ethiopia is one of the cases where
China emerges as a key partner for economic development registered in
the country for the last three decades.

provides the bulk of its support to policy fields that have received
less attention by private investors from Europe and other traditional
donors, due to their requirement of large scale financing or because of
diverging priorities between the latter and the Ethiopian government. In
transport sector, for example, unlike traditional donors, China
supports several mega projects such as the Addis Ababa-Adama expressway,
Addis Ababa-Djibouti railway, Addis Ababa light railway, and Dire
Dawa-Dewalle highway.

cooperation between the two countries has been illustrated on their
collaboration in the fields of economic development intra alia on
infrastructure development, energy supply, industrial development,
creating market opportunities as well as the increase in the flow of
Chinese Foreign Direct Investment to Ethiopia. It is also evident that,
the two countries expanded their horizon of cooperation to the other
dimension cooperation called skill and knowledge transfer and human
resource development in the fields of engineering and science which have
been mostly demonstrated in the forms of China's scholarship.

achieved what can be described as a phenomenal fast social and economic
transformation over the past 40 years that marked a successful path of
reform and opening up. During this period, China lifted up over half a
billion people out of poverty, unparalleled in a recent history of

by this tremendous economic success, other emerging economies and
developing countries, including Ethiopia, are emulating by adapting
China's economic model to their unique circumstances. In this case,
China is partnering with Ethiopia in sharing opportunities and lessons
from its success stories and also from its mistakes in the development

the Chinese economy moves to its upper ladder, migrating Chinese
investment of labor intensive industries has become instrumental in
addressing structural and logistic challenges in Ethiopia and other
countries in the South. In this regard, the relocation of
labor-intensive manufacturing industries such as textile, manufacturing
building materials, furniture's and appliances as well as related
upstream and downstream industries is very essential for Ethiopia and
Chinese investors. Moreover, Ethiopia can benefit more from political
free aid and assistances of Chinese government. Moreover, the two
countries shall work together in setting the common goals and objectives
in trade and investment as well as human resource development, people
to people relations, trade and knowledge transfer etc. They should also,
map out the types of investments commonly beneficial to their continued
economic development in Ethiopia and beyond. It will be necessary to
work with the concerned parties to avoid obstacles by removing taking
complimentary strategy to overcome national, regional and global
economic maneuvers. It is also vital to strengthen the existing economic
cooperation mechanism at all levels of Government through:

development projects (road, rail, bridges, dams, etc.), energy projects
(hydro, solar, wind), power transmission lines and steam stations to be
built with low-interest loans, if possible, by PPP and IPP; Work to
eliminate early barriers;

•strengthen tourism, public-private partnerships;

business capacity building, particularly in the areas of supply,
quality and packaging problems; Tasks should be planned and implemented
according to the season.

is the ideal time for China and Africa to grow together. China as the
largest developing economy in the world can play significant role in the
development of Africa by sharing its experience that prosperity is
achievable through hard work and perseverance.

any partnership, the China Africa partnership was never spared from
criticism, misperception and often times suffer from gross
generalisation and lack of evidence based approach. One should always
bear in mind that when talking about successes or failures of the
partnership, it would vary from one country to another and even from one
sub-region to another in Africa. However, Africa as always suffer from
being treated as one single entity and generalization of this diverse
and huge continent is bound to be misleading.

recent narrative that China is neo-colonizing Africa economically is
strongly refuted by Africans and apparently not corroborated by
evidence. Africans are mature enough not to allow neo-colonization by
China or any other power for that matter. Nor, does China have any
intention of such a sort. China – Africa Business is by far less
compared to the business of our critiques with China. In China-Africa
partnership, capacity to implement projects, lack of technological
capability, issues related to good governance, trade imbalance, value
addition are constraints and are work in progress. In all earnest, the
solution is more cooperation and not less.

relationship between Ethiopia and China is based on mutual
understanding and sovereign equality. The two states have been enjoying
this cordial relationship in political and economic fields for more than
half a century. Their mutual Policies were emanated from their candid
Principles of non intervention in to the internal affairs of a sovereign
state as well as the pro-poor economic development theories and
strategies. Ethiopia enjoyed policy independence to make its own policy
and strategy befitting its own situation. This believed to have
contributed enormously to the existing fraternal relationship between
the two countries. Moreover, it continued to deepen after the
establishment of the China Africa Cooperation Forum (FOCAC) in 2000 and
the Belt and Road Initiative.

| 特肖梅·托加(Teshome Toga)

编辑 | 张梅


设计 |高蕊