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By [Malaysia] Peter T C Chang, Esearch Associate, Malaysia-China Friendship Association

文|[马来西亚]张添财(Peter T C Chang) 马中友好协会助理研究员        翻译|胡昊


“中国和马来西亚之间的牢固关系可以成为推动建立一个更加稳定、更具代表性的世界秩序的催化剂。2025 年马来西亚将担任东盟主席国,马来西亚计划优先考虑加强区域经济一体化、环境可持续性和社会凝聚力的举措。”


● 50年前的历史性时刻

● 经济合作几十年

● 从双边关系到地区一体化

● 展望未来: 东盟、马来西亚和中国

● 文明合作



The strong relationship between China and Malaysia can be a catalyst for advancing a more stable and representative world order. By leveraging their close ties, both nations can collaborate on diplomatic initiatives, economic partnerships, and cultural exchanges that promote global stability and inclusivity. This partnership can serve as a model for other countries, demonstrating how mutual respect and cooperation can lead to significant progress in addressing global challenges, fostering peace, and enhancing socio-economic development across regions.

Diplomatic Relations

In June, Premier Li Qiang visited Malaysia to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Malaysia. During the visit, Premier Li and Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim celebrated this significant milestone, highlighting the strengthened ties between the two countries. This historic occasion was marked by a series of high-level meetings and events aimed at deepening bilateral cooperation. Discussions covered a wide range of topics including trade, investment, technology, and cultural exchange. The visit not only underscored the enduring friendship between China and Malaysia but also sets the stage for a future of increased partnership and mutual benefit.

The Historic Moment – 50 Years Ago

In 1974, Chairman Mao Zedong and Prime Minister Abdul Razak convened in Beijing to formally establish diplomatic relations between China and Malaysia. This significant event, occurring during the Cold War, marked Malaysia’s strategic realignment to reduce dependency on Western powers. The establishment of diplomatic ties was a bold move that signified a shift towards a more independent foreign policy, allowing Malaysia to diversify its international relationships and economic partnerships. This momentous decision laid the foundation for deeper bilateral engagement between the two countries and contributed to regional stability. The collaboration paved the way for increased trade, cultural exchanges, and mutual understanding, fostering a robust partnership that has continued to evolve over the decades. The formalization of relations also enabled Malaysia to play a more active role in regional diplomacy, supporting initiatives that promote peace and cooperation in Southeast Asia.

The Decades of Economic Cooperation

In the 1980s, economic integration became the focal point of the China-Malaysia relationship. Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad recognized China’s potential as an emerging economic power and sought to strengthen economic ties. He encouraged Malaysian businesses to explore opportunities in China and welcomed Chinese investment in Malaysia, understanding that such bilateral economic collaboration could significantly boost Malaysia’s economic growth. Mahathir’s forward-thinking approach included promoting joint ventures, enhancing trade relations, and developing infrastructure projects that would mutually benefit both nations. This strategic focus on economic integration laid the foundation for a robust partnership that continues to thrive today.

Over the past decade, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has emerged as a pivotal catalyst, driving and shaping robust economic cooperation between China and Malaysia. Since its inception in 2013, the BRI has expanded into various branches, including the Digital BRI, Green BRI, and Health Silk Road, each playing a crucial role in Malaysia’s transition into the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0. This multifaceted initiative has not only strengthened bilateral ties but also facilitated Malaysia’s technological advancement, sustainable development, and healthcare improvements, ensuring a comprehensive approach to modern economic growth and collaboration.

These developments have significantly boosted investment and trade relations between China and Malaysia. In 2022, bilateral trade reached $203.59 billion, reflecting a 15.3 percent year-on-year increase. China has remained Malaysia’s largest trading partner for 15 consecutive years since 2009, accounting for 21 percent of Malaysia’s total trade in 2023. This sustained economic partnership underscores the deepening commercial ties and mutual economic benefits enjoyed by both nations.

Moreover, the increased trade has spurred collaborative projects and investments across various sectors, including manufacturing, technology, infrastructure, and energy. Joint ventures and partnerships have flourished, bringing about innovation and technological advancements that benefit both countries. The strong economic linkage has also paved the way for greater cultural and educational exchanges, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of each other’s societies. The robust trade relationship exemplifies how strategic economic collaboration can drive growth, development, and regional stability, further solidifying the bond between China and Malaysia.

Beyond Bilateral to Regional Integration

From the 1990s onwards, Malaysia has advocated for a greater role for China in regional and international groups. Through ASEAN, the East Asia Summit, South-South cooperation, and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), Malaysia has supported China’s active participation, recognizing the mutual benefits of such engagement in promoting economic growth, regional stability, and development cooperation. Malaysia’s proactive stance included facilitating dialogues, encouraging partnerships, and aligning policies that integrated China into the broader regional framework. By doing so, Malaysia aimed to harness the economic dynamism and strategic f influence of China to bolster regional prosperity and address common challenges such as security, trade imbalances, and sustainable development. This collaborative approach has helped to forge stronger regional ties and foster a more interconnected and resilient economic community in Asia.

The strengthening of ties between China, Malaysia, and the broader region is occurring against the backdrop of a shifting global order. The 21st century is witnessing a paradigmatic transition from a Western-centric international system to one that is more representative of the global community. As with all historic changes, this transition presents both opportunities and risks. Tensions are rising worldwide, with warfare erupting in Europe and the Middle East. In the Asia-Pacific region, the danger of open conflict remains high across the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea.

Looking Ahead: ASEAN, Malaysia, and China

In 2025, Malaysia will assume the chairmanship of ASEAN. Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has pledged to strengthen ASEAN as a peaceful and collaborative organization, addressing minor issues pragmatically. Anwar emphasizes that by working together, Southeast Asians can overcome external pressures and internal challenges to achieve ASEAN’s larger goal: a peaceful, stable, and prosperous Asia. As chair, Malaysia plans to prioritize initiatives that enhance regional economic integration, environmental sustainability, and social cohesion. Anwar’s vision includes fostering inclusive dialogue among member states, bolstering collective security measures, and promoting cultural exchange programs that highlight ASEAN’s diversity. By leveraging Malaysia’s strategic position and diplomatic expertise, Anwar aims to guide ASEAN towards greater unity and resilience in the face of global uncertainties.

To that end, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has pledged to revitalize ASEAN-led forums, including the East Asia Forum, ASEAN Regional Forum, and the ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting, to reinforce ASEAN’s central role in regional affairs. This effort is crucial as geopolitical tensions in the region escalate, threatening to reduce Southeast Asian countries to mere pawns in ongoing great power rivalries. Anwar envisions these revitalized forums as platforms for fostering open dialogue, enhancing mutual understanding, and building consensus on key security and economic issues. By strengthening these mechanisms, Anwar aims to ensure that ASEAN member states can collectively navigate complex international dynamics and uphold regional stability. To preserve the principle of ASEAN centrality, Southeast Asian nations must take proactive steps to deescalate regional tensions, engage in strategic partnerships, and assert their collective agency. This includes initiating confidence-building measures, promoting inclusive economic growth, and developing joint responses to transnational challenges such as climate change and cybersecurity threats. Through these concerted efforts, ASEAN can maintain its relevance and leadership in shaping the future of the Asia-Pacific region.

In this regard, the pragmatic relationship between China and Malaysia plays a vital role in mitigating risks. In the South China Sea, for instance, despite unresolved territorial disputes, leaders of both countries have agreed to set aside their differences to pursue the greater common good. By prioritizing cooperation over conflict, Beijing and Putrajaya can contribute to regional stability and foster an environment conducive to peaceful negotiations and mutual economic growth. This approach not only helps to manage tensions but also sets a positive example for other nations in the region facing similar challenges.

The ongoing US-China trade war poses significant risks to the global economic order. The imposition of tariffs and sanctions not only escalates tensions between the world’s two largest economies but also undermines a key ASEAN principle: promoting open trade with all stakeholders for the common good. This protectionist trend threatens to disrupt supply chains, increase costs for consumers, and hinder economic growth across the region. Furthermore, the uncertainty created by these trade disputes can deter investment, stall technological advancements, and weaken the collaborative efforts necessary for addressing global challenges such as climate change and public health. As ASEAN economies are deeply integrated into the global market, maintaining open and fair-trade practices is essential for sustaining regional stability and prosperity.

In this context, strong China-ASEAN economic cooperation, exemplified by initiatives such as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), serves as a stabilizing counterweight. China and Malaysia must continue to champion open trade and economic cooperation to counter rising economic nationalism. By strengthening their economic ties and supporting multilateral trade agreements, Beijing and Putrajaya can help ensure a more resilient and interconnected regional economy. This collaborative approach not only mitigates the adverse effects of the US-China trade war but also promotes long-term prosperity and stability in Southeast Asia.

Civilization Collaboration

In March 2023, during a visit to Beijing, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and President Xi Jinping agreed to collaborate on building trust between world cultures through Xi’s recently launched Global Civilization Initiative. This commitment is crucial, as mistrust between civilizations has become a significant cause of human conflict. By fostering mutual understanding and cultural exchange, the initiative aims to bridge gaps and promote global harmony.

The collaboration involves a series of cultural exchange programs, educational partnerships, and joint initiatives that celebrate the rich cultural heritages of both countries. These efforts include academic exchanges between universities, collaborative research projects on cultural preservation, and the promotion of language learning programs. Additionally, both nations plan to host cultural festivals, art exhibitions, and forums that highlight the diverse traditions and shared values of their societies. By actively engaging in these cultural dialogues, China and Malaysia hope to set an example for other nations, demonstrating that cross-cultural understanding and cooperation can significantly reduce global tensions and contribute to a more peaceful world.

The ongoing Israeli-Gaza war, for instance, is fueled by deep-seated religious animosity. Prime Minister Anwar has been a vocal advocate for a two-state solution as a means to resolve the Palestinian crisis. Recently, China has assumed a critical role in addressing the Middle East crisis by brokering détente between Saudi Arabia and Iran and mediating reconciliation between Palestinian factions. Malaysia and China should collaborate to help bring the Gaza conflict to a swift end.


As Premier Li Qiang visited Kuala Lumpur to commemorate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties between China and Malaysia, there was much to celebrate. Over the past half-century, despite some challenges, the relationship between the two countries has strengthened considerably. Economic partnerships have flourished, cultural exchanges have deepened, and political cooperation has been steadfast. Looking ahead, the prospects for growth remain strong, with both nations committed to expanding trade, investment, and technological collaboration.

The robust bilateral bonds between China and Malaysia hold broader significance. Beijing and Putrajaya can and should collaborate to foster greater regional stability and help advance a new world order that is truly representative and inclusive. This involves working together on key initiatives such as the Belt and Road Initiative, which promises to enhance infrastructure connectivity and economic integration across Asia and beyond. Additionally, both countries can lead efforts in regional forums like ASEAN and the East Asia Summit to promote peace, security, and sustainable development. By leveraging their strong relationship, China and Malaysia have the potential to set a positive example of international cooperation, contributing to a more balanced and harmonious global landscape.












在过去几十年中,一带一路倡议(BRI)发挥了关键的催化剂作用,推动并塑造了中马两国间稳健的经济合作关系。自2013年启动以来,一带一路 倡议已扩展为多个分支,包括数字一带一路、绿色一带一路和健康丝绸之路,每一个分支都在马来西亚向工业革命 4.0时代转型的过程中发挥着至关重要的作用。这一多层面的倡议不仅加强了双边关系,还促进了马来西亚的技术进步、可持续发展和医疗卫生水平的提高,确保了现代经济增长与合作的全面性。

这些发展极大地促进了中马两国的投资和贸易关系。2022年,双边贸易额达到2035.9亿美元,同比增长 15.3%。自 2009年以来,中国已连续 15 年成为马来西亚最大的贸易伙伴,占 2023年马来西亚贸易总额的21%。这种持续的经济伙伴关系凸显了两国不断深化的商业联系和互惠互利。




自 20 世纪 90 年代以来,马来西亚一直倡导中国在地区和国际组织中发挥更大作用。在东盟、东亚峰会、南南合作和区域全面经济伙伴关系(RCEP)中,马来西亚支持中国积极参与,并认识到这种参与在促进经济增长、地区稳定和发展合作方面的互利性。马来西亚的积极立场包括促进对话、鼓励伙伴关系以及调整政策,将中国纳入更广泛的区域框架。通过这样做,马来西亚旨在利用中国的经济活力和战略影响力,促进地区繁荣,应对安全、贸易失衡和可持续发展等共同挑战。这种合作方式有助于加强区域联系,在亚洲建立一个更加互联互通、更具韧性的经济共同体。

中国、马来西亚和更广泛地区之间联系的加强是在全球秩序不断变化的背景下发生的。21 世纪正见证着从以西方为中心的国际体系向更能代表全球社会的国际体系的模式转型。与所有历史性变革一样,这种转变既带来了机遇,也带来了风险。全世界的紧张局势正在加剧,欧洲和中东爆发了战争。在亚太地区,台湾海峡和中国南海发生公开冲突的危险仍然很高。


展望未来: 东盟、马来西亚和中国









2023年3月,安瓦尔·易卜拉欣总理在访问北京期间与习近平主席达成一致,将通过习近平主席发起的 “全球文明倡议”,合作建立世界不同文化之间的信任。这一承诺至关重要,因为不同文明之间的不信任已成为人类冲突的重要原因。通过促进相互理解和文化交流,该倡议旨在弥合分歧,促进全球和谐。





