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By Song Luzheneg, Expert on international issues in France and Fellow of the Institute of China, Fudan University

文|宋鲁郑 旅法国际政治问题专家、复旦大学中国研究院研究员






2024 is a rare election year in the world. So,the European Parliament elections are not the focus of the world.However, the results of the June 9 election triggered a political earthquake in France: the far-right National Rally party won twice the vote rate over the second-place ruling party.Just an hour later, President Macron announced the dissolution of National Assembly and new elections, the first time in 27 years.France is not only a core country of the European Union, but also a world power. The election results and the sudden and extraordinary political measures immediately shocked the world.

The subsequent elections produced extremely complex and unprecedented results:First, the three major political party alliances have almost the same number of seats, and no political force can form a cabinet alone.

Second, the left-wing alliance including far-left party has become the largest political force in National Assembly , with the far-left“La France Insoumise” having the most seats.

Third, although the far-right National Rally and its allies failed to win the most seats in the National Assembly due to the obstruction of the so-called “Republican Alliance”, the National Rally itself became the largest single party and the only party with more than 100 seats.

Fourth, extreme political forces have become the mainstream, traditional political parties and middle forces have become a minority, and French politics has become not only fragmented but also extreme.

In this case, a multi-party coalition similar to Germany should be the only option.

But France has never had such a political culture of compromise: Macron’s ruling party coalition explicitly excludes cooperation with the far left and far right.The traditional right-wing party decided to maintain their independence and not cooperate with any one. The far left and far right were completely hostile – MPs from both sides even refused to shake hands.

This means that it will be difficult for France to form a government. So it is no surprise that the record of the Fifth Republic being able to form a government within nine days after the legislative election was easily broken.What is even more serious is that even if a government is formed, it will be a minority government and once again“cohabitation”. It is not only difficult to operate, but also extremely unstable and easily overthrown.

“Cohabitation”is a political term unique to France, which means that the president and prime minister come from different political parties. It can resolve political deadlock, but it is difficult to govern effectively.

For this reason, in 2000, President Chirac, who had personally experienced two painful“Cohabitation”, revised the constitution and changed the presidential term to five years to coincide with parliamentary elections.Because public opinion does not change in the short term, the same party often wins presidential and legislative elections, thus solving this problem institutionally.However, now that Macron’s big gamble in response to the results of the European Parliament elections has turned into a political crisis, he is also lame and his political career has come to an end.

Why is Macron taking a big political gamble?

Macron quickly dissolved Parliament an hour after the results of the European Parliament elections were announced, indicating that this was a well-prepared and considered move.After all, this election result is consistent with long-term opinion polls, and all parties have already had psychological expectations and countermeasures.Later, the media also revealed that Macron had already discussed this plan with a few core decision-making members.

Throughout the history of the Fifth Republic, it was not uncommon for a president to dissolve the National Assembly, and this was the sixth time.

The main reason is to get out of unfavorable situations or break political deadlock.

For example, when the“May 68” occurred in France , President de Gaulle responded to the crisis in this way.For Macron, he is also trying to get rid of two disadvantages.First, although his party alliance won the most seats in the National Assembly in 2022, it did not win a majority.Second, the European Parliament election was a disastrous defeat.Both of these factors have affected his political status and power, especially the European Parliament elections, which have directly shaken his power base for the remaining three years.

If he can win the new legislative election, he will not only get out of trouble, but also effectively curb challenges to him inside and outside the party, and it will also affect the 2027 presidential election to a certain extent. Many people support candidates of Renaissance in order to avoid the “Cohabitation” again. Even if the Renaissance fails to win the presidential election, unless the new president dissolves the National Assembly again, it can still control executive and legislative power, which is equivalent to extending the political life of Macron and the his party.

As for the results of the new legislative elections, Macron has carefully calculated.

First, in the previous five times when the National Assembly was dissolved, the president won four times. Macron is naturally confident that he can use this means to achieve his goal. In other words, since the Renaissance failed to pass half of the National Assembly in 2022, Macron has been deliberately making changes. This European Parliament election gives him an excuse.

Secondly, the dissolution of the National Assembly was triggered by the National Rally’s victory. It can shape the image of Macron’s confrontation with the National Rally, and this election can also be positioned as a confrontation between them. Macron’s political foundation is not deep. The key reason why he was able to win the presidential election twice was that his opponent was the National Rally.

What is particularly coincidental is that before his announcement, the National Rally had already proposed to dissolve the National Assembly, further strengthening the antagonistic image of Macron and the National Rally, which is equivalent to helping Macron. This may be a precise judgment by the Macron camp, or it may be that the opponent’s intentions were known in advance through technical means.

Third, Macron’s understanding of the psychology of the French people. There is a considerable distance between the European Parliament elections and France’s internal affairs. People can use the elections to express their dissatisfaction with the ruling party and give it a lesson without worrying about the negative impact on the politics of their country.However, the National Assembly election is related to France’s own internal politics, so the people need to be much more cautious, and high turnout is not good for far-right parties. The French stock market, euro and national debt all fell the next day. This was not directly related to the European Parliament election, but was caused by the dissolution of the National Assembly, which was a reaction to the people’s psychology.

Obviously, the French people do not want political turmoil, so they do not want the “Cohabitation” again,in particula with National Rally.

After all, it has been 27 years since there has been an abnormal political incident involving the dissolution of the National Assembly, which has had a considerable impact on French society and the people. The reason for the dissolution of the National Assembly is related to the National Alliance.

In addition, the date of the National Assembly elections announced by Macron is also very intriguing: only 19 days before the Paris Olympics. If the National Rally wins more than half of the seats, it will become prime minister and form a cabinet. However, in an occasion that attracts global attention like the Olympic Games, the appearance of a far-right political figure is obviously difficult for most people in France to accept.

Fourth, the French National Assembly is a two-round election, and it is very unlikely that the National Rally will become the largest party or have a majority. Because no political party is willing to ally with it, it cannot win so many seats on its own. After all, its current support rate is about 30%. As long as the National Rally’s seats decline, it can be regarded as Macron’s success. It can prove that the public’s support for the National Rally at the domestic political level is quite limited.

But Macron clearly misjudged not only public opinion but also the resilience of the system.

The institutional crisis behind the failure of the big gamble

Macron’s gamble failed because neither of his goals were achieved:First, his party alliance can at least maintain its position as the largest party in the National Assembly before the election. If it can still win more than half, it will be a big victory. Second, the seats of far-right parties have declined.

What Macron does not want to see even more is that although the extreme right and its alliance were ultimately prevented from becoming the largest party in the National Assembly, the biggest beneficiary was the left-wing alliance that included the extreme left. As the entire left advocates the abolition of retirement system reform, and the far left also wants to significantly increase the minimum wage, freeze prices and resume the collection of rich taxes, this will not only end all the achievements of Macron’s seven years in power, but will also cause serious damage to the French economy. The left-wing alliance won the most seats and was not easy to compromise on policy. The legislative elections actually had the second-worst outcome.

The failure of Macron’s political gamble is not an isolated case in the West. British Prime Minister Cameron’s political gamble in 2016 also ended in disastrous failure. This is both unique to France and common to the West.

There are many perspectives for understanding French political phenomena. For example, from the perspective of civilization, Anglo-Saxon countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, and Australia, whether presidential or parliamentary systems, tend to form a stable monopolistic two-party system, and other small parties are often just foils. Even when extreme left or right political forces emerge, they tend to establish themselves within the two traditional parties rather than forming independent parties.For example, the right-wing Republican Party in the United States has the far-right Tea Party, and the left-wing Democratic Party also has the far-left Sanders.

Latin nations such as France, Italy, and Spain tend to form decentralized multi-party systems. In France’s Third and Fourth Republics, the government’s lifespan was no more than half a year at most, and as short as a month, a week, or even a day. For this reason, de Gaulle tried to change this situation by establishing the Fifth Republic with strong administrative power and weak parliament.

But today’s Fifth Republic shows that the civilization gene is still stronger: after three “Cohabitation” in the 1980s and 1990s, in 2017 the traditional left-right parties, the Socialist Party and the Republicans, which had long taken turns in power, began to be marginalized–for the first time, no party could enter second round. By the 2022 presidential election, these two parties will not even reach the 5% threshold, and are actually in a bubble. In the legislative elections of the same year, for the first time, no party could win a majority, and the political situation of the extreme left and the extreme right took shape. In 2024, the political power of the extreme left and right continued to increase significantly, and the Fifth Republic is undergoing an unprecedented fragmentation into the Fourth Republic.

If we look at the political system, it reflects the institutional crisis not only in France but also in the entire West.

As mentioned above, the disorganization of the French system began as early as the 1980s and has evolved step by step until today. During this period, President Chirac made major efforts to amend the constitution, and successfully passed through the first terms of Sarkozy, Hollande and Macron, but in the end, worse results occurred.A major error in judgment made by Macron this time was that he believed that the safety valve of the French system was still effective: to prevent extreme populists from gaining power, legislative and presidential elections are held in a two-round system.

Indeed, at least until the 2022 election, this safety valve is still working well. For example, in the 2017 presidential election, the far-right candidate Le Pen received only 33.9% of the vote, which was far lower than that of a normal political party. In the subsequent legislative elections, although the National Rally was able to lead in 216 constituencies in the first round, it only won 8 seats in the second round, and in the 2012 legislative election, it won only 2 seats. But a sudden change occurred in 2022: Le Pen won more than 41% of the vote in the presidential election! In the legislative election, it won 88 seats, surpassing the traditional right-wing the Republicans born in de Gaulle! Obviously, France’s political foundation has been completely changed, and the support gained by extreme political forces has been able to break through institutional barriers.

But Macron ignored this signal, so his big gamble in the context of a National Rally victory was bound to fail.

The political disorder in the United States also appeared as early as the 2000 election dispute: Clinton’s eight years of excellent governance did not help the party win.This marks the loss of the system’s function of “rewarding the good and punishing the bad” that existed at least twelve years ago during the Reagan era.

Then came two wrong wars and a financial crisis in the George W. Bush era, until Trump was elected president in 2016, the Republican Party did not recognize the election results in the 2020 election, the occupation of Congress, and the conviction of the first former president in 2024 , the political consensus and the low line were further broken. Especially in election year, when opposition party candidates are found guilty and subsequently assassinated, American politics is becoming increasingly Third World-oriented.

From a global perspective, political changes in France are common to the entire West.

First, after the West entered the era of mass democracy with one person, one vote, the quality and origin of voters became increasingly important factors in elections.

The previous Brexit, Trump’s victory, the rapid rise of far-right parties in Europe, and today’s European Parliament and French parliamentary elections are all due to this reason.

The far-right National Alliance is the single largest party in the National Assembly. Its supporters mainly come from workers, people with low education, rural areas, small towns, and young people. The voting rate for it was as high as over 50% among workers and those with a high school education or below. In addition, the support rate among employees also exceeds 40%, and the support rate among high school graduates also reaches 32%. The support rate of the far right among young people, rural areas, and small towns is also far ahead of other political parties. This is the same as Trump supporters.

As for the New Popular Front, which includes far-left party, it received more than 60% of the Muslim votes. France is a Catholic country, and Muslims mainly come from immigrants. In the 2022 presidential election, the far-left candidate Mélenchon received 70% of the Muslim votes and failed to advance to the second round with only a 1.2% gap. Due to the rapid changes in the racial structure, Muslim votes will determine who reaches the second round of the 2027 presidential election.

A similar phenomenon exists in the United States. Obama received 95% and 93% of the African-American vote and the vast majority of Latinos and Asians in his two campaigns respectively, but only 39% of whites voted for him in 2012.In the 2016 election, Trump won the support of the majority of whites, while Hillary won the majority of votes from ethnic minorities. In 2020, Biden received 92% of the African-American votes.In other words, either many voters no longer vote based on the candidate’s policies, ideas and abilities – which are the basis for the good operation of Western democratic politics, or it shows the racial opposition in the United States from a political level.

However, in any country, only a small number of people are highly educated, live in big cities, and work in high-paying management positions. The outcome of the election is decided by the vast majority of ordinary people who only care about their own immediate interests.At present, the birth rate of native ethnic groups in Europe and America is very low, and only immigrants with high birth rates can be introduced. The rapidly changing racial structure will inevitably be reflected in politics. This has become the main reason for the rapid rise of far-right political forces in Europe and the United States.

In fact, Western academic circles have long been aware of the differences between people in wealth and education.

British political scientist J.S Mill pointed out in his famous book “Considerations on Representative Government”:Every person who performs such high-level duties is allowed to have two or more votes.It just goes against the concept of equality for all and cannot be implemented.

Over the past five hundred years, the West’s rise and fall coincided with the implementation of mass democracy. This is no coincidence.

Secondly, politics becomes extreme and unable to compromise.

Europe today is as politically polarized as the United States. France’s far left and far right are completely hostile.

President Macron has stated that he will never cooperate with the extreme left or right, saying that the policies of these two political parties will lead to civil war and destroy the French economy.The three major political party alliances in the National Assembly have no consensus on the country’s development and future. They all believe that the other party will lead the country into the abyss.

Since the Obama era, political polarization and social divisions have worsened in the United States. In the Trump era, they have escalated rapidly.White house spokesman sanders and her friends went out for dinner and were kicked out by the restaurant owner even though their order was already on the table. The reason was that she worked for and defended an “inhumane and immoral” government.During the Biden administration, Republican supporters broke into Speaker Pelosi’s home and tried to take her hostage. Her husband, who was home alone, was injured by him with a hammer.

At the Constitutional Convention of the United States, someone asked: “Mr. Madison, can you tell us what the principles of the American government would be?”. He replied: “There are three principles: compromise, compromise, compromise.”

It’s just that the compromise is based on the basic consensus of all political forces. This is also a prerequisite for the operation of Western democratic systems. Otherwise, it will either lead to a civil war similar to the United States, or the balance of power will lead to today’s veto politics.

It should be pointed out that during the American Civil War, universal suffrage had not yet been implemented, and politics was just a game between elites. But differences can still only be resolved through war,not to mention Europe and the United States today.

From this historical logic, it is inevitable that the Republican Party will not recognize the election results and its supporters will occupy Congress in the 2020 U.S. election.

Finally, the above two characteristics make reform in Europe and the United States very difficult and costly today. It has almost reached the point where it is difficult to reform and effectively govern.

To be fair, Macron, who has been in power for seven years, is unpopular not because of his incompetence but because of his courage to reform.

There were two large-scale nationwide protests during his tenure: one was the yellow vest movement triggered by a slight increase in fuel tax – only equivalent to RMB 50 cents. The second reason is the reform of the retirement system.

The Yellow Vest Movement was the second largest social conflict in the history of the Fifth Republic, and it was extremely violent, but the direct cause was only such a small price adjustment.

After the movement broke out, major opposition parties got involved for their own political interests and even justified the violence: either blaming the government for causing the violence, or directly praising the violence.

After Macron entered his second term, there was no electoral pressure. He pushed for retirement system reform despite opposition from all parties.He cited the constitution and directly passed the retirement reform plan into law without a vote by the National Assembly, showing very firm determination.But after the legislative election, both the extreme left and the extreme right expressed their intention to repeal this reform. France has returned to the starting point after paying huge political and social costs.

So fundamentally, the European Parliament elections are just the trigger, and the real cause of France’s political crisis lies within itself. As an iconic power, its predicament can be described as a reflection of the West.

Faced with today’s political dilemma in the West, scholars represented by Fukuyama published “America in Decay–The Sources of Political Dysfunction”as early as 2014. The conclusion is:domestic political ills have become stubborn and it is difficult for constructive reforms to occur. The political decline of the United States will continue.Although this is talking about the United States, it also applies to the entire West. Now ten years have passed, and when we look around Europe and the United States, we have to admire the accuracy of the predictions.








马克龙在欧洲议会选举结果出炉一小时就迅速解散国会,说明这是早有准备的深思熟虑之举。毕竟这个选举结果与长期以来的民调一致,各方早有心理预期和应对之策。后来媒体 也披露马克龙早就和少数几个核心决策成员讨论过这一方案。








































