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Pakistan participates China-ASEAN Expo as Special Partner Country for the first time

The inaugural ceremony of the 17th China-ASEAN Expo (CAEXPO) in Nanning on 27 November 2020 will feature a special message from the President of Pakistan, H.E. Dr. Arif Alvi, together with the leaders of China and ASEAN countries.
At the invitation of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce and CAEXPO Secretariat, Pakistan is a Special Partner Country for the first time at this year’s Expo. Pakistan’s full-spectrum participation includes a dedicated country pavilion, extra booths for enterprises and special trade and investment events to highlight opportunities for China and ASEAN countries in Pakistan.
The Pakistan Pavilion would display major export and cultural items including sports goods, sportswear, garments, bed-linen, spices and food items. Print and audio-visual material on tourist attractions of Pakistan would also be prominently showcased. In addition to the Pavilion, Pakistani enterprises in China have set up a large number of stalls to promote their brands and products. They would take orders on the spot for products such as wooden, brass and stone handicrafts, onyx, gem-stones, leather items and jewelry.   
On the sidelines of the CAEXPO, Pakistan’s Missions in Beijing and Guangzhou and Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) have organized a special Trade and Investment Promoti