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文|阿塔纳斯·格奥尔吉耶夫(Atanas Georgiev)  索非亚圣克莱门特奥赫里德大学经济与工商管理学院院长












欧洲能源共同体框架内的国家,包括西巴尔干,可以作为欧盟对外“输出”欧洲绿色新政目标和行动的试验田。维也纳能源共同体秘书处主任珍妮丝·科帕奇认为,“ 欧盟和缔约方之间甚至没有认真讨论过二氧化碳的共同减排目标,更不用说如何执行《排放交易体系指令》”。他认为,多年来,地区和国家层面的低碳化工作滞后,“此后在本已困难的社会经济环境中,改革的力度须至少翻一倍”





⬆ 图1  2017年能源供应总量(%)(资料来源:欧盟统计局)












The Western Balkans – the Last Growing Gas Market in Europe?

In December 2020, a senior representative of the European Commission,
Olivér Várhelyi – Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement,
stated  that the EU wants to see the Southern Gas Corridor (a gas route
connecting Azerbaijan to Southeast Europe) reducing the region’s
dependence on Russian imports. After almost two decades of concentrated
efforts, this is finally happening with the first Azeri gas molecules
reached the Balkans in the final hours of 2020. But is it too late?

A year earlier, in the end of 2019, the newly elected President of the
European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, presented her Commission’s
view for a European Green Deal, with a target to lead the European Union
to carbon neutrality. 

As a result of ongoing efforts, following the Poznan Summit in July 2019,
the EU is committed to introduce a Green Agenda for the Western Balkans,
mirroring the European Green Deal.  The role of natural gas in this
“mini-deal” would be crucial, given the existing challenges of the
energy sectors in the six Western Balkans countries: Albania, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia (WB6). As
we will explore further below, there are many differences in terms of
legislation, markets governance, and energy, as well as energy poverty

WB6 as a Proving Ground for Exporting the European Green Deal

Even if the EU is a global climate policy & action leader, currently its
27 member states are responsible for less than 10% of the global CO2
emissions. The EU has committed to “lead by example, through the
European Green Deal” as well as to “using diplomacy, trade and
development cooperation to advance climate action.”  Much is at stake
here – a solitary climate action by the EU in the period until 2030
would not only prove futile but would also affect the European economic

The countries within the Energy Community framework, including the Western
Balkans, may be a proving ground for “exporting” the European Green Deal
goals and actions outside the EU. Janez Kopač, the Director of the
Energy Community Secretariat in Vienna, has commented  that, “a common
target for the reduction of CO2 emissions, let alone the incorporation
of the Emission Trading Scheme Directive, has not even been seriously
discussed [between the EU and the Contracting Parties].” He considers
that after years with low levels of decarbonization imperative on
regional and national levels, “the reform efforts in an already
difficult social-economic environment would have to be doubled or more.”

Is the Energy Community a Coal Community?

In the WB6 countries solid fuels have been the main source of primary
energy production. In 2017, almost 80% of Kosovo’s energy production was
from solid fuels, and this was also the main source of primary energy
production in four of the WB6 countries. There is also a high energy
intensity in the enlargement countries. It is at least double that in
the EU-28, reaching nearly four times as high in Serbia and Kosovo and
slightly exceeding four times as high in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The
“positive” side of this statistics is that enlargement countries are
generally less dependent on energy imports than the EU-28.  

Full compliance with European energy regulations may be painful for both the
energy sector and the population. Data from energy poverty analyses
show that there is a great discrepancy between the EU and WB6. While EU
households’ use of gas is 35% of their total consumption, the share in
the WB6 households’ consumption is only 3%. At the same time, biomass
use in the WB6 holds 45% of the domestic consumption of energy, while in
the EU its share is only 15%.  The same report notes that more than 67%
of all households in the region use solid fuels or fuel wood for

⬆ Figure 1. Total energy supply, 2017, in %(Source: Eurostat (2019) Simplified energy balances [nrg_bal_s])

The Role of Natural Gas

As seen in Figure 1 above, natural gas still has a small share of WB6
countries’ energy balances. In the combined total energy supply of
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and
Serbia it had a share of 8.3% in 2017. The largest share (above 13%)
was in Serbia. Albania does not have a developed gas market at present
and is not connected to international gas networks. Kosovo has no
functional gas sector and has not achieved notable progress in the
development of a gas market and interconnection with neighbors. At
present, no gas market exists in Montenegro as well. 

The Energy Community Ministerial Council has decided in 2011 to prepare its
first Energy Strategy, in a joint effort of all its stakeholders.  The
Energy Strategy planned for new gas-fired power plants in existing gas
markets (Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia and Serbia). The plan
also included the construction of a so-called “gas ring” in the Western
Balkans. The gas ring was considered in the 2020 goals as one of the
means to decarbonize (in addition to energy efficiency and renewables
targets achievement). The cost of this scenario, called “low
emissions/sustainable scenario”, was evaluated at the time to be 130
billion euro for the period 2012 to 2030. The gas ring, the Strategy
said, could not be effectively implemented by a single Contracting Party
and requires a regional approach if it is to be realized.

As a net importer of natural gas, the region is looking toward broader
diversification of supplies, namely through the realization of the
Southern Gas Corridor and the vertical gas corridor in Southeast Europe.
A big step forward is the actual start of gas deliveries through the
Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), an 878-km gas transportation system
crossing Greece, Albania, the Adriatic Sea and Italy, which began
commercial operations in mid-November 2020. TAP will transport 10 bcm/a
of new gas supplies from Azerbaijan to multiple markets in Europe.

However, the big question for the WB6 countries is whether or not natural gas
would be still considered a bridge fuel to decarbonization – given the
recent developments in the EU, related to the promotion only of
non-fossil energy sources.
In general, there are two possibilities
for the future of gas in Southeast Europe – either it will become a real
transition fuel and will replace widely used coal and solid biomass, or
the gas step would be missed altogether and there will be a
leapfrogging to renewables. Energy poverty in the region, combined with
the centralized electricity production model, may lead to the former.

The first options to be explored are replacing coal as a fuel for
electricity production – at existing or new power plants. If the price
of carbon is included in the energy costs across the region, this is a
viable option to explore.

Second, industrial consumption may switch from alternative fuels to natural gas
for some of the industrial applications. This includes the option for
distributed generation of combined heat and power at industrial

And last, but not least, gas has a potential to transform residential and
commercial energy consumption as well, especially in the biggest cities
across the region.


The European Commission has a double challenge with the export of the
European Green Deal to the Western Balkans countries. First – it has to
show, that a diplomatic effort would result in a viable low-carbon deal
with the closest neighbors of the EU. This deal would have to account
for all the economic challenges within the region in order to be

A second challenge would be to secure part of the needed investment for
transforming the energy sector of the Western Balkans, especially when
it comes to promoting natural gas as a low(er) carbon option. It is one
thing to consider replacing it with hydrogen or biogas in Western
Europe, but quite another, when most of the energy for residential
heating comes from solid fossil fuels and biomass – as in the Western

1.European Commission (2020) EU-Azerbaijan Cooperation Council, 18
December 2020,
(checked on 30.12.2020)

2.European Commission (2019) Press remarks by President von der Leyen on the
occasion of the adoption of the European Green Deal Communication,
(checked on 30.12.2020)

3.European Commission (2019) Western Balkans Summit in Poznań: strengthening links
within the region and with the EU,
(checked on 30.12.2020)

longer version of this report was published in 2020: Georgiev, A.
(2020) Natural Gas in the Western Balkans in the Framework of the Future
Energy Community Goals for 2030, in Energy and Climate Diplomacy, BDI,
Bulgaria, ISBN 978-619-7200-19-5

5.European Commission (2019) A European Green Deal,
(checked on 30.12.2020)

6.Kopač, J. (2019) The burden of coal at the doorstep of the Energy Union,

The burden of coal at the doorstep of the Energy Union

(checked on 30.12.2020)

7.Eurostat (2019) Enlargement countries – energy statistics,
(checked on 13.12.2019)

8.RES Foundation (2018) Energy poverty in the Western Balkans – Presentation
at “Sustainability Forum of the Energy Community”, Vienna, 22 June 2018

9.Energy Community Secretariat (2019) Transparency of gas transmission system
operators in the Energy Community Contracting Parties – Status Review

10.Energy Community Secretariat (2012) Energy Strategy of the Energy Communityg

 编辑 | 张   梅

  翻译 | 钟锦秀

 设计 | 大   米