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对接发展规划 共享发展机遇

文|周浩黎   印度尼西亚共和国驻华大使兼蒙古国大使
















⬆ 2021年3月24日,中方承担的雅万高铁轨道板预制任务全部完成(新华社发 祖卡南摄)












编辑 | 张   梅


设计 |   

文|Djauhari Oratmangun,Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the People's Republic of China and Mongolia

year, the world witnessed global economic turndown sunken by the
COVID-19 pandemic. Amidst the pandemic, Indonesia – China's economic
cooperation not only remains robust and strengthened but also elevated
to a higher level. China is still the leading trading partner of
Indonesia and the second-largest source of foreign investment in
Indonesia. During the 70 years of bilateral relations, a mountain of
cooperation in various areas was formed and brought the two countries

trade between Indonesia and China shows tremendous achievement. In 2020
the total trade volume of Indonesia and China reached 78.5 billion US
dollars. From January to December 2020, the total export value of
Indonesia to China reached 37.4 billion US dollars, rose 10.10 percent
compared to the same period in 2019, which brings Indonesia as the
fourth, from fifth in 2019, largest exporter to China among ASEAN
countries. In that period, the total import value of Indonesia to China
decreased 10.13 percent at the value of 41 billion US dollars. This
result leads to Indonesia's trade deficit from China valuing at 3.6
billion US dollars, or balancing at 68.96 percent compared to the same
period in 2019 with a deficit value of 11.7 billion US dollars.

bright as trade relations, investment cooperation between Indonesia and
China also shows significant accomplishment. Since 2016, China’s
investment in Indonesia has continued to increase. For the last three
years, China is the second-largest foreign investor in Indonesia. In
2019, China’s investment realization valuing at 4.7 billion US dollars,
rose 95.6 percent compared to the investment realization of 2018. Last
year, China's investment in Indonesia reached 4.8 billion US dollars,
rose 2.1 percent from the same period in 2019.

The 14th Five Year Plan and Policy Development

year, China has passed the 14th Five Year Plan. Indonesia has also
formulated the National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) and the
5-year Medium-Term National Development Plan (RPJMN) 2020-2024. The
RPJMN contains 5 Presidential Priorities, namely Human Resource
Development, Infrastructure Development, Regulation Simplification,
Simplification of Bureaucracy, and Economic Transformation.

its 14th Five Year Plan, China has set some economic development
targets that are intertwined with Indonesia’s economic priorities.
Science and technologies are at the top of the agenda, aiming to improve
China’s technological capabilities. For the last couple of years, China
has been known as the second-largest digital economy in the world.
Under the Belt and Road cooperation, China is strengthening its existing
foreign cooperation with digital transformation.

has also been developing its digital economy and building its
foundation with many potentials. Indonesia now has five unicorns and one
decacorn, 197 million internet users in 2020, with the penetration
hitting 74 percent, up 8.9 percent from last year, as well as high
smartphone penetration, young internet-savvy population, and the growing
of middle-class society. Indonesia is also planning to digitalize its
rural area and support digital transformation for small and medium
enterprises, as well as improving its digital infrastructure. 

14th Five Year Plan is also focused on green development. China is
improving its energy efficiency and expanding new energy resources. In
the last decade, China’s electric vehicle industry is growing rapidly.
On the other hand, Indonesia is the most significant nickel producer
globally, which becomes predominant for the electric vehicle
manufacturing industry. 

cooperation is also China’s priority in its foreign relations. As the
world recuperates from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, a vaccine
becomes the remedy for the economic collapse. During the visit of
China’s State Councilor/Foreign Minister Wang Yi to Indonesia early this
year, China is supporting Indonesia to be a vaccine-hub in the region. 

Xi Jinping’s Presidency, China was able to elevate more than 700
million people out of poverty. For the next 14th Five Year Plan, China
develops to become one of the high-income countries in the world, and by
2035, it is already set plans that China will become a developed
country. In this regard, the Indonesian Government hopes to cooperate
with China to implement poverty alleviation programs based on science
and technology, education, and industry in Indonesia.

Investment Cooperation

a bid to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and continue with
economic development, Indonesia and China had formulated key strategies
that will also foster accelerated recovery and adapt to the new
economic paradigm. In July 2020, Indonesia established the COVID-19
Mitigation and the National Economic Recovery Committee to replace the
Task Force to accelerate the mitigation of the COVID-19 pandemic.

since 2015, the Indonesian Government has been improving its
regulation, fiscal, and organization to support infrastructure projects.
For the last couple of years, a number of Economic Policy Package has
been issued which included improvement in law and regulation to support
Indonesian economic growth such as the National Strategic Projects. In
2018, the Indonesian Government launched an Online Single-Submission
System (OSS). The new initiative is meant to shorten the business
registration period and consequently simplify the process significantly.

program is strengthened in 2020 when President Joko Widodo's
administration launched an omnibus law. The bill is focused on
streamlining business licenses, making Indonesia more open to foreign
investment and more flexible to the labor market, which eventually
boosting job opportunities and economic growth.

for 270 million people, Indonesia is blessed with abundant potentials,
which opens many opportunities to cooperate with China, particularly in
the economic sector. The Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway, one of
Indonesia's National Strategic Project, is the landmark of
Indonesia-China infrastructure cooperation as well as a flagship project
of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership of both countries

the framework of Indonesia's Global Maritime Fulcrum (GMF) and China's
Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) cooperation, Indonesia has become the
only country that has succeeded in synergizing the two concepts to
promote regional connectivity. Currently, there are 23 cooperation
agreements under the framework of GMF-BRI to develop Indonesia's four
economic corridors, namely North Sumatra, which is being developed as
“Economic and Business Hub for ASEAN”; North Kalimantan as “Energy and
Mineral hub”; Bali as “Hightech & Creative Economy Hub”; and North
Sulawesi as “Pacific Rim Economic Hub.”. The cooperation agreements
cover technopark and industrial park development, waste treatment
project, power plant, e-commerce, transport development, port and
industrial area, special economic zone, 5G, sister port, and fisheries

the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway Project, there are other
highlighted infrastructure projects under the GMF-BRI framework such as
the Centre of technology digital development in Turtle Island of Bali
(Pulau Kura-Kura Bali); Karawang and Tangerang Industrial Park; Kuala
Tanjung Port; Car Industrial Park; Morowali Industrial Park; and many

terms of logistics in Indonesia, foreign investors are welcome to use
the facility in Indonesia's Special Economic Zones and Bonded Logistic
Center, where more incentives are available. Indonesia is also opening
further sectors that are available to foreign ownership, even up to 100%
on sectors such as cold storage, sports center, film processing lab,
crumb rubber, restaurants and bars, pharmaceutical raw materials
manufacturing, as well as toll road operator and telecommunication
testing company. Other sectors are opened up to primary foreign
ownership, increasing the opportunity for foreign companies to take part
and benefit in Indonesia's rapid growth.

Indonesia-China’s Endeavour for Future Development

a report by the World Bank Group projected an economic rebound in 2021,
however, it is also predicted that the global economic recovery will
take around 2-3 years until it back to the normal condition before the
pandemic. In this light, Indonesia and China should promote their
bilateral relations to grow stronger and lay the solid foundations for
the furtherance of concrete cooperation in the near future. Both
countries should walk together and work in tandem to mutually discover
economic cooperation. 

conclude, learning the potentials of Indonesia and China, there is
plenty of prospective cooperation in front, awaits to be explore and
make the best use of it. Indonesia and China's cooperation will grow
stronger and be more cemented in various areas.

Editor | Zhang Mei

Design | Demi