By H.E. JEAN LOUIS Robinson Richard, Ambassador of Madagascar to China
文|罗班松·理查德·让·路易(JEAN LOUIS Robinson Richard) 马达加斯加驻华大使 翻译|王晓波
⬆ Scenery of Antananarivo, Madagascar
Madagascar and China officially established diplomatic relations on November 06, 1972 and celebrate this year the 50th anniversary of their diplomatic relations. Both countries since then enjoyed a strong friendship and bilateral cooperation which has been deepening and broadening over the years. Madagascar upholds the “One-China policy” and supported China in a number of issues at the international arena while China has been assisting Madagascar in its quest of social and economic development, including in the fields of infrastructure development, health, agriculture, education and training of human resources, disaster relief etc.
Among the realizations of the bilateral cooperation, we can cite the reparation, decades ago, of the national road number 02 (RN2) which is a vital communication between Antananarivo, the capital city and the main economic powerhouse of the country and Toamasina, the main seaport in the East coast, the construction of the National Palace of Culture and Sports, the construction of the International Conference Center, the construction of the “Eggs Road” linking the nearby rural area of Mahitsy, known for its eggs production, and the capital city, the construction of a modern hospital in the capital suburb, water drilling for the local population in the south of the country, a number of roads linking the capital city and its international airport etc.
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, China timely provided assistance to Madagascar by sending anti-epidemic equipments, medical personnel and later on, more than 300 000 doses of vaccines. The anti-epidemic cooperation took also the form of knowledge and best practice sharing among medical experts of both countries through the Chinese medical mission team from Gansu province and through videoconferences.
For the future, the cooperation between the two countries should emphasize on the areas that are top priorities for the country, which include not only infrastructure development and connectivity but also food self sufficiency, industrialization, technical and vocational education, both at the secondary and the higher level, and addressing climate change effects such cyclones becoming more powerful and more frequent, the shortening of rain season and the drought and water supply issues in the South of the country.
As about investing in Madagascar, I would like first to present an overview of the country. Madagascar is the biggest island of the Indian Ocean ,located in the South-East of Africa, with a size of 587 041 km2 for a fast growing-population of more than 26 million people according to the general census of May 2018 conducted by the national bureau of statistics (INSTAT). With an estimated annual growth of more than 300 000 people, the Malagasy population is now estimated at around 28 million people, with a very large proportion of young people. Some call Madagascar as an “Afro-Asian” country thanks to its mixed and multi-ethnic population who originated both from South-East Asia and East Africa, while others think that it is the most Asian of the African countries. For instance, the Malagasy language has a south-east asian root while it has integrated many east African vocabularies. Having rice as a basic food is also common between Madagascar and Asia. Later on, i.e, since the late 19th century, Madagascar received the first wave of Chinese migrants who helped construct railways during the colonial era and whose part stayed in the country to become merchants afterwards and integrated well in the local communities.
The country has more than 5000 km of coastline, the longest in Africa, a vast economic exclusive zone for fishing and enjoys diversified climates ranging from tropical climate in the East coast, very suitable for the planting of exotic fruits such as litchi, banana, pepper, mango, vanilla, to high altitude tropical climate in the centre of the country suitable for the plantation of vegetables and even wheat and less rainy season in the West, the North-West and the South that are for example suitable for cotton planting.
Decades ago, Madagascar was called the “granary of the Indian Ocean” as it exported foods to its neighboring islands before. The current Malagasy Government, led by His Excellency Mr Andry Rajoelina, ambitions to become a granary of the region again, but toward this goal, the country needs first to feed its fast growing population. As rice is the main food, cooperation and direct investment in rice production are of outmost importance. Madagascar still has a 400 000 tons gap of rice and has to import this quantity annually. Investors are welcome in industries such as fertilizer production, agricultural technologies production, direct farming, production of animal’s food and food for fish (as fish production is also a priority for the Government), etc and on this, association with local investors and producers are encouraged.
Food processing is also one type of industries that need to be developed in order to better conserve the agricultural products such as mangoes, banana, litchi and at the same time help toward food self sufficiency. Indeed, a huge quantity of mangoes, litchi, banana etc. is wasted every year due to a lack of buyer in many regions and due to a lack of food processing companies. The Government, through the Ministry of Industrialization, Commerce and Consumption, has settled and promotes the “ODOF” program, which stands for “One District, One Factory” and some particular types of industry have been identified and are to be promoted in each of the 119 Districts (administrative subdivision) of Madagascar. This program then offers a broad choice for SMEs promoters. Investors and promoters may seek further guidance from the relevant department of the Ministry of Industrialization if they wish to take part in this Government-promoted program. Furthermore, the EDBM (Economic Development Board of Madagascar), the investment promotion agency of the country, provides free counseling and support before, during and after the settlement of a company in Madagascar. EDBM is indeed a one-stop office for foreign investors who want to start business in the country.
Production of essential oils with therapeutic characteristics from the rich flora of Madagascar is also a very promising branch. Indeed, thanks to its rich biodiversity, one of the most dense and number one in the world in terms of endemicity rate (more than 90%), Madagascar has dozens of endemic plants whose perfume and therapeutic values can be exploited. Production of perfumes can also be developed locally with refinery plants and technologies from abroad.
Madagascar is being very rich in mineral resources and precious stones such as nickel, cobalt, graphite, marble, lithium, rare earths, gold, sapphire, rubis, tourmaline, quartz etc, it wish to fully benefit from the exploitation of these resources. Serious investors are thus encouraged to explore this area. A new draft of mining law is under preparation and may be submitted to the Parliament during its second regular session which will close this December. Nonetheless, the basic requirements for a mining company to succeed, and this is valid everywhere in the world, is to fully study and understand the local laws and regulations governing the mining activities and to take into account and associate the local population. Failing to do so has resulted, in a number of cases, into clashes between mining companies and inhabitants whose lives have been affected by the mining activities. To prevent such problems from happening, the mining law has settled a number of steps to be followed by company such the social and environmental impacts study before the start of the activity. Of course, carefully following the steps represents a cost and need time, but they are the warrant of success for mining activities.
Besides, the Government of Madagascar, in the framework of its bid for industrialization, one of the pillars of the “Plan for the Emergence of Madagascar” or PEM, would like that there is more value chain in the mining activities. This means that mineral resources should undergo transformation before being exported so that there will be more value added and more jobs in the country. It is already the case for the Ambatovy nickel and cobalt mining activities, one of the biggest in the world. At the same time, the value adding activities will bring know-how and technology transfer to the country. Adding more value to mineral resources before exportation from Africa is also one of the recommendations in the Dakar Action Plan, the outcome of the FOCAC in November 2021 in Dakar.
To help develop its infrastructure development and housing construction, Madagascar needs to have cement production plants. It indeed have a huge gap in cement production and has to import from abroad and the price and offer on the local market remain high. The Government of Madagascar is currently promoting the building of new housing settlements in the major cities and one of the major project is the building of a smart city project in Imerintsiatosika, in the west of the capital city in order to decongest the later.
Thanks to its important biodiversity and idyllic landscapes and rich culture, including the Tsingy of Bemaraha and the biosphere reserve of North Mananara registered as world natural heritage, and the artistic and wood sculpture know-how of the Zafimaniry ethny as an intangible world heritage, Madagascar has identified tourism as a growth driver. Tourists can enjoy a variety of experience from its pure and fine sand beaches, to its lemurs in many national parks and trekking adventures in mountainous parks such as the Andringitra and Isalo national parks. Investors are then welcome in building high standards hotels resorts in many famous places such as in the Nosy Be and Sainte Marie islands.
As for the business environment, Madagascar offers seven reasons for investors to choose it.
-access to a huge market: as a member of both SADC (Southern Africa Development Community), COMESA (Common Market of Eastern and Southern Africa), the COI (Commission of the Indian Ocean) and a signatory of the Tripartite Trade Agreement between SADC, COMESA and the EAC (East African Community), Madagascar offers access to a market of potentially one billion consumers as these regional integration zones implement between their members preferential access to markets. Moreover, Madagascar is geographically located at the gates of Africa.
-duty free access to US and European markets: companies from Madagascar can export duty free products to the US as Madagascar benefits from the AGOA (African Growth Opportunity Act), and to the European Union in the framework of the EPA (Economic Partnership Agreement)
-versatility of investment opportunities thanks to high potential areas: the country has ambitious sectoral strategies oriented to the promotion of sectors with strong competitive advantages such as tourism, agribusiness and food processing, mining, textiles, information and communication technology, renewable energies, infrastructure etc.
-competitive establishment costs : in Madagascar, investors have access to multiple and exclusive competitive factors such as skilled labor force at a competitive force, electricity cost at 0.07USD/kwh with a fixed premium of 15.66 USD/kwh and a running water at 0.37USD/cubic meter that allow significant savings in investment. Moreover, land rental is only 2.00USB/m2/month for industrial use. The country has also a quantity of low-cost raw materials.
-the commitment of the Government : through the EDBM and the relevant departments of the different Ministries, the Government is committed to defining and implementing sectoral development plans, including the above-mentioned “ODOF” project which aims at creating at least one factory in each District.
-legal and administrative framework: Madagascar strives to facilitate business by settling a “one stop shop” office for administrative procedures pertaining company inception through the EDBM which gathers representatives of involved Ministerial departments. Moreover, EDBM provides free counseling and guidance for investors and recently made available an online application for company creation process (
-unrivaled natural resources: thanks to its particular geologic history and its geographical location, Madagascar is classified as one of the worlds “biodiversity hot spots”. From dense rain forests in the East to dry forests of majestic baobabs in the West and the large areas of wetlands in the West coasts, Madagascar, also called “a continent-island”, is an unparalleled nature sanctuary.
To conclude, I call on serious investors from China to explore opportunities in Madagascar in the above mentioned sectors, to fully study the regulatory framework, to consider more value added and the longer term in their investments. The Embassy of Madagascar and the Government of Madagascar is highly willing to work with them.
⬆ 马达加斯加Tsingy de Bemaraha严格自然保护区独特地理风貌
此外,马达加斯加政府在“马达加斯加崛起计划”(PEM)中将工业化视为支柱之一,在其追求工业化的架构中,希望采矿业务能够带动更多的价值链。这意味着矿产资源在出口前应经过加工,这样可以在国内创造更多的附加值和就业机会。地处Ambatovy的镍和钴的开采业务已经如此,这里是世界上最大的采矿业之一。与此同时,增值业务还能为马达加斯加带来专业知识和技术转让。在从非洲出口之前增加矿产资源的价值也是《达喀尔行动计划》的一项建议,该计划是2021 年11月在达喀尔举行的中非合作论坛的成果。