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以工代赈 振兴乡村


32    以工代赈要形成新制度和新模式
肖静秋  闫建军


39    以工代赈村民自建 创新提升赈济实效


42    规范化管理项目 创新拓展赈济模式


46    结合产业建设项目 创新发挥赈济作用


48    基层干部“带着干” 创新强化基层治理
骆浩  陈晨


52    组织群众“自己干” 创新增加“内生动力”


53    基层党组织“为群众” 创新增加“组织力”
李铁  蒋希


54    “租购聘”“询比选”资金安全有“方法”


56    务工组织“班排连” 务工管理显优势
李兵  郑东  肖兴华


58    四川以工代赈“四本书”
——四川建立4 方面制度体系确保以工代赈政策落实


60    项目遴选


63    全覆盖监督管理


64    “一卡通”平台直发劳务报酬


66    项目调度机制
周余霖  李庭博


68    全面验收机制


70    完善以公共需求为导向的政府投资管理机制


72    赈济为民
——四川以工代赈40 载纵览


74    跋涉在巴山蜀水,维护群众切身利益



12     基于项目生命期现金流,深化基础设施领域公司信用类债券的产品创新和风险管理
祁玉清  岳圣元


14     上半年投资形势分析与政策建议



18     黄土高原生态退化地区产业转型发展研究
高楠  武鹏飞  王高敏


23     美国智库“一带一路”领域研究报告的分析及启示
王一童  杜贞利  柴亚超  郭鹏  童天乐


27     变盐碱荒滩为金山银山的东营实践
吴裕鹏  谢明华



82     关于园区综合能效提升的措施建议
马淑杰  张英健  罗恩华


85     碳捕获、利用与封存未来发展趋势与挑战
陈曦  黄新  郭本帅  江洋洋



88     提升我国基础设施安全性


90     在世界大变局中确保我国经济安全运行
蒋浩  吕涛



94     进一步激发民间投资内生动力

96     制造业投资先行指标探讨



98     聚焦投资项目 总结实践经验
解读制度规则 指导实务操作



100   海上丝路贸易指数(2023 年6月)



102   非洲电力池组织:电力能源互通、贸易与共享

104   纳米比亚大学
李洪峰  袁薇婷



106   外资企业投资南非广播行业的法律规定
洪永红  尚青霖




108   尼日利亚卡诺酋长制度探析



112   见证中国非洲研究:从晨光破晓到旭日东升
——— 与专访中国非洲史学会前副会长李广一教授一席谈
张思齐  唐溪源  杨千藜


116   非洲国家独立后的冲突与冲突解决


118   寻求符合非洲现实的金融发展




Cover Stories
Relief for Work in Rural Vitalizition


32  Relief for Work Calls for New Institutions and New Models
——Interview with Xiao Jincheng, Chairman of China Association of Research into Regional Economies
Xiao Jingqiu and Yan Jianjun


39  Villagers Implementing Relief for Work Projects to Improve Efficacy of Relief
——The Practices and Exploration of Sichuan for Villagers to Implement Relief for Work Projects
Ma Rong


42  Regularizing Project Management in Innovating and Extending Relief Models
——Ceangxi County Adopting Villagers Implementation Method in Relief Projects Method
Xing Liqiong


46  Integrating Industrial Construction Project to Give Innovative Play to Relief
——Beichuan County Boosting Industrial Vitalization by Villagers Implementing Relief for Work Projects
Meng Yang


48  Grass-root Officials Taking the Lead to Enhance Governance with Innovation
——Canchong Village of Maoxian County Improving Grass-root Governance with Villagers Implementing Relief for Work Projects
Luo Hao and Chen Chen


52  Organizing the People to “Go It Alone” in Enhancing Endogenous Dynamics withfor Innovation
——Nanchong City Applying Villagers Implementing Relief for Work Projects to Spur Their Enthusiasm, Initiative and Creativeness
Nanchong Municipal Development and Reform Commission


53  Grass-root Party Organizations Adding “Organizing Power” to Innovation
——Zhongjiang County Rallying Public Support and Gratitude to the Party with Villagers Implementing Relief for Work Projects
Li Tie and Jiang Xi

54  Hire-Purchase and Inquiry-Comparison as MethodsMeans to Secure Funding
——Concrete Methods for Fund Spending in Villagers Implementing Relief for Work Projects
Research Team on Hire-Purchase in Villagers Implementing Relief for Work Projects


56  Temporary Workers Organized in Squads, Platoons and Companies Having Management Advantage
——Langzhong City Setting Up Basic Organizations of Temporary Workers to Effectively Promote Villagers Implementing Relief for Work Projects
Li Bing, Zheng Dong and Xiao Xinghua


58  Sichuan’s Four Books of Relief for Work
——Sichuan Establishing a Four-Front Institutional System for Implementing Relief for Work Policy
Wang Pengchao


60  Project Selection
Fan He


63  Full-Coverage Supervision
Wang Pengchao


64  All-Purpose Card as Platform to Directly Remunerate Temporary Workers
General Affairs Division, Sichuan Provincial Relief for Work Office


66  Project Dispatching Mechanism
Zhou Yulin and Li Tingbo


68  Comprehensive Acceptance Inspection Mechanism
Zheng Peng


70  Improving Public-Demand Led Government Investment Management System
——An Observation of Sichuan Province’s Work on Relief for Work
Ma Xiaoding


72  Relief Serving the People
——An Overview of Sichuan’s Forty-Year Relief for Work
Yang Caidong


74  Trudgeing through Mountains and Rivers of Sichuan for the People’s Immediate Interest
——A Profile of Sichuan Relief for Work Officials
Ma Rong


Observation And Reflection
12   Deepening Product Innovation and Risk Management for Company Credit Bond in Infrastructure field Based on Cash Flow in Project Life Cycle
Qi Yuqing and Yue Shengyuan


14   An Analysis of 2023 H1 Investment Situation and Policy Recommendations
Luo Songshan


Voice Of Think Tanks    
18   A Developmental Research on Industrial Transformation for Ecological degradation Area in Loess Plateau: The Case of Shaanxi
Gao Nan, Wu Pengfei and Wang Gaomin


23  An Analysis of BRI Domain Research Reports by US Think Tanks
Wang Yitong, Du Zhenli, Chai Yachao, Guo Peng and Tong Tianle


27  Dongying’s Practices in Turning Saline-Alkali Wasteland into Invaluable Assets
Wu Yupeng and Xie Minghua


Investment In Green Industry    

82  Recommendations for Measures to Improve Comprehensive Energy Efficiency of Industrial Parks
Ma Shujie, Zhang Yingjian and Luo Enhua


85  Future Development Trend and Challenges of Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage
Chen Xi, Huang Xin, Guo Benshuai and Wang Yangyang


Ktrue · Investment And Construction Forum

88  Improving China’s Infrastructure Security
Zhao Xinmiao


90  Securing Safe Operation of Chinese Economy Amid Profound WorldGlobal Changes
Jiang Hao and Lyu Tao


Investment And Financing Research And Practice

94  Further Stimulating Internal Impetus to Private Investment
Du Yue


96  Exploring Leading Indicators of Manufacturing Investment
Zhao Hui



98  Focusing on Investment Projects, Summarizing Practical Experience, Interpreting Institutional Rules, and Guiding Practical Operation: An Introduction to A Guide to Investment Project Management in China


100  Trade Indicators of Maritime Silk Road (June 2023)
Ningbo Shipping Exchange


Understanding Africa

102  African Power Pools: Connecting, Trading and Sharing Electrical Energy
Yu Minghong


104  University of Namibia
Li Hongfeng and Yuan Weiting


Investing In Africa

106  Legal Provisions for Foreign Enterprises to Invest in Broadcasting Media in South Africa
Hong Yonghong and Shang Qinglin


China-Africa Academic Field

108  Exploring Kano Emirate System of Nigeria
Wang Zixian


Society And Culture

112  African Studies in China: From First Daylight to Rising Sun in the East
——Interview with Professor Li Guangyi, Former Vice-President of Chinese Society of African Historical Studies
Zhang Siqi, Tang Xiyuan and Yang Qianli


116  Africa’s Conflicts and Conflict-Resolutions since Independence
Liu Weicai


118  Seeking for the Financial Development in Line with the African Realities
Liu Weicai



