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文/ 马克 彼森 Mark Beeson


马克彼森Mark Beeson 
































Australia’s unlikely partner

By Mark Beeson

Professor of InternationalPolitics

Political Science andInternational Relations M257

The University of WesternAustralia Crawley WA 6009 Australia

Series editor, CriticalStudies of the Asia-Pacific:

 Co-editor, Contemporary Politics

 For a selection of recent articles, see:http://uwa.academia.edu/MarkBeeson/About

Antipodemia: https://theconversation.com/columns/mark-beeson-60300


China and Australiaare unlikely partners. Not only are they a long way apart geographically, butvery different historical forces and influences have also shaped them.  China has once again become the mostimportant country in East Asia, while Australia remains a rather minor ‘middlepower’ on the margins of the region.

And yet while theymay not have much in common, they have little choice other than to develop agood working relationship. The reason is not difficult to understand: for bothcountries, the resource trade is vital to continuing national prosperity andeconomic security. But despite the importance of the bilateral economicrelationship, both countries have occasionally had their difficulties inmaintaining cordial ties.

Australia’s difficultiesstem from the fact that its principal security partner is the United States,which is currently locked in a growing contest with China for regionalinfluence. Most Australian policymakers argue that it doesn’t have to choosebetween its economic relationship with China and its enduring strategicrelationship with the US. Things are not quite that simple, however. Economicand strategic policies are, in fact, closely connected. It is not clear whetherthe Australian policy approach of trying to keep them compartmentalisedseparately will actually work.

The problems this iscausing for the Australian government are evident in the way it responded toChina’s Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) initiative, which wasdeveloped by China as an alternative to the extant institutional architecturehistorically dominated by the US.  TheAustralian government was fundamentally split: economic ministers supportedAustralia’s membership of the AIIB, while the prime minister and defence wantedto stay out – as they had been urged to do by the US.

The fact that theAustralian government eventually decided to join the AIIB in defiance of theUS’s wishes indicates just how important relations with China have become.  The establishment of the AIIB also indicates justhow unhappy China is with the prevailing international order, and how far it isprepared to go to try and change it.

Frustrated by itsinability to exert an influence in keeping with its economic status in theexisting so-called “Bretton Woods” institutions – especially the InternationalMonetary Fund and the World Bank – China has decided to develop its own. Withthe noteworthy exception of the US and Japan, other countries have been queuingup to join.

This is not quite there-emergence of the old East Asian Tribute system in which other statesacknowledged Chinese hegemony, but it is significant nevertheless. Importantly,it is not simply an expression of China’s growing soft power or ideationalinfluence. On the contrary, if successfully realised, the provision ofmuch-needed infrastructure funding in Asia promises to quite literally cementChina’s place at the centre of an expanding, interconnected regional productionnetwork.

If China’s expandinggeoeconomic influence were occurring in isolation, Australian policymakersmight be able to live with it. After all, this has been the big story aboutAustralia’s historical economic engagement with the world. Australia has been arule taker rather than a rule maker, and one that has been shaped by powerful externaleconomic forces.

What makes thisdifficult, and what accounts for all the ambivalence and mixed messages, isthat China’s rise is also undermining the strategic environment that manyAustralian policymakers thought was set in stone.

The flipside ofChina’s rise has been America’s relative decline. Because Australia is soclosely aligned to the US militarily, American policy goals and its capacity topursue them necessarily have greater implications for Australia than for mostcountries. True, other states in the region are also concerned about thestrategic implications of China’s rise and its increasingly aggressive pursuitof territorial claims in the South China Sea. But few other countries offer theUS the sort of blank strategic cheque that Australia traditionally does.

The key long-termquestion for Australian policymakers is whether China will be more of anopportunity or a threat. In other words, could China become a force forstability and what Robert Zoelick famously called a ‘responsible stakeholder’that might actually make many of its neighbours less concerned about thepossible security threat it poses?


China: Theresponsible stakeholder?

Whatever China’spolicymakers do these days matters a lot, and not just to its own people. Onthe contrary, for better or worse what happens in China has a powerful andoften immediate impact on the rest of the world. Any doubts about this ideahave been put to rest by the recent volatility in global stock markets, whichprovided a stark illustration of just how important China is to the globaleconomy.

One of the morepopular adages in politics is that with great power comes great responsibility.It’s a nice idea, but not one that is supported by a great deal of evidence.Indeed, neither China nor the US look like responsible stakeholders in thisregard.

We are, after all,still collectively engaged in one of the biggest economic experiments inhistory – ‘quantitative easing’, or printing money as it used to be known. Thispolicy was embarked upon because it was judged to be in America’s perceivednational interests. Its intention was to pump liquidity into a still-fragileeconomy and put downward pressure on the American dollar. Significantly, it wasdone with little regard for its possible impact on other countries, especiallythe potentially volatile and vulnerable emerging markets.

Powerful nations dothese sorts of things because they can. No one can stop the US from actingunilaterally no matter what the collateraldamage may be. Should we expect anything different from China, despite itsclaims of solidarity with the normally marginalised countries of the so-calleddeveloping world? Perhaps not.

And yet given thatChina is trying to position itself as a central player in both the existinginstitutional order created by the US, as well as its own vision of analternative regime with China at its centre, the decision to devalue itscurrency cannot have been taken lightly. Officials at the People’s Bank ofChina must have understood that their actions would attract great attention andhave significant economic and political consequences.

So why would China’stop leaders authorise a policy that would send such mixed messages about itsinternational role and domestic circumstances? They must have realised thatsuch actions would potentially reignite the so-called currency wars and raisequestions about including the yuan in the IMF’s basket of currencies thatconstitute “special drawing rights” – a long-held ambition of China’s economicelites.

Underthe circumstances it’s not unreasonable to infer that China’s leadership is soworried about the state of the domestic economy that it is prepared to suffersome international criticism and reputational damage because the risks of notdoing so are simply too great. The legitimacy of the Chinese government restsoverwhelmingly on its ability to keep delivering economic growth anddevelopment. Xi Jinping recognises this and has apparently given his support torecent moves.

Whether a relativelyminor adjustment in the value of the yuan will have much affect is quiteanother question. The downturn in domestic manufacturing, for example, isunlikely to be reversed by a marginal change in its competitiveness. Even moreimportantly and paradoxically, the local governments that have tried to shoreup their deteriorating balance sheets by borrowing offshore will suddenly findthe cost of repaying such loans has gone up markedly.

China’scommunist leaders have proved themselves to be rather good at running acapitalist economy, thus far. But its very success may have increasedexpectations in unsustainable and dangerous ways. The recent gyrations inShanghai’s stock market are the most visible manifestation of China’s versionof what former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan called ‘irrationalexuberance’. The thousands of unoccupied apartment blocks across China are aneven more tangible testament to the formerly irrepressible dynamism of theChinese economy.

All of this mattersenormously for Australia. It is not just the resource sector that has gone fromboom to bust in the blink of any eye. China’s cannier investors are assiduouslyworking to shift their wealth offshore, out of reach of Chinese authorities andan increasingly fragile looking domestic economy. Australian real estate – evenin Sydney – still looks comparatively cheap and safe.  All of this is contributing to growingcapital flight from China. This may have major consequences for the likes ofAustralia.

While all this maycreate headaches for Australian policymakers, we shouldn’t be too surprisedthat their counterparts in China are putting domestic priorities ahead ofpossible international responsibilities. Even allies have been known to behavein this way. So why should we expect a notional strategic rival to act anydifferently?

It may be inevitablethat a relatively minor power such as Australia would look for powerful friendsand allies to underpin its security, whether that is the military or theeconomic variety.  Whether Australianpolicymakers like it or not, they may have to get used to the idea that Chinawill exert a growing influence on both and that the US will inevitably becomeless important as a consequence. Whether thinking and policy in Australia willalso reflect this material change is another question.