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文/ 海尔格·策普·拉鲁旭Helga Zepp-LaRouche





















In the Face of theRefugee Crisis: Realizing a Grand Vision


by HelgaZepp-LaRouche

Oct. 18  The public discourse and private discussionsin Germany are presently dominated by heated debates over how to proceed  in face of the escalating refugee crisis. Thereare those, who stir fears, that the capacities of the communes to absorb therefugees of up to 1,5 millions this year have already been exhausted,  that one should change the basic law to limitthe number of refugees, that chancellor Merkel should resign or will notoutlast the remaining two years of her present term, that the largely muslimrefugees will undermine the cultural identity of Europe, etc, etc.

Fortunately thereis still a  majority  of people who respond as good Samaritans tothe distress of  the refugees, manyciticens  react  with very concrete steps, like bosses offirms offering to take young refugees as apprentices in their business, danceteachers organizing social activities for them, in order tohelp them toovercome their isolation, older couples take one or two refugees in theirhouses to occuppy rooms vacated by grown up children. It is heart- warming tosee that the german people are capable of such a human behaviour.

The refugee crisishas suddenly changed almost everything in Europe and in Germany in particular.For years EU- policy completely ignored this problem, leaving Greece and Italyessentially alone to deal with the plight of more and more people, trying toescape from war, hunger and desease in Sout West Asia and Africa. People in thewell to do countries of the north of Europe lived in the bubble of their neatand apperantly  functioning societies.

But the dailystreams of ten thousands of desperate human beeings, trying to get to thepromised land, woke people up. All of a sudden they realized, that if countrieslike Germany dont concern themselves with the world, than the world comes tothem. Most emphatically it made European nations realize, that they have theirown national interest, and that may be quite different than that of the UnitedStates.

All of a sudden thediscussion errupted, that in was the American wars in the Near and Middle East,that are the cause for the crisis. And while European nations still followedWashingtons and Londons lead in the Ukraine crisis, by imposing – even soreluctantly-, sanctions  against Russia,now the situation has changed. Germany, France and other nations all of asudden welcomed Putins military interventions in Syria, realizing, that only ifthese wars stop, will there be any hope, that the refugee stream will end.Also, since the Russian military operations there are moving steadily aheadsuccessfully, contrary to the american confusing policy of allways supporting„good rebells“, only to see them join the terrorist shortly there  after, it becomes clear, that only Putinspolicy , supported by China, will diminuish the danger of terrorism in Europe.

The biggestobstacle to solving the refugee crisis right now is the ideology of neoliberalmonetarism, which traps not only the EU burocracy, but also a significantnumber of conservative politicans, such as German finance minister WolfgangSchäuble or Michel Sapin of the socialist government of France. The fixation onthe socalled „Black Zero“, a zero deficit in the budget, is based on thecalculation, that the demographic curve will dramaticly go down in the comingyears in all european countries, that the taxe revenue will shrinkdramatically, and therefore only the strictest austerity policy can adapt tothis fact. Naturally, the unspoken but more important reason lies in thedesolate condition of the derivative-ridden European banking system, whichrequires a constant income stream form the real economy and endlessquantitative easing. This austerity policy however is extremly dangerous,because with it goes the mistaken idea, that you have to cut in other areas,such as social expenditures, pensions or education, which naturally causes  anxieties and stirs xenophobic reactions.

One only has to goback in Germanys history to see, that a completely different approach ispossible. Germany was able to accomodate 14 million refugees toward the end ofWorld War II and in the immediate postwar period, who fled from the East to theWest, and the incorpation of these people was a significant factor of whatbecame the famous German Economic Miracle. Again,before and after the fall ofthe wall in 1989 West Germany was able to integrate three million refugees fromthe former GDR, and again 750 000 from the Balkans in the 90ties.

However, Germanythan had a completely different economic policy.In the postwar period, thegovernment-owned reconstruction bank (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau) was basedon the Roosevelt-era Reconstruction Finance Corporation, providing cheap,longterm credit for small and medium seized industries, the very productivegerman Mittelstand, which was and still is orientied towards the production ofreal physical wealth, rather than speculative profits. That policy ended withthe imposition of the European monetary union, which among other problems hasresulted in the terrible crisis in all of southern Europe, and has clearlyfailed.

If Germany wants todeal with the refugee crisis, it must return to the credit policy of thereconstruction period and provide credit for the construction of up to 500 000new homes per year, up to 25 000 additional teachers, 1000 new schools, roomfor 70 000 more children in daycare centers, 10 000 more hiospital beds, 6000more doctors, 20 000 more administrative positions, 50 000 more new socialworkers, 15 000 more new police officers.

Those refugees, whoalready have skills, can be immediately integrated in this reconstruction, andthose, who dont, can get the training on the job. Nothing will be better tohelp them to overcome the trauma of their war experience and flight, andnothing will be better for the german economy and society to rejuvenate.

Following thesuccess of the military operations in Syria and Irak, there must not only bethe reconstruction of the cities destroyed by the war, but there should be areal development perspective for the entire region. The obvious way to realizethat is the extension of the One Road, One Belt, Silk Road policy into theentire region from Afganistan to the Mediterranean, and from the Caucasus to thePersian Gulf with a comprehensive development program.


The greening of thedeserts with desalination of large amounts of sea water, and other modernmethods of fresh water production, such as ionization of the moisture in theatmosphere together with the building of integrated infrastructure projects,industry and agriculture, and new cities that will totally change thecharacteristics of the region. An outline for such a programm has just beenpublished in the new chinese language edition of the study „The New Silk Roadbecomes the World Landbridge“, published by the Chongyang Financial instituteand the Schiller Institute. ( Note to the editor: Please insert here the linkto the publishing house, where people can order the book.)

Only if poverty iseliminated, and, most importantly, young people, and especially young men, aregiven a real perspective for the future, can the problem of terrorism beovercome for good. Naturally, the known sources of funding of terrorism–, forexample, through drug cultivation in Afghanistan and certain Wahhabi“charity'' organizations, must be cut off.

It is clear thatsuch a change in paradigm is only feasible if all the major neighbors of theregion–Russia, China, India, Iran, Egypt, and the European nations–andhopefully also the U.S.–work together. But the present crisis makes abundantlyclear, that a continuation of geopolitics can only lead to catastrophies, andmust be urgently replaced by the common aims of mankind.

If Germany andother effected nations would announce both the above mentioned integration programm for those refugees, who want tostay longer or permantly in Germany and other European countries, as well asthe extension of the New Silk Road-policy for all of South East Asia, andAfrica, the signal effect for the whole world would be enormous. Despair wouldbe transformed into hope and optimism for a better future for all. It would beanother, and maybe the most important, application of President Xi Jinpingswin-win-policy for the whole world.

 That opportunity need only be seized.