Integratingdevelopment plans are becoming a more common understanding of countries alongthe Belt and Road. It works well to realize win-win cooperation, form communityof shared destiny and promote deeper regional cooperation and globalization.
林尚立 Lin Shangli
复旦大学副校长Vice President of Fudan University
但辛·朝格特巴塔尔D. Tsogtbaatar
former Minister ofNature, Environment and Tourism, Mongolia.He served as Deputy Director of the Department of Multilateral Cooperation at the Ministryof Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy Advisor to two Presidents of Mongolia
亚历山大·尼尔Alexander Neill
Shangri-La DialogueSenior Fellow for Asia Pacific security at the International Institute forStrategic Studies Asia (IISS-Asia) office in Singapore.He has published onChinese strategic security issues but also has wider interests and expertise inAsian security, including counter-terrorism, deterrence strategy
恩斯特·斯代特Ernst Maximilian Stetter
ErnstMaximilian Stetter is Secretary Generalof the Foundation for EuropeanProgressive Studies. He is also a regular commentator on EU affairs in themedia.Ernst Stetter is an economist and political scientist. He studiedinternational trade, finance, economic and social policy as well as developmentissues
马加力 Ma Jiali
中国改革开放论坛战略中心主任Director of Centre of Strategic Studies China Reform Forum
Countries along the Belt and Road haverespective advantages and unique features. China wants to learn from them anddraw upon our respective strengths.
但辛·朝格特巴塔尔 D. Tsogtbaatar
Setting up this association and bringingtogether think tanks from across the world is a great idea. Think tanks areheads and thoughts of countries, so they have great influences on statepolicy-making and trend of thoughts. This association is able to lay a solidfooting and blaze a path for sustainable development and cooperation in thefuture.
Sport events will also benefit a lot, and itis a highly important part in the Belt and Road framework.
Tourism should also be a focus. For manydeveloping countreis,this is a good business. Not much input is required, and tourism brings wealth to destination countriesand promotes direct communication with different countries and people, reachingbetter mutual understanding and spiritual interaction with other civilizations.
亚历山大·尼尔 Alexander Neill
The Belt and Road Initiative should follow lawsof market economy. Governments must provide legal and political support andprevent risks. Dampening corruption bystrengthened legal restraint is also amust-do.
Inclusive cooperation should bedown-to-ground and suitable for countries’ actual ability. It must driveforward real economy including manufacturing, transportation,telecommunications and service sector. Many of us are developing countries andare quite weak in industrial chain. Shenzhen’s miracle is in a large part dueto its complete industrial chain. We think tanks can study how to developindustrial chains in Eurasia by virtue of the Belt and Road.
Mutual understanding is very important. Wemust understand what are a country’s abilities, potentials and regulations.More cooperation opportunities can then be discovered.
We should also clarify some concepts aboutthe Belt and Road Initiative: is it to connect Asia with Europe or is it anopen plan? I think of it as an organic concept with which we can spread ouractions and capital like seeds wherever we go.
康斯坦丁·科卡廖夫 Konstantin A. Kokarev
Deputy Director of Russia’s Institute forStrategic Studies, Russia. The priority directions of his scientific activityinclude major trends of China’s political developments since 1949, politicaltraits of evolution process in special administrative regions.
Russia and China should integrate ourdevelopment plans into the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative and signmore cooperative documents between us. We should explore more on economicdevelopment, security cooperation and cultural exchange. I think China andRussia should enhance comprehensive cooperation in fields like localdevelopment planning and security risk evaluation.
金锡焕 Kim Seok Hwan
President of Korea Institute for EurasianStudies; Vice chairman of Advisory commission for “Cooperation andreconciliation of South-North Korea” to the Speaker of Parliament of theRepublic of Korea
The Silk Road in the 21st Centurymeans more vitality and more countries involved. It is a road connectingWestern and Oriental civilization which allows thoughts to collide andtechnologies to flow and signifies inclusiveness towards diversity and commondevelopment.
瑞德兴 Radoslaw Pyffel
Co-founder and President of Poland AsiaResearch Centre (CSPA); Advisor in the Polish Parliament; Author of five bookson China; Co-editor of the Chinese issue of Polish Sociological Review
I’ve been in close contact with our Presidentand relevant departments, and all parties said they would like to be part ofthe Belt and Road. Only they do not know how and how to better understand sucha new concept as the Belt and Road.
So we need better promotion and publicity. Weneed to tell people effectively what this initiative is and explain that itwill be a success. We should propose some ways of dinging this, like targetedpublicity focused on the young generation. The President of Poland welcomes such creative ideas.
理查德·图尔参维 Richard Turcsanyi
Deputy Director of Institute of AsianStudies/CENAA in Bratislava, Slovakia. Research interests: Chinese foreignpolicy, China's power, and Central European relations with China
The Belt and Road Initiative is not onlyabout South-South cooperation, though many of the involved countries aredeveloping ones. Some countries are from OECD. And all of us have enormousdemand for growth.
卡克哈·申格利亚 Kakha Shengelia
President, Caucasus University, Tbilisi,Georgia. Member of Parliament
To better integrate our own development planswith the Belt and Road, the Georgian government is determined to improvetransportation infrastructure within the country. We hope to see Georgia playan important role in Europe’s main transport passageway.
Cooperation under the framework of the Beltand Road must engage the business community and strengthen ties among them indifferent countries.
Georgia has already had railway connectionswith Xinjiang inChina and Turkmenistan. Railway is 1.5 times faster thanmaritime transport and costs are lower, namely more convenient and less costly.
Nowadays over 2000 Chinese companies areinvesting and doing businesses in Georgia. We welcome Chinese investors andentrepreneurs to come.
谢哈布·汗 Shahab Enam Khan
孟加拉国企业研究所研究主任 Jahangirnagar大学国际关系系副教授主任斯里兰卡战略研究区域中心国际研究委员会成员。研究领域:孟加拉与周边国家经济合作
Chairman and Associate Professor, Departmentof International Relations, Jahangirnagar University; Research Director at theBangladesh Enterprise Institute; Member of the International Research Committeeof the Regional Center for Strategic Studies, Sri Lanka. Research focuses:economic cooperation between Bangladesh and its neighboring countries.
We can set up a regional university, saySouth Asia University. It may host representatives from countries in the sameinstitute to facilitate cooperation among different countries. We can exchangeviews and share research results. When we do joint research, it is not aboutsome single country but the whole region.
Countries along the Belt and Road have theirdistinctive features. Though not without similarities, I think differences aredominant. So we need to integrate different development plans of them, namelythe topic of our panel discussion today.
Peace is specially precious in the currentworld. In this sense, the Belt and Road’s upholding peace and development has alot to offer to the world. And the core of implementing the Belt and Road liesin political mutual trust.
安托瓦内特·拉奎扎 Antoinette R. Raquiza
Vice President of Asia Pacific Pathways toProgress Foundation, Incorporated; Associate professor at the Asian Center ofthe University of the Philippines; Research field: Asian Studies, comparativepolitical institutions and international political economy. Author of StateStructure, Policy Formation, and Economic Development in Southeast Asia: ThePolitical Economy of Thailand and the Philippines
Southeast Asian countries, though not big insize, are independent sovereignties. We all want independent development andrealization of self-interests via contacts with big powers. We also want tocontribute to regional harmony. And joining the Belt and Road is a great way ofdoing this.
瑞德兴 Radoslaw Pyffel
We need action. If no institutions orcompanies take action, then there is a problem. Though responds have beenpositive, some institutions may find it difficult to jointly push forward duetto lack of communication.
亚历山大·尼尔 Alexander Neill
I want to say a thing or two aboutrelationship between security, stability and economic growth. President XiJinping recently said in the Middle East that stability is crucial for theMiddle East to achieve economic growth. Security and stability are alreadypreconditions for economic development. Think tanks should talk about this andI think a successful Belt and Road will bring more stability.
We should keep a balance between land andmaritime passageways. For some economic activities, land transport is cheaperthan maritime transport. So as our Georgian friend mentioned, theirgeographical position on the land will greatly boost connectivity for the Beltand Road.
Oceania holds a significant position in theBelt and Road and has a great stake in it. Island countries in the Oceaniashould engage.
恩斯特·斯代特 ErnstMaximilian Stetter
To achieve connectivity, we should encouragelocal talent cultivation and innovative development, and knowledge sharing andcapacity building must be supported in the real sense.
The Belt and Road should take a step-by-stepapproach in accordance with the reality in relevant countries, noting theiropportunities and obstacles. Down-to-the-ground methods are need to avoid powerstruggle taking the Belt and Road as an excuse.
Regional stability is inseparable fromeconomic prosperity. Only through economic prosperity can we attain andmaintain stability and peace. We are well aware of this and we should spreadsuch awareness in countries along the Belt and Road.
熊梦 Xiong Meng
中国工业经济联合会执行副会长Executive Vice-Chairman,China Federation ofIndustrial Economics(CFIE)
We have been setting up think tanks inbilateral and multilateral ways. For example, a think tank we started jointlywith Lithuania is program-based and does evaluation, counseling, technologicalservice and training; very practical.
After months of preparation, we started theBelt and Road Industry and Commerce Association. Industrial organizations fromGermany, Lithuania and Egypt have already joined, and discussions are underwaywith organizations from other countries.
穆罕默德·拉提夫 Mohamed Latheef
Chancellor, Maldives National University;Chairman of National Pay Review Board. Minister of education from 1993 to 2002.Ambassador to UN from 2002 to 2007, and USA from 2003 to 2007
No matter how small a country is, it is eagerto participate in the Belt and Road Initiative. Maldives already did. This is anew initiative, but we are optimistic about it, because we hope it can bring abrandnew idea of development not only for some single country or region, butfor the whole world. The theme of this idea is peace and development, is acommunity of shared destiny based on partnerships among participatingcountries.
I do not think of the Belt and RoadInitiative as a strategy. It is not exclusive, neither. Its goal is to achievecommon development and a community of shared destiny, say realizing SustainableDevelopment Goals set out by the UN.
We need to coordinate existing mechanisms invarious countries and coordiante among countries so as to form synergy in termsof communication and publicity.
The academia should not only study thehistory of the ancient Silk Road but also try to understand its new connotationin the Internet era.
瓦西里·优奇施恩 VasylYurchyshyn
Director of Economic programs for UkrainianCentre for Economic and Political Studies named after OlexanderRazumkov(Razumkov Centre), and professor in Public Administration for National Academyof Public Administration, Office of the President of Ukraine.Researchinterests: macroeconomics, international economics, public administration(economy aspects)
Think tanks have unique opportunities to leadthe future, and to explore and show how to cooperate and form synergy.
We should contemplate how different partiescan provide useful suggestions to the governments and how to give non-politicalforces more influence and room.
诺尼·祖拉应纳·伊斯米 Noni ZurainahIsmi
Acting Senior Special Duties Officer at theOffice of the Permanent Secretary (Trade) at the Ministry of Foreign Affairsand Trade (MOFAT) of Brunei Darussalam
Southeast Asian countries should keepdiscussing more with China about cooperation in land activities likeagriculture, roads and transport, for these means great potentials insub-region and are still virgin fields to develop. Infrastructure developmentwill promote investment, connectivity and render our region more economicallyintegrated with more opportunities.
冈特·海杜克 Günter Siegfried Heiduk
华沙经济学院亚洲研究中心主任Professor and Head of the East Asian ResearchUnit at Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
We should do research into cities along theBelt and Road. If they already have large volumes of trade, what should they donext? I think sister cities would be a good choice.
恩斯特·斯代特 ErnstMaximilian Stetter
Each and everyera and phase have their challenges and difficulties. We also have differentgoals and intents. We should not simply copy the past or ancient practices, butwe should gain new knowledge from new practices.