Acrucial part for building the Belt and Road is connectivity, including “hardconnectivity” of infrastructure such as roads, “soft connectivity” ofregulations and “people connectivity”, namely people-to-people exchange.
主持人 Chair:
胡昊Hu Hao
Deputy Director General of CCCWS, SecretaryGeneral of the Council of CCCWS
沃纳·巴夏Werner Pascha
Professor of East Asian EconomicStudies/Japan and Korea at the University of Duisburg-Essen, affiliated to theMercator School of Management and to the (university-level) Institute of EastAsian Studies (IN-EAST)
日瓦丁·约万诺维奇Zivadin Jovanovic
President of the Belgrade Forum for a Worldof Equals, Belgrade, Serbia
阿尔达别克·努尔让马尔Nurzhamal Aldabek
Professor of the faculty of Oriental Studies of theal-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Research field:Kazakh-Chinese relations, international relations in Central Asia and historyof China in general
日瓦丁·约万诺维奇 Zivadin Jovanovic
To us, two kinds ofconnectivity are important: connectivity of entities and connectivity ofcultures and policies. Serbia offers enormous opportunities, not only does itenjoys great economic potential, it also lies at the throat of Europe.Belgrade, when participating in the Belt and Road, can be a connection point ofconnectivity in the middle.
I just want to say thatthe Black Sea and the Baltic Sea can be connected through some passages and routes,in this way cargo can be transported there directly from the Suez Canal.
吴思康 Wu Sikang
Director of the ShenzhenMunicipal People's Government Development Research Center (Municipal PolicyResearch Office) party secretary
We will give play to Shenzhen’s advantages ininformation industry, finance sector, extent of openness, medium and high-endconsumption and urban functions to facilitate connectivity for the Belt andRoad.
诺罗敦·西里武 Norodom Sirivudh
Norodom Sirivudh is a member of the Constitutional Council, Privy Counselor to His Majesty the King, Founder & Chairman of theBoard of Directors, Cambodian Institute forCooperation and Peace (CICP)
Demand for labor force will generate largeflows of population. Maybe we can realize labor force shift internationally byvirtue of interconnectivity.
阿姆萨·阿明 Amsa Amin
Chairman of Centre for Security andDevelopment Studies, Bangladesh. Former Minister in Bangladesh Mission inLondon, UK. Former Ambassador of Bangladesh to Russia, Brazil and Jordan
An important issue is how to attractinvestment. Connectivity plans need enormous capital and funding to implement.
Connectivity may connect Shenzhen withCentral Asia, then Southeast Asia, then to Europe and via the Maritime SilkRoad go eastward to Latin America. But we should always keep in mind the issueof security, which has to do with power politics and international relations insecurity. We must thoroughly think these issues through, otherwise howevergreat a project is, it ends in nothing.
提墨菲·博尔达切夫 Timofey Bordachev
Director of Center forComprehensive European and International Studies (CCEIS) in the School of WorldEconomics and International Affairs of the National Research University –Higher School of Economics (HSE); Programme Director (Eurasian programme),Valdai Club Foundation
Facing the ‘Belt and Road’ and ‘EurasianUnion’, Central Asian countries do not need to make a choice out of the two.They can benefit from both.
Trade cannot bring peace. Before the SecondWorld War broke out, Britain and Germany had a large trade volume, but it wasno insurance for peace. Common development can bring peace. It is what CentralAsian countries want to see and participate in. So we were for integration ofthe ‘Belt and Road’ and ‘Eurasian Union’ at the very beginning.
As for implementing the ‘Belt and Road’, weshould consider the SCO mechanism or establish new mechanisms, for we think weshould graduate from the old ones.
安德里斯·斯普拉兹 Andris Spruds
Director, Latvian Institute of InternationalAffairs;Professor, Faculty of European Studies, Riga Stradins University.Research interests: regional and global security issues, energy and transportdiplomacy, the domestic and foreign policy of Russia, Eastern Partnershipcountries and Central Asia
The ‘Belt and Road’ Initiative have both regionaland global influences. It is an embracive and visionary initiative, a long-termcause. We may keep discussing it for years to come.This is a new cooperation mode.
As connectivity borders on multiple sectors,cooperation also has diverse modes. Connectivity does not only have to do withtransportation and infrastructure; and in the absence of the principle ofmutual benefit and win-win, cooperation is no easy task.
We probably cannot totally deny the existence ofgeographical and security elements in this, say major powers playing games,thus conflicts of benefits and misunderstandings. Think tanks should play a larger part in this regard; we should make morecontributions.
塔马斯·马都亚 TamasMatura
Tamas Matura is the Founder of the Centraland Eastern European Center for Asian Studies
Influences of the ‘Belt and Road’ Initiativekeep growing in geographical scale, now even extending to Latin Americancountries. Some countries think that the Initiative will challenge the existinginstitutions, such as the WTO. I think it is extremely important to explain theInitiative to people.
I hope universities and colleges in countriesthat are members of this Association will set up such a mechanism that enablesprofessors to join the discussion and releases more information about the Beltand Road Initiative to young students, and more importantly to the public.
李绍先 Li Shaoxian
President of ChineseAcademy of Arab Studies, Ningxia University, former Vice President of ChinaInstitute of Contemporary International Relations
Global capacity cooperation andinfrastructure cooperation face the same bottleneck: lack of fund. In hisspeech delivered at the headquarters of the League of Arab States whilevisiting Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Iran in the Middle East, President Xi Jinpingmentioned a series of commitments and concrete measures in order to addresscapital shortage. For example, China will set aside 15 billion US dollars asIndustrial Fund for Arab states and provide 10 billion dollars of commercialloans and 10 billion dollars of favorable loans to help capacity cooperationbetween China and Arab States. Meanwhile, China will establish jointly withSaudi Arabia a 20-billion-dollar fund adhoc for energy infrastructure and high-endmanufacturing cooperation. President Xi’s visit to the Middle East is afruitful one in terms of building a community of shared destiny. I believe thedevelopment of the ‘Belt and Road’ in the Middle East will be highlysignificant.
吴思康 Wu Sikang
Role of local governments in building the‘Belt and Road’, as I understand it, lies in using their financial muscle tolead a city when participating in the Initiative. They can make policies toencourage local businesses to invest in countries along the Belt and Road, tolocate new markets, to form joint ventures, to engage in infrastructurebuilding, etc.
Besides, local governments can alsocoordinate with their foreign counterparts on some major issues via local-leveldiplomacy. They can also set regulations and mechanisms more congruent withinternationally-recognized norms. Shenzhen encourages countries along the Beltand Road to approach Chinese marketthrough Shenzhen and utilize Chinese capital and technologies.
胡昊 Hu Hao
The Silk Road Think Tank Association is anopen platform. We see the Belt and Road Initiative as a long-term and greatcause that needs involvement of multiple sides. The more think tanks werecruit, the better. All organizations committed to research related to theBelt and Road are welcome to join us.
The Belt and Road Initiative was proposed byChina, but it cannot be realized without other countries. We maintain theprinciples of common consultation, joint building, fruits sharing and risksharing.
萝扎·奥通巴耶娃 Roza Otunbayeva
Former President of Kyrgyzstan. the founderand leader of the International Public Foundation “Roza Otunbayeva Initiative”since 2012, committed to the social, political and economic development of theKyrgyz Republic
Conflicts in the Middle East are a regionalissue which must be solved if we are to develop trade, telecommunications andinfrastructure there.
ISIS is now infiltrating into Afghanistan,which cannot be good, posing potential but severe threats to Central Asiancountries. China is weighing more in international politics. As a global power,member of the UN Security Council, China should play a bigger role commensurateto its status as the world’s second largest economy. In particular, Chinashould make its voice heard in conflict resolution.
I think not only China needs the Belt andRoad. We all do. Our think tank association should promote the concept of theBelt and Road and seek the optimal cooperation modes.
提墨菲·博尔达切夫 Timofey Bordachev
I am with Former President Otunbayeva on thisone. Indeed, the Belt and Road was proposed by President Xi Jinping, and somepeople say it is China’s thoughts and geographical strategy to expand itsinfluence. As Her Excellency pointed out just now, such mentality must becorrected, for this is an initiative for all participating countries.
This Silk Road Think Tank Association shouldinitiate a global Belt and Road Forum where we discuss domestic and regionalissues, let our voice heard by the UN, get the Forum registered at UN and makeit widely accepted, by not only Chinese people but also people in other partsof the world, so that we contribute more to world peace and security.
阿姆萨·阿明 Amsa Amin
India seems slow in responding to the Belt andRoad Initiative. But actually we havealready held two conferences to discuss it. We may be slow, but we are activelydoing preparation. And we will hold a third conference this year.
肖克 Karim Al Wadi
China Office Representative, China & AsiaResearch Center. He writes articles about China and the Middle East.His bookReal Story of Hezbollahhas been officially published by the Word Affairs Pressin 2015
When the Belt and Roadprojects land in respective countries, it must take into consideration thelocal economy, resource endowment and employment demand. It is important not toonly take profit maximization as the only criterion. Policy coordination isalso crucial to avoid and decrease administrative and legal disputes.
日瓦丁·约万诺维奇 Zivadin Jovanovic
The Belt and Road Initiative is a positiveand lasting project which we should all promote and support. Those who want tosee a more stable, developed and united world with less extremism should alltake part.
We’ve already talk about many facets ofconnectivity, like physical connectivity, personnel exchange, people-to-peoplebond, cultural exchange, education and youth. I want to add one thing: sports.Sports get people together, help us build mutual understanding and leave usmore united.
What we need is real work, not a castle inthe air. So we need political consensus. Backwardness is the soil for extremismand chaos. To eliminate conflicts and other problems, the initiative aimes toachieve economic and social advancement through cooperation. As such, countriesalong the Belt and Road will not only benefit economically but also will enjoystability and peace.
We want peace and development, and we wantChina to make contributions. We recognize China’s increasing influence inglobal politics. We want to see this initiative embraced rather than sabotaged.We look to the initiative to bring benefits to countries along it, for the goodof our people and the whole world.
多米尼克·梅泽耶夫斯基 Dominik Mierzejewski
professor at the DEAS. Research field:China’s economic and political development, rhetoric of Chinese foreign policyand local authorities transition in China
This is my third visit to Shenzhen. The first time I came here in 1999from Shanghai by car and it took 35 hours; and this time I came here fromShanghai by train and it only took 7 hours.
Cooperation on connectivity atlocal-government levels are quite important. Chinese provinces shouldstrengthen cooperation among themselves and with their foreign counterparts.
吴士存 Wu Shicun
President of National Institute for SouthChina Sea Studies
I suggest we promote talent training. We can select several universitiesto train talents needed in early implementation of the Belt and Road Initiativeand those projects so that we have continuous talent supply. People are the keyto projects; only with qualified people can the implementation be sustainable.
熊术新 Xiong Shuxin
Yunnan University of Finance and Deputy PartySecretary, the Principal
On education, we’ve completed more than 20high-end training sessions targeting South Asia and Southeast Asia. Trainees get to know about Chinese people, Chinese wisdom and China’sweakness when they are in China. They get different feelings and more thoughtsthan before when they didn’t know the real China.
洪风 NateeTaweesrifuengfung
Assistant of the President of PanyapiwatInstitute of Management, Chairman of the Center of Chinese Graduate Students inthe Panyapiwat Institute of Management
Starting from 2003, Panyapiwat Institute ofManagement invites 18 to 25 top Chinese professors to make lectures in Chineseabout China’s success and experience. We opened up a doctoreate program inmanagement since 2009, inviting students with Chinese language skills fromacross the world to Thailand and on the other hand Chinese progessors from 34Chinese universities to study here. In this way, Chinese experience andinternational experience meet and more business opportunities are identified.
610 yeas ago in Ming Dynasty, Chinese marinerZheng He led naval expeditions to the Indian Ocean, changing China and theworld with people—those on board were not soldiers but mostly technicians. Manydelicate archeitectures in Thailand were buildt by those Chinese craftsmen. Theyplayed a great role in our country’s development. The Belt and Road Initiativeand our think tank association both need to study how to achive efficient andfree flow of people and talents.
吴钦貌林 Khin Maung Lynn
Joint Secretary, Myanmar Institute ofStrategic and International Studies. Former Charge d’Affaires/Minister-Counsellor at the Myanmar Embassy in Kuwait
The Belt and Road Initiative is a veryimportant initiative in the 21st century, and it has Myanmar’s fullsupport. We are aware that cooperation must be based on friendship, mutualbenefit and win-win outcome. As strategic cooperative partners, Myanmar and Chinamust find some suitable way to establish multi-dimensional connectivity andrealize regional stability.
阮德成 Nguyen Duc Thanh
President of Viet Nam Institute for Economicand Policy Research (VEPR) and member of the Economic Advisory Group to thePrime Minister of Vietnam, founder and chief editor of the influencing VietnamAnnual Economic Reports
I want to say, on behalf of think tanks inVietnam, that we fully support the Belt and Road Initiative. And I think it isa creative one regionally and globally.
It is initiated by China, and how canparticipating countries get involved and help develop it? Every project orinitiative has to answer this question. We should jointly establish the contentand rules of the Belt and Road and this is the area where this think tankassociatoin can paly a key role.
阿伦·莫汉蒂 Arun Kumar Mohanty
Professor at Centre for Russian and CentralAsian Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University.Research field: developments in Soviet Union, Post-Soviet Russia and CIS and,Indo-Russian relations
We are now in an era of integration; not asingle country or region can develop isolated. So when we look at the Belt andRoad Initiative, we see it as an initiative for the region and even the wholeworld.
At the beginning, the Belt and Road Initiativewas not so popular. But things change in the past two years. Indian people nowbelieve getting involved is better than sitting aside and watch. We’ve got ourown problems like market access capability and infrastructure bottleneck; theseare reasons that India should participate. The Belt and Road Initiative hassomething to offer to India; it can benefit India and make it a bigger success.
郝清新 Imre Hamar
Vice Dean of International Affairs, EötvösLoránd University. Professor of Chinese studies at Eötvös Loránd University(Budapest). Vice Dean of the international affairs at the Faculty of Humanitiesand the Director of the Institute of East Asian Studies and the ConfuciusInstitutes
The ancient Silk Road carried forward cultureas well as cargo. Areas along the ancient Silk Road were areas of globalization2000 years ago. There were Indians, Iranians, Turks, Chinese, etc. They haddifferent cultures and religions, Buddhism, Islamism, Catholicism and evenJudaism, you name it.
One pillar concept of the Belt and RoadInitiative is cultural connectivity, namely people-to-people bond. Despiteglobalization, we don’t understand each other. Many serious problems andconflicts are caused by lack of understanding of one another’s culture.
Our Confucius Institute is such a platformthat help people to learn Chinese language and culture. It is a two-waychannel; we promote Chinese culture and introduce our culture to China.
Connectivity is of course important, butthere is a better way of saying it, namely ‘harmony in diversity’ maintained byConfucianism. It means that we need integration, but cultural differences and diversityis indispensable.
洪风 NateeTaweesrifuengfung
As a Thai university, we know well our role:producing moreand better talents.
Howevermaterialistic a society is, whatever ideology a country follows, talents arealways needed and universities are always tasked to cultivate talents that areresponsibel for the future. The biggest hope Belt and Road Initiative brings usis that we can change the world in future. Asia and every person all over theworld get more chances of sharing a beautiful life and wonderful experiences.