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文I 阿布杜·扎哈曼·辛博 (Abdulrahaman A. Shimbo)  坦桑尼亚驻华大使  人物摄影I 孟杰
















































●1990 〜1992年,坦桑尼亚国防人民军总参谋长助理









The Future Of Tanzania-China Relations


By Mr. Abdulrahaman A. Shimbo,H.E.Ambassadorof the Republic of  Tanzania, PhotoProvided by Meng Jie

I am truly honored and delighted to sharemy experiences on Tanzania-China relations and the envisaged future in forgingstronger and prosperous relationship between our two countries.

Tanzania and China have had stellar,ever-growing brotherly relations for over 50 years now. Thanks to our foundingfathers, Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere, and Chairman Mao Zedong, whomwithout their initiative, wisdom and visionary minds we would have not beenhere today, stronger and healthier.

By Large, our relations have beenextensively dwelt on political arena, visually displayed ongovernment-to-government relations where our leaders and government officialshave been exchanging visits. The two countries have been working closely inmutual trust on bilateral and multilateral fronts. Some of the memorable visitsof our leaders include: The Founding President of the United Republic ofTanzania Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere in 1965 and the then Prime Ministerof the People’s Republic of China, Zhou Enlai in the same year 1965; PresidentJakaya Kikwete visit in Nov. 2006, April 2008 and Oct. 2014, President HuJintao in Feb. 2009 and the President Xi JinPing State Visit in March 2013,(which was the 1st in the continent, and happened 10days after he took office).This was a clear and loud statement of our heightened relations, and that thework of our Founding Fathers of the two nations should be sustained. This visitwas reciprocated by the visit of our Prime Minister H.E Mizengo Pinda to Chinain October 2013 and of our President H.E Dr. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete in October2014.  I would therefore like to commendthe successive leadership generations that have maintained firm commitment tostrengthen and further advance these relations.

Tanzania and China are indeed all whetherfriends, and our brotherly relation are based on mutual respect, mutual trustand mutual support. The peoples of the two countries will neither forget thesupport from China and how thousands of Chinese people travelled long distanceto Tanzania in early 1970s to team up with local people in the construction ofTAZARA, nor will they, on the support rendered by Tanzania and led by Salim A.Salim (The then Tanzania Representative to UN), for China to regain itsrightful place in the United Nations Security Council in 1971.  Other Iconic features of Sino-Tanzaniarelations include: Friendship (Urafiki) Textile Mill, Tanzania China Shippingline (SINOTASHIP), Tanzania National Stadium, Mwalimu Nyerere ConventionCentre, Dodoma National Assembly Building, and Muhimbili National HospitalCardiovascular (Open Heart) Surgery Hospital.

Of recent decades, it is important to notethat the two countries have been experiencing more closer and deepened ties inall spheres of life including, political, economic, and social circles. Thishas gone down to people-to-people relations as it is now common to see aChinese investor in Tanzania partnering a local entrepreneur; a Tanzaniansmarried to a Chinese; A Tanzanian businessman in Guangzhou purchasing diversemerchandise; A Tanzania cultural group performing in Tianjin, a Chinese inHubei speaking Swahili and a Tanzanian students in Chinese Universities andvice versa, just to mention a few.

Having recited our background, I canconfidently assure you that these new developments have surpassed ourtraditional expectations, and more tangible benefits have been accomplished.Today, whilst China has become one of the biggest economies in the world, it isour biggest trade partner with bilateral trade that exceeds US $ 4.5 billion,and second biggest source of investment, which is over US $ 3.7 billion. Chinahas now surpassed our traditional trading partners such as Kenya and the UnitedKingdom. For the past 5 years, trade (imports & Exports) between our twocountries has generated over USD 9.5billion contributing immensely to our twoeconomies. Tanzania has been importing: Electronics, heavy and light vehicles,tractors & farm implements, solar appliances, building materials, steel,garments, etc; and exporting: Agricultural products such as sesame, cotton,cotton seeds, sisal, fishery products, leather, tobacco, handcrafts, andminerals like copper, diamond, gold and Tanzanite.



While discussing about China-Tanzaniabilateral relations, it would be amiss to leave China-Africa relations, atleast in a nutshell, due to the fact that Tanzania is an active partner in thelatter, which is done under FOCAC. The Forum For China Africa Cooperation(FOCAC) was established in 2000 under the joint initiatives of China and Africawith the purpose of further strengthening the friendly cooperation betweenChina and the African States. Under this unique platform, the two sides discussand mutually agree on how to approach the challenges of economic globalizationas well as seeking common development.

FOCAC Platform has guided China-Africarelations for the past 16years, and the friendship has grown stronger, guidedby treating each other as equals, and promoting win-win progress and commondevelopment amongst our countries.

In December last year, the FOCAC Summittook place in Johannesburg, South Africa. During the Summit H.E President XiJinping narrated that since the World today is undergoing profound challengessuch as: Financial turbulences, environmental crisis, terrorism and hegemony,the China-Africa relations should strategically be tailored to face suchchallenges and explore the opportunities arising thereon. He further insistedto carry forward the traditional friendship and translate our strength into thedriving forces to boost solidarity, cooperation and development.

President Xi further aligned five majorpillars of China-Africa relations to remain committed to as: Political equalityand mutual trust; Promoting win-win economic cooperation; Mutually enrichingcultural exchanges; Mutual assistance in security; and Solidarity andcoordination in international affairs. 

In addition, during the Summit China 10cooperation plans that will guide China-Africa relations were outlined. Theseare: (i) Industrialization; (ii) Agricultural modernization; (iii)Infrastructure development; (iv) Financial services; (v) Green development,(vi) Trade and investment facilitation; (vii) Poverty reduction; (viii) Publichealth; (ix) Cultural and people-to-people relations, and (x) Peace andSecurity plan.  To support the plans,China has already budgeted US $ 60bn.


The Future for Tanzania-China Relations

Tanzania has just come from elections inwhich the new President H.E Dr. John Pombe Magufuli, who won via Chama cha Mapinduzi(CCM) is now leading the country since November 2015. Dr. Magufuli, took overfrom Dr. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete who led the country for the past 10years, as perthe Constitution, in which the President is allowed to stay up to the maximumof two terms of 5 years each. In here, I would like to sincerely thank thepeople of Tanzania for exercising their democratic rights and hence smoothtransfer of power.

Dr. Magufuli, who is the 5th President ofthe country, has vowed to create a relatively stable, inclusive and sustainableeconomy. The President underscored that while poverty and unemployment haveremained Tanzania’s biggest challenges, his government efforts are gearedtowards running an economy that would create opportunities for the youth andreduce the growing gap between the rich and poor. Dr. Magufuli’s outlined hispriorities to include: Restoring discipline and improving efficiency withinpublic service; Reducing Bureaucracy in government offices; PromotingIndustrialization; Improve infrastructures; Reduce poverty; Empowering privatesector; and Improving social services (Healthcare, education, water supply).

Based on the vision and prioritieshighlighted above, it is imperative that our two countries relations arestrategically translated to ensure a successful, win-win state for the wellbeing of our two countries and the people. Let me highlight a few areas thatwould have stout impact if well and rightfully handled. 


The Industrialization Agenda

Tanzania, which ranks among the leading starsof the “African growth miracle”, has the industrial sector that is relativelyunderdeveloped. Many reasons are attributed to this drawback, but mainly poorinfrastructures, inadequate capital, low technology, unreliable power supply,and poor technical and managerial skills are considered as main factors.Despite that fact, Tanzania has a potential to turn around the situation andaspires to become a semi-industrialized middle-income country by the year 2025(Vision 2025). In recent years, the country has had a steady 6-8% growth thathas mainly come from the primary production sectors of agriculture, mining andtourism. The 2nd Five Year Development Plan (2015/16 – 2019/20)has provided the strategic direction in the quest to achieve the desiredobjectives of sustained growth with industrialization, and with priorities inresource allocation for industrial sector development. The overall industrialstrategy is considering the opportunities of the regional markets developmentand related challenges, as well as the dynamics of trade globalization.

In order for Tanzania to become asemi-industrialized country, contribution of manufacturing to the nationaleconomy must reach a minimum of 40% of the GDP. Therefore to reach the desiredsocio-economic transformation and higher growth rate, the economic base of thecountry must undergo transformation from being founded upon and dominated bynatural resource exploitation activities and extractive industries(agriculture, tourism and mining) as the lead sectors; to become a moderneconomy anchored by a broad and diverse base of manufacturing, processing andpackaging industries that will lead both the productive as well as the exporttrade sector.

In considering the dynamics and impact ofeconomic globalization, Tanzania and the rest of African countries have to timethe window of opportunity to embark on the development path ofindustrialization by riding on the wave of industrial relocation and moveoffshore from China, which is the number one manufacturing and exportingcountry in the world. Therefore, the “China Factor” is an importantconsideration in the overall scheme of industrial development plans, given itseconomic capacity and capability, technology, experiences drawn, political willand economic motive to move into such markets.  The secrets and experience that brought China where it is today, isworthy sharing to bring Tanzania to a middle-income country by 2025, as weaspire.

Undoubtedly, apart from our own internalinitiatives, platforms such as FOCAC can help us to achieve our goals fasterand in a sustainable manner. However, while our enthusiasm to transform isrelatively high, we should learn from the successful countries as well as thosethat failed to fulfill their dreams. Therefore, we need to strategically decideon the type of industries and level of technology we need to engage based onour comparative advantage. Our aim is to have industries that can source mostof the raw materials locally, provide employment to our people, sustainable, andadaptive to the changing technology. We don’t need almost “out of the shelf “technologyrather affordable, tailored to our needs and circumstances, upgradable, andenvironmentally friendly. 

Further, it has to be remembered thatTanzania is embarking on Industrialization from a situation of low levels ofestablished requisite industrial capacities and capabilities in technologyapplication and management that are fundamental in order to achieve sustainableindustrial development. In that regard, the priority areas for industrialdevelopment must be synchronized with a program of capacity and capacitydevelopment in the key areas, in order to create a vibrant businessinfrastructure with national enterprises and institutions development toaccommodate the relocated and up coming industries.

Thus, our future cooperation with Chinashould also be geared to promote investments in area such as: Modernization andcommercialization of primary production activities that will provide inputs tothe manufacturing and processing enterprises; Industrial parks development;Human skills and Enterprises development to provide a pool of skilled labour;Technology Transfer and production innovation capacity development; LogisticsClusters developments at marine ports, inland dry-ports, and border posts fortrade facilitation; and the development and deepening of financial resources toprovide the requisite financial intermediation to promote and sustainindustrial development.  At this point,it is also worth to mention that we need to further build the capacity of ourSMEs so as to be able to partner with the foreign companies as well as takingadvantages of the rising opportunities. 

Further on capacity building, especially onbuilding technical skills, we should take advantage of our students who studyin China and go back home with the right hands-on knowledge and skills(technical know how). These are a catalyst, and should play a key role inleading this industrial upgrading agenda, given that the envisaged technologywould most likely come from China. Moreover, we need to strengthen ourVocational training centers so as to groom the necessary skills and knowledgeto fill the existing gaps.

To further sustain the industrial sector,it is key for the country to harmonize the industrialization agenda withinvestment in economic services infrastructure (i.e. multi-modal transportationinfrastructure, electric power supply, industrial water supply andtelecommunications) that will enable and facilitate production as well as tradeefficiency. It is important to note that the recent discoveries of Natural Gasis a blessing in Tanzania, and apart from easing the power problem (inadequateand unreliable), it created humongous opportunities along its supply chain.This is certainly expected to “leap frog” the Tanzania’s development vision,and more specifically its industrialization agenda.

Some of the desired industries include:Food Agro-processing Industries; Textiles and Apparel Industries; Leather andLeather Goods Industries; Pharmaceutical Industries; Cosmetics and BeautyProducts Industries; Jewelry and Lapidary Industries; Consumer DurablesManufacturing, Processing and Assembly Industries; Capital Goods Manufacturingand Assembly Industries; and; Basic Capital Intensive Manufacturing andProcessing Industries. 


Trade and Investment

Trade and Investment is another importantarea that our two countries have cemented their partnership with moreopportunities and strategic engagements, given the dynamics in the worldeconomy. Generally, there has been an increasing trend over the years, andexpected to be further heightened in the coming years.

However, for the purpose of opening moredoors, and expand the opportunities on both parties, there is a need toharmonize our rules and regulations, especially on Tariff and Non-Tariffbarriers to allow more items and widen the scope of cooperation.  A good example is while Tanzania is enjoyinga long list of Tariff free exports to China, most of them are still vigorouslysubjected to Non-Tariff barriers that hinder the exportation of such products.Therefore the future trade bilateral relations calls for strategicharmonization, on both policy level and technical engagements say for example ashared technology and standards that are acceptable on both sides.    Moreover, we should also find a way toengage more the private sector by giving more access to information and assistin building their skills and capabilities levels to meet the requiredstandards.  


Cultural exchanges

Cultural exchanges always form the basisfor mutual understanding and mutual respect as it gives you an opportunity tounderstand and appreciate values of the other side in depth. Tanzania and Chinaacknowledged that fact long ago, and put in place the bilateral CulturalCooperation Agreements that were signed in 1962 and 1992 respectively. Thecooperation is further guided by FOCAC arrangement, with the governmentsputting emphasis in all main cultural subjects that include: Education,culture, science, technology, healthcare, tourism and media. It furtherencourages close cooperation and exchanges between different groups such asyouth, women, NGOs and academic institutions.

With regards to education, there are somescholarship arrangements for Undergraduate, Graduate and Phd. programs. Today,Tanzania has more than 500 students in China, with an average annual intake of120 students, taking various courses under scholarship and privatearrangements. In addition, short courses and visiting scholars have also beenincreasing with time. A number of Confucius Institutes have also been set inTanzania to offer an opportunity to experience the Chinese language and culturefrom within. It is urged however that for knowledge and experience sharing,more efforts should also be invested in Exchange programs, Research Institutesand Think Tanks brainstorming sessions, Seminars and Conferences. 

On health sector, apart from scholarshipson various health related subjects and short courses, China has been sendingmedical teams to Tanzania since 1964. In 1967 the two countries signed the Agreementon Dispatching Chinese Medical Teams to Tanzania, of which currently they aremore than 46 Chinese health personnel working in Tanzania. In addition, the twocountries are also collaborating in the area of research for TraditionMedicines. Given the level of Chinese Medical expertise and technology, morecooperation is urged, especially on research and exchange programs.

Lastly, for the purpose of strong culturalbilateral relations, it is of essence that we expand to various sectors andconsolidate the existing fields of cooperation. These include: Increasingcultural exchanges of Art groups; encourage more exchanges by visiting scholarsand Universities; promoting introduction of both languages (Chinese andSwahili) in the two countries.



While Tanzania-China relations have stoodthe taste of time by growing in depth and scope across sectors, it has neitherbeen a lucky nor a coincidence. A firm and steady commitment of successiveleaderships; mutual respect, mutual understanding and mutual support to eachother have been a key success. Notwithstanding this momentous accomplishment,since we are living in the world full of challenges, ranging from globalizationto economic turbulences, political instability to security threats, to furthersustain such stronger strides we need to have a strategic partnership, reviewedperiodically to accommodate global, regional and bilateral structuraltransformations that the two countries are part of. Otherwise, opportunitiesare still numerous and growing, I urge people from our two countries to usethis golden lifetime opportunity to advance our agenda.



Biography for Lieutenant General(Retired) Abdulrahaman Amiri Shimbo

●Lieutenant General(rtd) Abdulrahaman Amiri Shimbo was born on 22ndSeptember, 1952 in Same District, Kilimanjaro Region Tanzania.

●During his military career Lieutenant General Shimbo served in anumber of posts both in Tanzania and abroad serving as an Instructor andMilitary Adviser to the Government of the Seychelles, as Military Assistant tothe Chief of Staff and as the Military Assistant to the Minister of Defence ofTanzania. He also worked with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tanzania as afacilitator in the Burundi peace process. In 2006 he was, appointed Chief ofTanzania National Service.

●In 2007 he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant General andassumed the post of Chief of Staff, Tanzanian Peoples Defence Forces.Lieutenant General Shimbo retired from Military on 21 September 2012 havingserved in the Military for fourty one years and nine months. In March 2013 hewas appointed Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China.

●Lieutenant General Abdulrahaman Amiri Shimbo speaks four majorlanguages which are Kiswahili, English, German and French and also some localdialects.

Lieutenant General Shimbo is married andblessed with four children. They constitute three boys and a girl.