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现状·趋势 Status and Trends


| 谢意


| 祖米里


认识非洲 Understanding Africa  


| 鲁门



 | 张梅



 | 张梅


组织机构 Organizations and Institutions




封面文章 Cover  Story




| 梁尚刚

埃塞政府为了鼓励新车进口和销售,现行的政策是给予从事汽车组装生产的企业原材料进口30%的关税优惠,正常的整车关税为35%。力帆抓住这一机遇, 选择了汽车SKD 散件进口组装的经营模式,率先打开了埃塞市场


| 鲁门



| 吕晓峰



合作实践 Efforts on the Ground  


| 项茹冰


| 韩学辉


投资非洲 Investing in Africa  


| 骆雅婷


| 汉弗莱 P.B. 莫希


| 朱伟东


社会人文Society and Culture  


| 潘华琼


| 专栏 | 我眼中的非洲人


| 王正龙


数说非洲Africa in Numbers


| 智宇琛


| 荐书 |


| 李合





Status and Trends

“Chinaand Africa welcomes a “maritimecentury” together”

| Xie Yi

“Lanouvelle génération de la Chineconcentre son attention sur l’Afrique”

| Saint-Régis ZOUMIRI


Understanding Africa  

“Rwanda: The Land of A Thousand Hills andOpportunities” 

|Armene ¸ G

“Chinaand Guinea: Cooperation into theaccelerationperiod”

|Zhang Mei

“Tanzania:the “Peace Oasis” InAfrica Is ready to takeoff

|Zhang Mei


Organizations  Institutions

“AfricanEconomic Community”

“DemocraticParty of Equatorial Guinea”


Cover Story

“Africa on the Chinese Wheels”

With a population of more than 1.2billion,in the eyes of Chinese automobile companies, the African market hashugeopportunities.Chery,Geely,LIFAN,FAW has already cooperated actively inAfricaduring the past years.In August,another Chinese famousautocompany,BAIC,started to build a full-featured production base inSouthAfrica,including research, procurement, production, sales andfinancialservices.

“LifanMotors Take Off in Ethiopia”

| Liang Shanggang

“SouthAfrica: China’s automobile companiesare welcome to compete for marketshare”

|Armene ¸ G

“NigeriaPMT Company:Collaborationwith Chinese Automobiles for 20 Years”

| Lyu Xiaofeng


Efforts on the Ground  

“ChinaJushi: the world’s largest fiberglassmanufacturer develops tenaciouslyinEgypt”

|Xiang Rubing

“SunshineGroup Ltd : In-depth developmentof a variety of industries inTanzania”

| Han Xuehui


Investing in Africa 

“Howcan Djibouti become the Singapore ofAfrica”

| Luo Yating

“Tanzania-ChinaRelations: The Case of Trade, FDI andDevelopment Aid”

| Humphrey P.B Moshi

“Thetwists and turns in the LandExpropriation Act in Zimbabwe” 

| Zhu Weidong


Society and Culture  

“Anobsession: the cradle to the Alaouitedynasty in Morocco”

| Pan Huaqiong


Special Column  African In My Eyes

“Thereligious beliefs of African people”

| Wang Zheng Long


Africa in Numbers

“AfricanDevelopment Bank Group”

|Zhi Yuchen


Book Review

“Referencefor contracting of electric powerprojects and investment market”

|Li He



