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政策趋势 Policies and Trends  


文 | 张梅



文 | 杨萍


封面文章 Cover Story


2016 年11 月9 日,共和党候选人特朗普赢得美国总统大选,这成为今年继英国脱欧之后又一“黑天鹅事件”。一时间,关于特朗普新政的各种猜想甚嚣尘上。他如何振兴美国?他治下的中美关系走向如何?其新政将如何影响中国经济?惊慌失措的欧洲?动荡的世界?


文 | 许钦铎


文 | 袁征


文 | 龚婷


文 | 张艺冬


文 | 克利福德·基拉科菲(Clifford A.Kiracofe)


文 | 海尔格·策普·拉鲁旭(Helga Zepp-LaRouche)


一带一路论坛Forum on the Belt and Road 


文 | 多鲁·科斯泰亚(Doru Costea)罗马尼亚驻华大使



海外投资 Overseas Investment  


文 | 达尼亚尔·库尔班诺夫乌兹别克斯坦驻华大使



产业·企业 Industy and Enterprise


文 | 王安



文 | 简良


金融·资本 Finance and Capital 


文 | 杨勤宇 唐戈


文 | 李冰


区域·城镇 Region and Urbanization  


文 | 连宜兴  陈树荣


PPP观察 Observation of PPP 


文 | 章雯


文 | 周丽莎


文 | 吴亚平


方略·实务 Strategy and Practice


文 | 刘慧勇








Policies and Trends

“Let the poverty-stricken population share the earnings from the developmentof water and mineral resources”

by Zhang Mei


“The growth rate of Investment has Increased for two months In a row”

by Yang Ping


Cover Story

“The Rise of Donald Trump and World Trends”

“Trump and ‘making America great again’”

by Xu Qinduo

“A challenge must be faced with: the Impact of Trump’s election onChina-US relations”

by Yuan Zheng

“Looking ahead on the Impact of Trump’s election on the world, US andChina”

by Gong Ting

“The basis of Trump’s new policies and Its Impact on Chinese economy”

by Zhang Yidong

“US Elections Impact”

by Clifford A. Kiracofe


“European politics in transition:Will the old continent find its way?”

by Helga Zepp-LaRouche


Forum on the Belt and Road 

and The Belt & Road Initiative: Opportunities For A SuccessfulQuest
To More Comprehensive Cooperation and Deeper Friendship”

By H.E. Mr. Doru Costea; Ambassador ofRomania to The People’s Republic of China


Overseas Investment 

“The appeal of Uzbekistan as an Investment destination and thepropsect of its cooperation  with China”

Kurbanov Daniyar Djavdatovich,Ambassador of Uzbekistan to China;Noh
Nurmatov, Commercial Counsellor with theEmbassy of Uzebekistan to China


Industy and Enterprise

“The only way leading to a manufacturing world power”

by Wang An


“The direction of new energy automobile”

by Jian Liang


Finance and Capital 

“CDS Have a correct knowledge and understanding of Chinese versionof  Credit Default Swap”

by Yang Qinyu and Tang Ge


“New orientation needed for the refrom in financial supervisionsystem”

by Li Bing


Region and Urbanization 

“The township of Guqin: developing the “cultural identity” with heartand soul”

by Lian Yixing and Chen Shurong


Observation of PPP 

“The reference from the area of water supply of drainage in thepublic-private parternship model”

by Zhang Wen


“Enabling State-owned enterprises to play an imporant role inpublic-private partnerships”

by Zhou Lisha


“Financial capital is indispensable to PPP programs”

by Wu Yaping


Strategy and Practice  

“Reform and renovating the land system”

by Liu Huiyong


“Investment Data”


