文|海尔格·策普·拉鲁旭(Helga Zepp-LaRouche) 翻译|徐巍
European politics in transition:Will the old continent find its way?
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche
The reactions in Europe to the election of Donald Trump as US President by some representatives of the establishment and the mainstream media have been absolutely unprecedented. While admittedly Trumps choice of language during the election campaign was frank and sometimes rude, the formulations found for Trump by many of those, who had counted on the victory of Hillary Clinton, were not less rude and sometimes hysterical. The German defense minister, Ursula von der Leyen, suffered according to her own description, a“severe shock”, the President of the EU commission, Jean Claude Juncker, ridiculed Trumps supposed ignorance concerning Europe, and the columnist of the weekly magazin “Der Spiegel” called Trump outright a “fashist”.
These statements cited here, representative for an unprecedentet fludd of insulting language, are absolutely unprecedented for European officials concerning a democratically elected American president. Among other things, it reflects a gigantic disconnect of those critics of Trump, who beleived so much in their own predictions, that Hillary Clinton would win, that they were as blind to the social processes going on in the United States, as they had been blind to those in Great Brittain resulting in the“Brexit” in June. It is also more than telling, that the greatest upset was caused by Trumps expressed intension, that he would improve the relation with Putin and work with Russia to find solutions to the crisis in Syria.
One should have thought, that Europeans would be happy, to get away from a political course, that many experts recently had characterized as having created a situation “more dangerous than at the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis”, namely the confrontation between NATO and Russia as a result of the extension of NATO to the Russian border and the effort, to change the stragic balance to the permanent disadvantage of Russia. One should have thought that, since if that New Cold War, would have turned into a hot war, very little of Europe if anything would have survived, that Europe would be reliefed to end the confrontation. Also in light of Trumps undebatable emphasis toward the end of the election campaign, that Hillary Clintons proposed Syria policy, namely to establish a No-Fly-Zone in Syria meant the immediate risk of a US- Russia conflict, which had the potential to lead to World War III.
Strangely enough the European atlanticists found the perspective of an improvement of US- Russian relations with the new US president-elect more upsetting, than a possible big war with Russia over Syria. In light of Trumps hints, that he would seek an improved relation with Putin, several of them immediately demanded, that Europe has now to take more responsibility, without considering for a moment, that they also could now end the confrontation against Russia, such as the sanctions, and resume dialogue as a method of conflict resolution. Instead, NATO General Secretary Stoltenberg and others warned Trump, not to make any deals with Russia.
Why did they portray such a behaviour, when the Washington part of the“Washington consensus”, at least concerning the White House, suddenly had vanished? Why could they not articulate a policy, more in the interest of Europe itsself? The answer lies in the same ideological rationalisation, which also prevents most of them to understand the deeper reasons for Hillary Clintons defeat. Her cited failure to win, was not caused by the FBI opening and than closing an investigation concerning her email- affair, which was at best a tertiary contributing factor.
The transatlantic estabishment is so blinded by their beleif in the ideology of their neoliberal axioms, that they were as completely “surprised” by the“Brexit”- vote, as they were by the victory of Trump, which in both cases the analysts had mispredicted. The arrogance, expressed in Hillary Clintons contemptous characterisation of the Trump voters as a“basket full of deplorables”, actually represents a social stupidity. It mistakes the beleif structure of the elite club one belongs to, for reality.
What is going on in the transatlantic sector is an underlying revolutionay process, where the loosers of the system of globalisation,- the growing part of the population whos living standard has been going down for the last decades and in particular the last 16 years of the Bush and Obama administrations. Those people, who work several jobs, and still cant make ends meet, who have sons coming back from the fifth rotation to Irak, broken, and who for the first time in memory think, that future generations will be worse off, than them, -these people in the transatlantic world are in a state of revolte. And that condition will continue and manifest itsself in future elections, untill the profound sense of injustice is overcome by governments, which fullfill their obligation for the common good of the people. In Europe, the referendum about a change of the constitution beginning of December in Italy, elections in 2017 in Netherland, France, Norway, Greece, Germany,- many if not all of these situations will as of now bring to the surface more anti- globalisation sentiment and the likely end of existing institutions.
The fact, that President Obama never officially answered to President Xi Jinping at the APEC summit in 2014 to join the One Road One Belt/New Silk Road win-win cooperation, or that the EU has been“shy”to answer to similiar offers by China, is a reflection of the same problem, that the majority of the leadership of the transatlantic sector is stuck in an old paradigm of geopolitical thinking.
In the meantime, the center of gravitation has shifted to Asia. The attraction of the Chinese economic modell, the historically unprecedented momentum of the win-win cooperation of the One Belt One Road/ Silk Road Initiative, especially visible since the Vladivostock Economic Forum with the integration of the Eurasian Union and the OBOR, the Hangzhou G20 summit,where China demonstrated world leadership, the ASEAN summit in Laos, the BRICS annual meeting in Goa, and the APEC summit in Peru have clearly shown, that the chinese approach of offering economic development to the mutual benefit of all is the superior modell to geopolitical confrontation.
If China, Russia and the United States with the new president could work together in this spirit, there is no question, that all European nations would cooperate in the greatest economic and civilisational project in history.