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环球观察 Global View


文 | 克利福德·基拉科菲


文 | 海尔格·策普·拉鲁旭


政策趋势 Policies and Trends  


文 | 周建平


文 | 刘苏社


文 | 苑生龙


聚焦十三五 The 13th five-year Plan


文 | 何勇健


封面文章 Global Watch


文 | 季莫菲·博尔达切夫(Timofei Bordachev)



一带一路论坛   Forum on the Belt and Road 


文 | 孙立杰中国驻乌兹别克斯坦大使


文 | 马克卿中国驻捷克大使


海外投资 Overseas Investment  


文 | 毕冉伟


文 | 王海滨


产业·企业 Industy and Enterprise



文 | 张嘉国




文 | 周丽莎  张佳慧


文 | 黄汉权


文 | 韩允


区域·城镇 Region and Urbanization  


文 | 翁建荣


PPP观察 Observation of PPP  


文 | 苑宝华  刘利民


方略·实务 Strategy and Practice  


文 | 刘慧勇




Global View

“Turmoil in First Thirty Days”

by Clifford A. Kiracofe

“The Populism Debate in the WestThe Revolt of the ‘Deplorables’ ”

by Helga Zepp- LaRouche


Policies and Trends  

“Guiding and Cultivating the Transition of Resources Rich Cities”

by Zhou Jianping

“Enhance Regional Coordination for Common Development”

by Liu Sushe

“Capital Flight from Direct Overseas Investment Unlikely to Last”

by Yuan Shenglong


The 13th Five-Year Plan

“Energy Revolution: Building A Modern Energy System”

by He Yongjian


Global Watch

“Europe’s Decline and Uncertain Future: What Should Russia Do”

by Timofei Bordachev


Forum on the Belt and Road  

“Creating Strategic Synergy by Expanding China-Uzbekistan Cooperation”

by Sun Lijie  Chinese Ambassador to Uzbekistan

“OBOR Generates New Cooperation for China and Czech ? ”

by Ma Keqing  Chinese Ambassador to Czech


Overseas Investment  

“Denmark: A Nation of Innovation”

by Bi Ranwei

“How Chinese Companies Deal with Trumpism? ”

by Wang Haibin


Industy and Enterprise

“On The SOE Reform of Mixed Ownership”

by Zhang Jiaguo

“The SOE Reform of Mixed Ownership Injects New Vitality into FurtherInvestment and Growth”

by Zhou Lisha  Zhang Jiahui

“Five Investment Opportunities in Agriculture Supply-Side Reform”

by Huang Hanquan

“2017: The Ten Trends of PV Power in China”

by Han Yun


Region and Urbanization  

“The Road of Innovation with Small Town Development in Zhejiang”

by Weng Jianrong


Observation of PPP   

“Mass Transit: The Model of Innovation in Supply-Side Reform”

by Yuan Baohua  Liu Limin


Strategy and Practice  

“The Imperative Amendment to Land Administration Law”

by Liu Huiyong

