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现状·趋势 Status and Trends

《卢旺达:23 年,从种族屠杀到国家重建》

| 鲁门


封面文章 Cover Story





| 冯勇


| 吕晓峰


| 谢铮


| 鲁新 冯宁 魏玮


| 李佳璇


| 哈拿提·海拉提


| 王辉


| 郁忠杰


| 伊肯内·埃梅乌(Ikenna Emewu)

影像非洲 African Images


认识非洲 Understanding Africa  


| 贺曼·埃夸·希玛·阿巴加(GermanEkua Sima Abaga)赤道几内亚共和国驻华大使



| 张梅


| 张梅

组织机构 Organizations and Institutions



合作实践 Efforts on the  Ground 


| 丁新海


| 祖米里(ZOUMIRI)

投资非洲 Investing  in Africa  


| 黄玉沛

社会人文 Society and Culture 

| 专栏 | 非洲世界文化遗产巡礼


| 潘华琼

| 专栏 | 我眼中的非洲人


| 王正龙

数说非洲 Africa in Numbers


| 智宇琛

《2017 年3 月非洲主要货币汇率表》

| 智宇琛

| 荐书 |


| 卿云



Status and Trends

“Rwanda: 23 years on, from Genocide to a successfulnation-building”

| Armene.G

Cover Story

A Long March for Africa’s health

“Investments in Healthcare Sector BenefitsUN Agenda 2030”

| Feng Yong

“Xu Ming: Investment Booms Sino-African MedicalTrade”

| Lyu Xiaofeng

“China’s Assistance to Africa in Malaria Preventionand Control”

| Xie Zheng

“New Thoughts on China-Africa Cooperationin Maternal and Child Health” 

| Lu Xin, Feng Ning, Wei Wei

“Traditional Chinese Medicine EntersAfrican Market”

| Li Jiaxuan

“Healthcare, New Growth Engine inSub-Saharan Africa” 

| Hanati Hailati

“Bringing Love and Light to Sudan”

| Wang Hui

“Training Local Medical Teams in Zanzibar”

| Yu Zhongjie

“A Quiet Revolution:Mobile apps changeNigerian healthcare services”

| Ikenna Emewu

African Images

Africa in Pictures

Understanding Africa  

“Guinea Ecuatorial, una puerta abierta en Áfricapara la inversión”  

| H.E.Por Excelencia German Ekua Sima Abaga

“Rwanda, an‘Economical Miracle’in Africa”     

| Zhang Mei

“Strengthening Production CapacityCooperation Helps Algeria’s Diverse Development”     

| Zhang Mei

Organizations  Institutions

“African Development Bank”

“African National Congress”

Efforts on the Ground  

“Inspur Group Helps Zimbabwe to InformationizeTax System” 

| Ding Xinhai

“La marque chinoise lenovo et ses defis en centrafrique”   

| Saint-Regis Zoumiri

Investing in Africa 

“China and South Africa: IndustrialDistribution and Experience from Production Capacity Cooperation”

| Huang Yupei

Society and Culture 

|Column| Survey of Africa World HeritageSites

“Old Towns of Djenné and Tomb of Askia of Mali”

| Pan Huaqiong

|Column| Africans in My Eyes

“Youth in Africa”

| Wang ZhengLong

Africa in Numbers

“Sub-Saharan Africa 2016-2017: Change ofDriving Force of Economy and Potential Cooperation Areas”

| Zhi Yuchen

“African Major Currency Exchange Table:March 2017”

| Zhi Yuchen

Book Review

“‘Nihilism andNegritude : Ways of Living in Africa’: to UnderstandAfrica from Cultural Perspective”

| Qing Yun
