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封面文章 Cover Stories





  文 | 张梅



文 | 吕晓峰


文 | 程建华


——专访肯尼亚国家铁路局局长马伊纳(AK Maina)

文 | 万丽眸(Anne Wairimu Wanjau)


文 | 万丽眸(Anne Wairimu Wanjau)


文 | 卡洛琳·姆万基(Caroline Mwangi)


文 | 卿云


文 | 李传冬 王秉辰

现状·趋势 Status and Trends


文 | 希沙姆·阿布巴卡尔(Hisham AbuBakr Metwally)


文 | 汉弗莱 P.B 莫希(Prof. Humphrey P.B Moshi)

影像非洲 Africa Images



认识非洲 Understanding Africa

《津巴布韦:克服风险  抓住机遇》

文 | 黄屏 中国驻津巴布韦大使

《科特迪瓦: 新五年规划带来投资新气象》




文 | 张梅

《刚果(布): 特区建设助力产业多元化》




文 | 吕晓峰

组织机构 Organizations and Institutions




合作实践 Efforts on the  Ground


文 | 温天时


投资非洲 Investing  in Africa

《苏丹: 新兴的旅游目的地》

文 | 阿卜杜勒·阿齐兹(Mohamed Abdelaziz)


文 | 骆雅婷

社会人文 Society and Culture

| 专栏 | 非洲人写非洲史


文 | 吉蒙·希尔顿·恩度(Kimeng Hilton Ndukong)

| 专栏 | 非洲世界文化遗产巡礼


文 | 潘华琼

| 专栏 | 我眼中的非洲人


文 | 王正龙

数说非洲 Africa in Numbers


文 | 智宇琛


文 | African Development Bank

| 书架 |


文 | 沈晓雷



Cover Stories

Railways Backbone to Africa

“Lin Songtian: Pragmatic Cooperation Realizes the Dream of a Century”

by Zhang Mei

“Particular Emphasis on the Operation of SGR”

——Interview Huang Jincan, the general manager of CRBC operation company in Keny

by Lyu Xiaofeng

“Design a New Blueprint for the East Africa Railway Masterplan”

by  Cheng Jianhua

“SGR Raises Kenyan Prospects for Development and Interconnectivity”

 ——Interview AK Maina, Managing Director of Kenya Railwalys

by Anne Wairimu Wanjau

“Local Kenyan Company Provides Quality Steel for SGR ”

 ——Interview Victor Agina, marketing manager of Tononoka Steels Ltd

by Anne Wairimu Wanjau

“Kenya’s Madaraka Express: on Track toDevelopment & Prosperity”

by Caroline Mwangi

“Uganda Looking forward to the East Africa Railway Masterplan”

by Qing yun

“Stories of China-Kenya Friendship about SGR”

by Li Chuandong, Wang Bingchen


Status and Trends

“Egypt promulgated New Investment Law”

by Hisham AbuBakr Metwally

“Youth unemployment: africa’s time bomb ”

by Prof. Humphrey P.B Moshi

African Images

“Africa in Pictures”


Understanding Africa

Zimbabwe: Avoid risks and seize opportunities

by  H.E.Mr.Huang Ping, Chinese Ambassador to Zimbabwe

“Cote d’Ivoire: New Five-year Plan Brings Fresh Investment Opportunity ”

by Zhang Mei

“DR Congo: Developing Special Zones Boosts Industrial Diversification”

by Lyu Xiaofeng

Organizations  Institution

“Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa”

“The Alliance for the Republic in Senegal”


Efforts on the Ground

“Experience and Suggestion of Treating Malaria in Africa”

by Wen Tianshi

Sudan seeks to attract more than 100 million tourists

by  Mohamed Abdelaziz

“The Renaissance of Textile Industry in East Africa”

by Luo Yating

Society and Culture

|Column| African History in African Eyes

“A Peculiar Historical Experience”

by Kimeng Hilton Ndukong

|Column| Survey of Africa World Heritage Sites

“The Remains of Christian Holy City Abu Mena in Egypt and Sainte-Catherine Region”

by Pan Huaqiong

|Column| Africans in My Eyes

“Children in Africa”

by Wang ZhengLong


Africa in Numbers

“Tourism Competitiveness Analysis of Sub-Saharan Africa”

by Zhi Yuchen

African Major Currency Exchange Table

by   African Development Bank

|Book Review

China in Africa: Discourses and reality: Reveal a true relationship between China and Africa”

by Shen Xiaolei
