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文I 爱德华·博阿滕(H. E. Mr. Edward Boateng) 加纳共和国驻华大使    翻译I 王晓波











我们肩负着这样的责任,我们应当为我们的后代子孙构建出一个宜居的世界。“一带一路”倡议体现的正是共享未来这一美好憧憬。〔Godfred Sowah Khartey, 厦门大学硕士研究生,对此文也有贡献 〕(编辑:常浩)

Building a Shared Future Through the Belt and Road Initiative

By H. E. Mr. Edward Boateng,  Ambassador Extraordinaire and Plenipotentiary the Republic of Ghana in China

China’s progressive developmental people-centered agenda over the last few decades has elevated the country to an enviable state where it is arguably the global power in trade, manufacturing and development. China’s stance on equality, reciprocity, mutuality and economic co-development is also attractive. The desire to respect the sovereignty of nations, which forms the main strand of its foreign policy agenda has also gained credence in Africa. Several governments have now sought to open up to the Chinese agenda and see how “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics” will assist them achieve their own agenda.

In 2013, the leadership of China, proposed the Belt and Road Initiative, the ‘Project of the Century’ as President Xi Jinping called it, which largely refers to the Silk Road Economic Belt which links China with Europe through Central and Western Asia and Africa.This developmental agenda seen as one of the greatest multilateral trade policies of the 21st Century will affect the development of the world positively. The Belt and Road Initiative as explained seeks to bring about shared and balanced development and prosperity through the creation and establishment of road, railway, telecommunications, sea port and other connectors of economies to ensure a free flow of goods and services.

Many scholars, diplomats and business minds have posited that this particular geo-economic policy has propelled China into a global leadership role and given China a much stronger voice at the global table. It is therefore not surprising the way Africa is positioning herself too to participate in the Belt and Road Initiative. China is currently Africa’s biggest trading and development partner and has over the last decade engaged in several developmental and industrialization programmes towards bridging the gap between Africa and the developed world.

With hundreds of billions of dollars of Chinese money expected to be invested in railways, ports, power stations and other infrastructure, the Belt and Road Initiative has come out of that utopian stage to one of reality and possibility. The Silk Road Fund which was created in December 2014 with a capital of about $40billion is a testament to the seriousness China attaches to this programme. They do not just view it as a Chinese led programme but a global one with positive consequences when all hands are put to the plough. Additionally, the intriguing Chinese concept of “A Community with Shared Future for Mankind” was incorporated into the United Nations resolution at the 55th UN Commission for Social Development (CSocD) in 2017. It shows the far-reaching effect the Belt and Road Initiative has already garnered on the world.

In his remarks at the just ended 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping reiterated the desire of China to go along a road of peace, building a community of shared development for mankind. It is thus not so surprising that President Xi Jinping’s thoughts, “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics” have now been enshrined in the CPC constitution.

The Belt and Road Initiative provides for Africa and for that matter Ghana, the chance and opportunity to develop its industries and other sectors of the economy. With Africa home to about 30% of the world’s natural resources, this shared future project is critically germane to the development of African economies since it offers insight into how Africa can tap from Chinese technological knowledge and also establish agreements to aid the continent properly and in the interest of its citizens. It was thus important that Ghana signed to join the BRI in May 2017, paving the way for her to access the developmental opportunities that this policy offers. The BRI in so many ways will help shape and drive the industrial revolution that the government of President Nana Addo-Dankwa Akufo-Addo seeks to achieve through its economic friendly policies such as the One District One Factory (1D1F) which in a way mimics China’s BRI, and the One Village, One Dam, akin to China’s One Village, One Product concepts.

China’s rise with regards to its infrastructure and development has become a lesson and reference point for most developing countries especially those in Africa and Ghana is one of such countries. With the increase in technology and globalization, China seems to have won the hearts of many in Africa.  Traditionally, the World Bank and the IMF have been Ghana’s source of financing. China, however now serves as an alternative developmental model and source of finance to Ghana and other African countries. China presents Ghana with an alternative trade and developmental partnership which, if properly managed, has the potential to transform Ghana into the industrial hub ofWest Africa. Just as Ghana has served as a market for Chinese goods, so too do the Chinese represent a huge market for Ghanaian agricultural products.

With the advent of the Belt and Road Initiative, driving at achieving shared prosperity, China aims at connecting all the markets of the world through road and sea routes. This initiative is expected to see about USD$900billion in investments across Eurasia, Latin America, Asia, Oceania and Africa. The focus of China as an industrial hub through the BRI will see the sea ports of Ghana being upgraded to ensure a proper integration into the system the BRI hopes to achieve. This will make Ghana arguably one of the pivotal countries in the sub-region with regards to trade along the sea ports thereby driving the needed foreign direct investment to push the developmental agenda. It is also of great importance to note that in achieving the goal of the Belt and Road Initiative, the focus should not only be on the economic cooperation of countries but also the cultural cooperation of these countries. It is evident that with the exposure to different cultures, a country empathizes with the sensitivities and idiosyncrasies of the nations it does business with. The Belt and Road Initiative I believe, will achieve a greater shared future and economic prosperity with the enhancement of cultural exchanges at all levels of society.

Inasmuch as the focus on achieving a shared economic future is important, it is also necessary that we do so taking into consideration the building of trusted cultural, sports and psychological partnerships. This will go a long way to demystifying the notion that China is in Africa to exploit her resources.  Building a shared future invariably minimizes the ills of society, helps curb illegal migration and makes the world more humane. The Belt and Road Initiative has the ability and prospects to play a critical role in the new world as espoused by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo. “A world order where children will have enough to eat, go to school, get jobs and be citizens, productive in the societies they come from.”

We owe it to posterity, we owe it to generations yet unborn to make this world one worth living. The Belt and Road Initiative has signaled that hope of a shared future.
(Godfred Sowah Khartey, a Masters Student of Xiamen University also contributed to this article)