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同心协力 共创未来


文I 梅拉库·穆鲁阿勒姆(Melaku Mulualem)埃塞俄比亚外交关系战略研究所培训部主任    翻译I 王晓波




































Work Together in Revamping the Better World

By Melaku Mulualem K.,Foreign Policy Analysis Department Head in the Ethiopian Foreign Relation Strategic Studies Institute

the role of China is increasingfrom time to time. A few decades before,
China’s influence in the world was notsignificant. Even if China is
bordering with fourteen different countries, nowChina is being felt as
close neighborhood to majority countries in the world.The traditional
definition of neighborhood with common boarder is beingoutdated by
China. This profound feeling comes neither by military might
norpropaganda, but by economic strength and long lasting vision for
itself and theworld at large.

China has
successful foreign policy.TheFive Guiding Principles of Chinese peaceful
coexistence which was set out inthe first half of the 1950s by Premier
Zhou Enlai has become a base for herpresent foreign policy. These
principles include: “mutual respect forsovereignty and territorial
integrity; mutual non-aggression; non-interferencein each other’s
internal affairs; equality and mutual benefit and peacefulcoexistence”.

on the above principles China couldestablish her bilateral and
multilateral relations with other countries of theworld.These five
principles led to the development of additional concepts suchas:-win-win
relations, opposing hegemonism, maintaining world peace,
developinggood-neighborly relations, establishing friendly and
cooperative relations,opening to the outside world, opposingterrorism
among others.

In November 2012 the 18th
National Congressof the Communist Party of China proposed the concept of
"a community ofshared future for all humankind" for the first time. For
the last fouryears President Xi has reflected this important global
concept in many otherinternational conferences. At the 19th National
Congress of CPC, ChinesePresident Xi Jinping again stressed that China
pursues a development road ofpeace and promotes building a community of
shared future for mankind.

In 2013 he
also put forward great thoughtthat will benefit both China and the
humankinds of the world at large.The Beltand Road Initiative that
targeted toconnect Asia with Europe and Africa viaoverland and maritime
routes that cover more than 60 countries and around 4.4billion people of
the world was introduced by President Xi.Both initiatives aresteps
forward from former passive posture of China to designing a better
worldorder.Chinese President Xi Jinping recently also said that

diplomacy in the new era is topromote the construction of a new type of
international relations and acommunity of shared future…to uphold
mutual respect, fairness and justice andwin-win cooperation, abandon law
of the jungle, promote dialogue andpartnership instead of confrontation
and alliances…A communityof shared future will bring lasting peace,
universal security, commonprosperity, openness and inclusiveness as well
as a clean and beautiful world

In his
statement the president hasclarified the need of new types of world
order in which the people of the worldcan get benefits. According to one
source “the Belt and Road Initiative, whichcomprises the Silk Road
Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road,illustrates the
philosophy and vision of a shared future for mankind”.

has already started constructions ofnetworks by pumping huge amount of
money and labour. From these global projectsdeveloped, developing and
least developed countries are benefiting.In order tobe inclusive and
make the global projects known by governments China hosted theBelt and
Road Summit in May 2017. The Summit shows that its benefits will
beshared by all and the contribution to globalization is tremendous.

community of shared future for mankindis a broad concept. It can
incorporates the concern to the internationalcommunities; world peace
and security; global sustainabledevelopment;eradication of poverty and
hunger;expansion of literacy; equitableshare of the global common;
equality and justice; good governance; law andorder; mutual respect;
human health anddignity; inclusive development;living inharmony; gender
equality; celebrates diversity, openness, cooperation andpartnership;
not compromising the benefit of the future generations etc.

17 March 2017 Security CouncilAuthorizes Year-Long Mandate Extension
for United Nations Assistance Mission inAfghanistan, Adopting Resolution
2344. This Resolution adopted the idea ofwin-win andcreating “a
community of shared future for mankind”— the exactwords emphasized by
President Xi at various international conferences. TheResolution stated
about “the crucial importance of advancing regionalcooperation in the
spirit of win-win cooperation as an effective means topromote security,
stability and economic and social development in Afghanistanand the
region to create a community of shared future for mankind”

Xi’s proposal to the community ofshared future for mankind shows that
China is one of the major countries inredesigning new world order that
can benefit peoples of the world rather thanthe zero-sum game mentality
of the Cold War that used to dominate internationalrelations. Unlike
many other developed countries China underlines thepreference of win-win
cooperation than zero-sum game.

China is going global, the U.S.A isretreating from global initiatives
and challenges. For instance recently theU.S. President Donald Trump has
withdrawn from the Paris Agreement, leftUNESCO, blocked entrance of
some peoples to his country, and focuses on AmericaFirst which are
symbols of protectionism and unilateralism. On the other hand

is showing her commitments by work onglobal climate issuesand also
energetically going out globally. It focuses onglobal connectivity
through building of infrastructures like road, railways;maritime
connectivity, information and aviation networks. These
projectsfacilitate trade, investment and tourism in the world.

are many least developed anddeveloping countries in Africa. Many of
them are getting various supports fromChina. In addition to well
standard high ways construction, China has builtmore than 5600KM of
railways, 9 ports, 34 power plants,14 airports, 68hospitals, 80 state of
the art stadiums and more than 200 schools in Africa.China has also
sent more than 24,000 medical personnel to Africa and providedtraining
for 81,000 African medical professionals.For instance the
480-kmMombasa-Nairobi Railway in Kenya, which is funded and constructed
by China, hasan annual transportation capacity of 25 million tons. The
current African Unionnew building is also constructed by China covering
200million dollars.

As various sources
show China hascontributed more than 20% to Africa’s GDP growth.According
to a report issuedby McKinsey and Company in June 2017, Chinese firms
operate across many sectorsof Africa’s economy of which 31% are in
manufacturing, 25% are in services and15% are in construction and real
estate. It is estimated that more than tenthousand Chinese firms are
operating in Africa, of which ninety percent areprivately owned.These
firms have employed many Africans that contributed toreduction of
unemployment as well as transferring new skills to Africa. Similarto
African countries, Asian countries such as Laos got benefit through
railwaylink with China.

The population
number of Africa and Chinaare in billion each. Trade interactions
between the billion-to-billion peoplewill have great economic impact in
the world. Since China is becoming the world’slargest consumption place,
it is ideal destination for exports of Africacountries.

Currently the trade volume between ChinaandAfrica is more than 200 billion.

development in the worldiscontributing to instability and conflicts.
The present flow of migration fromconflict prone areas and poor
countries to developed countries is thereflection of unbalanced economic
development, unemployment, poor standard oflivingand lack of peace and
security in many countries. There are differentnature and pattern of
inequalities. Inequality can be seen within a country oramong countries.
There are various causes for the inequalities in bothcategories. If the
gaps of inequalities increase there is a possibility ofconflict and war
between and among people. This will affect the security of acountry and
the world at large.

gap between the rich and the poorpeople in a country should also be
part of this shared vision. This incomeinequality is the problem of the
world be it rich or poor country. While Chinahas achieved stunning
economic success and pulled millions out of poverty overthe past three
decades and its international prestige and influence have rose,the
benefits of its double-digit growth have not been equally shared.
However,her vision will answer the questions of both inequalities and
the right todevelopment agenda of the world.

about 36% of African people liveon less than one dollar per day. This
clearly shows the inequality between therich and poor countries of the
world. Many people in Asian countries have alsofaced such inequalities.
The global project of China through re-silking willbenefit least
developing countries to improve their economies. Thus, the Beltand Road
Initiative of Chinawill help to overcome inequalities by helping
otherdeveloping countries to advance their economies through investment,
trade andinfrastructure construction.

the past few decades, China hasconducted reforms and opened up its
economy that helped to manage 700 millionpeople to be out of poverty.
The annual China-Africa Poverty Reduction andDevelopmentForum has been
held by the International Poverty ReductionCenter inChina since 2010
with an aim of enhancing exchangesand cooperation to alleviatepoverty
and promote developmentbetween China and Africa. This forum has
helpedChina to share its experience in poverty reduction.China has
contributed toAfrica’s povertyreduction efforts by providingtraining on
agricultural technologyandestablishing demonstrationvillages for poverty
alleviation. Such forum is partof shared future between developing
countries and China.

If the global
projects of China and hervision “to shared future for mankind” are
successful the internationalcommunities will overcome difficulties and a
better world will be in place.Thesuccess of this vision also means
China will fulfill the interests of both itsown people and the people of
the world as a whole. But this great vision cannotbe a reality only by
the resources and efforts of China. For the implementationof these
global visions international players including governments,international
organizations, private sectors, non-governmental organizations,business
communities, religious institutions,think tanks and academia shouldwork
together in revamping the better world to human beings.

is one of the oldest civilizationswith the largest population in the
world. China is well-known for its ancientinventions including paper
making technology, type printing, gun powder andcompass. At one time
Napoleon had said about China “It is a sleeping giant, letit sleep for
if it wakes it would shake the world”. This prophecy is beingnoticed in
China in the last few decades’ development and her vision inre-silking
the world throughthe philosophy of a shared future for mankind.

visions in re-silking the world andshared future for mankind shows that
China is committed to promote world peace,international cooperation,
inclusive and balanced development. Theincorporation of her vision in
international conventions demonstrated thatChina is successful in her
diplomacy as well as playing her role in reformingand crafting new world