您做在的位置: 中国投资 > 封面故事 > 白俄罗斯致力优化中欧班列过境效率


   帕尔科维奇·拉兹洛(Prof. Dr. László Palkovics) 匈牙利创新与技术部部长
   尤里·先科(Yury SENKO) 白俄罗斯驻华大使
   拉法尔·德斯卡亚(Rafael Dezcallar)  西班牙驻华大使
   阿布杜卡迪尔·埃明·约南(Abdulkadir Emin Onen ) 土耳其驻华大使

   卡特琳娜·扎科奇(Katarina Zakić)   塞尔维亚国际政治与经济研究所“一带一路”研究中心研究员

执着坚守 构筑内畅外联大通道
   李关鹏   中国外运股份有限公司董事长

   科兹洛夫(Козлов  Антон   Сергеевич)   俄罗斯铁路股份公司境外项目和国际合作部主任

   马特恩(Axel Mattern)   德国汉堡港营销协会董事兼首席执行官
   董建国   重庆市发展和改革委员会主任

   何雄   河南省发展和改革委员会党组书记、主任

   周海兵   湖南省发展和改革委员会党组书记、主任
保通保畅  提升班列建设运营水平
   王岿然   新疆维吾尔自治区发展和改革委员会主任、自治区对口援疆工作协调小组办公室主任

   邓超   四川省实施西部大开发办公室专职副主任

   刘迎军   陕西省发展和改革委员会副主任

文|尤里·先科(Yury SENKO)   白俄罗斯驻华大使m














⬆ 白俄罗斯——中国集装箱铁路运输




⬆ 白俄罗斯——中国集装箱铁路运输



2013年,白俄罗斯、俄罗斯和哈萨克斯坦的铁路部门共同建立了俄白哈交通物流联合公司,该公司旨在为中国货物运往白俄罗斯边境提供高品质的物流运输服务。运营数年来,该公司一直秉持着 “一窗式”办理的原则,为中国和欧洲的货主提供现代化高品质服务。





· 2017年,首个满载着白俄罗斯产品(木材)的中欧班列从白俄罗斯抵达中国。
· 2018年,满载着白俄罗斯乳制品的中欧班列通过“重庆-明斯克”中欧班列抵达中国。2020年,有超过100班中欧班列运载着白俄罗斯生产的出口产品抵达中国。
· 如今,中欧班列从中国60个城市始发,运至欧洲15个国家、50个城市,为中欧货主提供高品质、具有盈利保障的物流方案。主要的始发地和目的地有:

编辑 | 张  

翻译 | 齐晓彤

设计 | 大   米

Special Reports on China-Europe Railway Express
Hub of Transport and Logistics for Central European Region with Highlighted Function
   Prof. Dr. László Palkovics, Hungarian Minister of Innovation and Technology
NBelarus is to gain sustainable development of China-Europe Railway Express
    H.E. Yury SENKO,Ambassador of  Belarus to China
CR Express: Closing Up Ties of Spain-China Cooperation
   H.E. Rafael Dezcallar,Ambassador of Spain to China
Turkey-China Freight Trains: A New Page In Turkish-Chinese Partnership
   H.E. Abdulkadir Emin Onen, Ambassador of Turkey to China

The impact of China-Europe Railway Express – past, present and future
   Katarina Zakić, PhD Research Fellow,Regional Center "Belt and Road" Institute of International Politics and Economics Serbia

Persevering in Constructing a Smooth Going and Outreaching Great Passage
   Li Guanpeng, Chairman of Sinotrans ltd.

A Vision of Russia-China Cooperation in Digitalization in Railway Transport
   Anton Kozlov, Head of Foreign Projects and International Cooperation Department, JSC Russian Railways

A European Railway Freight Hub on the New Silk Road
   Axel Mattern, Member of the Executive Board and CEO of Hafen Hamburg Marketing

Forging a Brand New Value Chain with the Support of CR Express
   Dong Jianguo

Supporting and Serving the Construction of a New Platform for Inland Provinces to Open to the Outside World
   He Xiong

Building a “Golden Passage” to boost the “Belt and Road”
   Zhou Haibing

Keep Smooth Going and Unobstructed, Improve CR Express Operational Efficacy
   Wang Kuiran
New Chengdu-Europe Express: An Important Economic Tie Linking the World
   Deng Chao
Building an Efficient, Low-Cost, Good-Service International Trade Corridor
   Liu Yingjun

By H.E. Yury SENKO,Ambassador of Belarus to China

year 2021 is also a landmark year for China and its friends. It marks
the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party of China, as well as the
beginning of the 14th five-year plan for the formation of a new
development architecture and the implementation of the concept of
"Double Circulation". Undoubtedly, the partner countries will also
receive a new impetus for development. As they say in China: "when there
is water in the main river – and there is water in the tributary, when
there is no water in the main river – and the tributary is dry."

success is now evident. It is the world's largest growing economy.
China was the first in the world to cope with the coronavirus pandemic.
In fact, in 40 years of reform and openness, China has overcome poverty –
achievement that many countries have been striving for centuries.

Republic of Belarus is a beautiful and hospitable country, known in
China for the friendship of the presidents, favorable geographical
location, heroic history, unique nature, high-quality products, the
Chinese-Belarusian Industrial Park "Great Stone" and other large-scale
joint projects.

less than a year, it will be celebrated the 30th anniversary of the
establishment of diplomatic relations between Belarus and China. During
this time, our countries have managed to create an atmosphere of mutual
trust and show by concrete examples that we can effectively cooperate in
politics, in the economy, and in humanitarian areas.

the course of countering the COVID-19 challenges, the relations between
Belarus and China have shown themselves to be exemplary. By the
personal order of President Alexander Lukashenko, Belarus was the first
country to send 2 aircrafts with humanitarian medical aid to the
People's Republic of China.

medical supplies were delivered from China to Belarus, including
assistance from the government, 20 regions and a number of Chinese
companies. The peoples of our countries, not in words, but in deeds,
like real "iron brothers", have demonstrated that they can be together
in sorrow and in joy. In addition, in May, China made the second stage
of the free transfer of coronavirus vaccines for Belarus. Container
transport between Europe and China during the pandemic has significantly
strengthened its place in the logistics supply chains, being at times
the only reliable means of transport.

2020, we reached a historic high in trade with China – the mutual
turnover of goods and services amounted to 5.4 billion US dollars. In
the context of the pandemic and the global crisis, we not only did not
allow the decline, but were able to increase the volume. The trade
turnover increased by 9.5 million US dollars. For the first time, China
became the second trading partner of Belarus, after Russia. The export
of Belarusian products to China increased by 9.4%. At the same time,
food supplies doubled, and for certain items, for example, poultry meat,
an increase of 3.5 times, and whey – 2.2 times. Exports were
diversified to increase the share of high-value-added products and
reduce the share of raw materials, while the dynamics of volume growth
remained in all these commodity groups. Over the past few years, more
than a hundred of our producers of dairy, meat, fish products, as well
as animal feed have been accredited in China.

⬆ Container Terminal "Kolyadichi", Minsk

attention should be paid to the implementation of the project of the
international logistics terminal in the Great Stone Park with the
participation of Chinese, Belarusian, German and Swiss companies, which
is designed to speed up the delivery of goods on the China–Europe route
from 16 to 10-12 days.
In Belarus, all types of transport are used
to organize optimal supply chains. More than 98% of Belarus exports to
China are served by multimodal rail and sea transport, which is about
1-2 million tons per year. Mineral fertilizers and timber products
dominate the supply structure. Effective logistics schemes for the
movement of container trains to China with Belarusian food products,
timber cargo, and paper are being worked out.

was one of the first countries to join the Belt and Road initiative
proposed by President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping and
actively participates in its projects, one of the most important
elements of which is the development of accelerated China–Europe rail

to the Belt and Road initiative and the measures taken to accelerate
the development of China–Europe container transport via Belarus, immense
result was achieved. 38 thousand containers passed through the
territory of Belarus in 2014, then in 2020 such a number multiplies 14.5
times, getting about 550 thousand containers. Even in a difficult year
for trade in 2020, Belarus handled 25% more containers than in the
previous year.

should be emphasized that the Belarusian side systematically pays
special attention to the issue of optimizing freight rail transport
between China and Europe on its territory. In 2008, the railways of
Belarus, China and Russia agreed on common approaches to cooperation and
offered customers a new service for cargo transportation by organized
container trains in the China – Europe connection. The first container
train was sent in January 2008 from Beijing to Hamburg via Mongolia,
Russia, Belarus and Poland. Then this experience was successfully
applied in the organization of transportation through Kazakhstan.

2013, the railways of Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan have started
implementing the project of the United Transport and Logistics Company
(currently JSC "OTLK EPA"), which was designed to provide a high-quality
logistics service for delivery from the Chinese to the Belarusian
border. For several years of its activity, this company offers a modern
high-quality service for Chinese and European customers from China and
Europe on the principle of "one window".

2017, the Belarus Railways was one of the first to support the
initiative of the China Railways and took an active part in the
preparation of the Agreement between the railways of China, Belarus,
Germany, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Poland and Russia on deepening
cooperation on the organization of container trains in the China –
Europe connection, which was signed in April 2017. As part of the
implementation of this Agreement, a Memorandum on joint actions aimed at
increasing the speed of container trains in the China – Europe
connection was signed in December 2020. In the near future, the task is
to develop and coordinate with all participants in the transportation
process a set of specific measures.

is a kind of land link between China and Europe, providing a large
share of all rail traffic on this route. Already in 2017, the first
full-fledged container train with Belarusian products (timber) was sent
to China. In 2018, a full-fledged container train with dairy products
from Belarusian enterprises was sent on the Minsk – Chongqing route. In
2020, more than 100 container trains with export products of Belarusian
enterprises were sent to China.

container trains run from 60 cities in China to 50 cities in 15
European countries, offering high-quality and profitable logistics
schemes. The main points of departure and destination of container
trains are:

in Europe: Germany (Hamburg, Duisburg, Nuremberg), the Netherlands (Tilburg), Poland (Lodz, Malashevichi);

China: Zhengzhou (Henan Province), Wuhan (Hubei Province), Hefei (Anhui
Province), Chengdu (Sichuan Province), Urumqi (Xinjiang Uyghur
Autonomous Region), Chongqing (city of central subordination), Xi'an
(Shaanxi Province), Shenzhen (Guangdong Province).

order to speed up the movement of container trains through the
Belarusian border crossings, a set of measures to increase mutual
capacity is being implemented jointly with foreign partners. At the same
time, all emerging issues of China – Europe rail container
transportation via Belarus are successfully resolved in bilateral and
multilateral formats, for which we express our special gratitude to our

business requires a constant reduction in time of delivery and its
cost, such as the positive dynamics of railway cargo transportation
poses a scope of tasks for the future. To optimizing traffic, Belarus is
developing prospects for creating a single "digital transport
corridors". In this direction, it relies on the introduction of
paperless document management, end-to-end train schedules, electronic
interaction with state regulatory authorities, blockchain technology and
smart seals introduction. Particularly, a special place in that issue
should be given to improving the transport infrastructure and
establishing mutually beneficial contacts with business partners. So
Belarus does consistently step forward to that having in the priorities –
openness, progressive initiatives and successful usage of modern
logistics trends. 

Editor | Zhang Mei

Design | Demi