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   帕尔科维奇·拉兹洛(Prof. Dr. László Palkovics) 匈牙利创新与技术部部长
   尤里·先科(Yury SENKO) 白俄罗斯驻华大使
   拉法尔·德斯卡亚(Rafael Dezcallar)  西班牙驻华大使
   阿布杜卡迪尔·埃明·约南(Abdulkadir Emin Onen ) 土耳其驻华大使

   卡特琳娜·扎科奇(Katarina Zakić)   塞尔维亚国际政治与经济研究所“一带一路”研究中心研究员

执着坚守 构筑内畅外联大通道
   李关鹏   中国外运股份有限公司董事长

   科兹洛夫(Козлов  Антон   Сергеевич)   俄罗斯铁路股份公司境外项目和国际合作部主任

   马特恩(Axel Mattern)   德国汉堡港营销协会董事兼首席执行官
   董建国   重庆市发展和改革委员会主任

   何雄   河南省发展和改革委员会党组书记、主任

   周海兵   湖南省发展和改革委员会党组书记、主任
保通保畅  提升班列建设运营水平
   王岿然   新疆维吾尔自治区发展和改革委员会主任、自治区对口援疆工作协调小组办公室主任

   邓超   四川省实施西部大开发办公室专职副主任

   刘迎军   陕西省发展和改革委员会副主任

文|卡特琳娜·扎科奇(Katarina Zakić)   塞尔维亚国际政治与经济研究所“一带一路”研究中心研究员 








推进铁路网络现代化 提升国际竞争力









⬆ 2020年6月23日,满载防疫物资的中欧班列抵达法国巴黎东南郊的瓦朗通(新华社记者 徐永春摄)








推进铁路网络现代化 提升国际竞争力


编辑 | 张   梅

 翻译 | 齐晓彤

设计 | 大   米

Special Reports on China-Europe Railway Express
Hub of Transport and Logistics for Central European Region with Highlighted Function
   Prof. Dr. László Palkovics, Hungarian Minister of Innovation and Technology
NBelarus is to gain sustainable development of China-Europe Railway Express
    H.E. Yury SENKO,Ambassador of  Belarus to China
CR Express: Closing Up Ties of Spain-China Cooperation
   H.E. Rafael Dezcallar,Ambassador of Spain to China
Turkey-China Freight Trains: A New Page In Turkish-Chinese Partnership
   H.E. Abdulkadir Emin Onen, Ambassador of Turkey to China

The impact of China-Europe Railway Express – past, present and future
   Katarina Zakić, PhD Research Fellow,Regional Center "Belt and Road" Institute of International Politics and Economics Serbia

Persevering in Constructing a Smooth Going and Outreaching Great Passage
   Li Guanpeng, Chairman of Sinotrans ltd.

A Vision of Russia-China Cooperation in Digitalization in Railway Transport
   Anton Kozlov, Head of Foreign Projects and International Cooperation Department, JSC Russian Railways

A European Railway Freight Hub on the New Silk Road
   Axel Mattern, Member of the Executive Board and CEO of Hafen Hamburg Marketing

Forging a Brand New Value Chain with the Support of CR Express
   Dong Jianguo

Supporting and Serving the Construction of a New Platform for Inland Provinces to Open to the Outside World
   He Xiong

Building a “Golden Passage” to boost the “Belt and Road”
   Zhou Haibing

Keep Smooth Going and Unobstructed, Improve CR Express Operational Efficacy
   Wang Kuiran
New Chengdu-Europe Express: An Important Economic Tie Linking the World
   Deng Chao
Building an Efficient, Low-Cost, Good-Service International Trade Corridor
   Liu Yingjun

By Katarina Zakić, PhD Research Fellow,Regional Center "Belt and Road" Institute of International Politics and Economics Serbia

11 March 2020, the World Health Organization officially declared the
COVID-19 pandemic. It was something that the public was at the same time
expecting and fearing. This pandemic is without a doubt one of the
biggest problems that the world faced in newer history. The COVID-19 is
not just a health problem; it is also a political, economic and social

these new circumstances, it was obvious from the beginning that trade
and global supply chains would be disrupted. The questions just piled:
how will we continue the production, will we have enough food, will we
have enough medicines and medical supplies, how we will organize the
transport, etc. There were no immediate answers, and every country in
the world tried its best, to protect the lives of its citizens and to
make every day living as normal as it was possible.

What to do when you face transportation struggles?

of the main questions, in the early days of the pandemic, was how to
organize the transportation of goods from all over the world? The air
traffic was almost non-existent. The ship cargoes were blocked in many
ports due to safety reasons. The main alternative was to transport goods
by land as much as possible. Since the trucks have a weight limit
(tonnes) they can carry, the only other transportation alternative was
the railway. It was during these times that many of us realised how
valuable railways are, and how much they are helpful in pandemic times.
Even though the railway sector suffered as others, the results showed
that on the global level during the times of COVID-19, the level of
railway transportation remained the same, and in some countries, it was
higher. The reasons behind that were that the airfreight rates went up,
the truck transport took longer time to deliver goods than before due to
procedures at the borders, and blank sailings occurred more in the
ocean freight. 

The significance of the China-Europe Railway Express during the first year of the pandemic

April and May 2020, due to the combined effects of all the
above-mentioned circumstances China–Europe Railway Express (CURE) became
a secure and fast way to transport goods from China to Europe and vice
versa. The main products transported during those times were medical
supplies – masks, protective medical suits, protective glasses, gloves,
respirators etc. Gao Zandong, deputy general manager of COSCO Shipping
Lines, said that during those first days of the pandemic, it took
slightly more than 10 days to transport medical supplies from Hubei
province to Germany.  Xinhua Agency reported in the same article that:
“From January to May, a total of 12.524 tonnes of anti-epidemic
materials were sent from China to European countries by train.” CURE
“has completed a record 1.033 journeys in May, up 43 percent
year-on-year. 93.000 containers were transported, an increase of 48
percent year-on-year.”  When the time limits are as important as they
were, during those first months of the pandemic in Europe, it was
encouraging to know that there is a safe and quick way to receive
medical supplies from China. 

trend of using this railway during 2020 and the first’s month of 2021
just continued to soar. Yicai Global published on their website in April
2021 that the CURE number of journeys went up 75% in the first quarter
year on year (3.398). Besides this, last year that number for the first
time in its history exceeded 10.000, and that was a great result. The
same report said that Meng Wei, spokesperson for the National
Development and Reform Commission, stated at the news conference: “The
China-Europe Railway Express has seen over 1.000 train journeys a month
for 11 consecutive months since May last year. The freight service had
delivered more than 11.0 million units and 89.000 tons of COVID-19
pandemic control supplies as of the end of last month.”   

by this result, we can say that this railway has a unique opportunity
to become an even more valuable part of the transportation network
between China and Europe. The number and the volume of goods transported
through the CURE network are increasing. More and more companies want
to use this network. Shipping cargoes will remain the dominant
transportation model in the near future since 90% of the global shipping
goes this way. On the other hand, railway transportation is becoming
more competitive against airfreight, and it will be interesting to see
if this will change in future. 

things need to be changed on the China-Railway Express Network to
become even more competitive. On the one hand, the problem of different
railway gauges that exist on this route. There are five different ones,
while the three types are the most used ones. Even though the time used
to transport the cargoes from one train to the other is significantly
quicker than before, there is still space for improvement. On the other
hand, the level of administration work that needs to be done for the
trains to pass the national borders. The main thing is to work upon the
digitalization and border procedures to shorten the time required for
trains to cross the borders.

Economic cooperation between China and Europe and the role of China-Europe Railway Express

the pandemic started, China and the countries within the European Union
had good economic relations. Trade was a vital part of cooperation.
China was the EU's second-biggest trade partner. The trade volume in
2019 was around 350 billion euros, according to Eurostat data.
Investments had a different story. After many years of good cooperation
in the investment field, the EU started to change its view about Chinese
investments in its territory. The final restrain in relations became
more evident after the EU Commission adopted in March 2019 the EU
framework for screening foreign direct investments. Valdis Dombrovskis,
the EU official, stated that the EU market was and is open to foreign
investors, still, there needs to be some conditionality regarding
foreign investments to secure EU assets and protect collective
security.  Chinese investments, especially in the IT field, were no
longer so welcome in the EU. 

relations between China and the EU due to pandemic changed. Data from
Eurostat show that in the first ten month of 2020, China was the biggest
trade partner of the EU, due to the increase in trade in the first
three quarters by 3.4% year-on-year, while between the EU and the USA
fell 13% year-on-year.  In addition, at the end of December 2020, China
and the EU officials, after nine rounds of negotiations, reached in
principle Comprehensive Agreement on Investments (CAI). This agreement
probably will be finalized by the end of 2021, and if everything goes
well, it would be a huge step in the right direction for both parties.
Besides this, it is also encouraging that the latest Chinese 14th
five-year development plan, adopted in March 2021, references new
opportunities for foreign investors in China.  China will allow easier
access for foreign companies to the Chinese market.  It will also permit
new fields of industry and services in which foreigners can invest. All
mentioned things would improve economic relations between China and the
EU. China-Europe Railway Express will benefit from that.

March 2021, both parties celebrated the 10th anniversary of the first
train that travelled from China to Europe. Last year with all of its
difficulties, proved how much this railway is necessary and how much it
needs to be utilized properly. Railway freight has many advantages that
are important in today’s insecure world. It is a safer way of
transporting goods than airfreight or sea freight because its
functioning is not so dependable on the weather conditions. It is a
cheaper method of transport than airfreight and takes less time than sea
freight. The most important advantage is that railway freight is more
environment friendly than airfreight, and its emission of CO2 is
slightly higher than ocean freight emission.   Since China and the EU
are both committed to building more sustainable and green environment,
railway transportation will have an important place in theirs

The impact of the Belgrade- Budapest railway on Serbian development

a small country in the centre of the Balkan Peninsula, has been a firm
supporter and friend of China and has been from the start member of two
very well-known Chinese initiatives, namely 17+1 and Belt and Road
Initiative. Through them, Serbia cooperated with China in different
ways. In the economic field, China invested through loans, acquisitions
and joint ventures more than 10 billion euros in Serbia. China invested
in various type of projects such as transportation, energy, metallurgy,
production etc. One of the first projects on which China and Serbia
cooperated was the construction of the Belgrade-Budapest Railway. China
Communication Construction Company and China Railway International are
in charge of the two parts of this railway, and the project is worth US$
1.412 billion. By building this railway, Serbia will shorten the
travelling time from Belgrade to Budapest from eight to four hours. It
is an important project for Serbia since Serbian railways have not been
modernized for more than three decades. Besides this, through the
modernization of our network, and by building a modern railway from
Belgrade to Niš, Serbia is hoping to become part of the broader
China-Europe Railway Network. Hopefully, with those projects, Serbia
will join the European highway and railroad network, and become more
competitive on the international market.  

Editor | Zhang Mei

Design | Demi