文I 昌达 赞比亚《每日邮报》公关顾问 翻译I 李丛
当地时间2017年5月3日,世界经济论坛非洲峰会在德班开幕,南非总统祖马在峰会开幕前接受记者采访( 东方IC)
African Day: Celebrating a new Pan-African movement
By Mwazipeza Chanda, Communications Consultant at Zambia Daily Mail
Africa Day, is also known as AfricaLiberation Day, celebrated on May 25 takes recognition of the unified effortsof previous leaders to agitate for emancipation from colonial masters.
Development in Africa
While the rest of the world is turninginward in the face of the falling global economy, many African nations haveseen the need to establish links for ensured prosperity.
On average, Africa's economy has seen 5%annual growth and has been recognized as a new engine for global economicrevival.
The continent's vast natural and mineralresources have been a source of conflict for decades but in recent years agradual move towards industrialization has been embraced and with it a growingneed to bridge infrastructure gaps – a new form of Pan-Africanism.
Breaking away from the tag of a 'DarkContinent' filled with poverty, war and disease – African countries are fastbeginning to adopt economic reforms that will see a joint push for prosperityfor the 1.2 billion citizens.
Through various regional groupings moreeconomic blocs are pursuing cross border and regional partnerships to achieveindustrialization.
The Africa Competitiveness Report 2017, aspecial project within the framework of the World Economic Forum's GlobalCompetitiveness and Risks Team has noted heavily how regional integration andstrategic financing is playing a role in ensuring the industrialization of thecontinent.
In recent year's Africa has improved themost areas covered by the Millennium Development Goals, such as education,child mortality and maternal health. On average Africa has improved itsperformance on health and primary education by more than 12 percent over thepast decade. This has been driven mainly by much lower infant mortality (from83 to 47 percent), lower incidence of tuberculosis (from 406 to 313 cases per100,000 population), and higher enrollment in primary school (from 76 percentto 83.5 percent).
Africa has also improved the efficiency ofits goods markets, especially through better competition and lower tariffs andtaxes.
For example, the rating of businessexecutives of local competition intensity has increased by 13 percent, alsofacilitated by less administrative red tape to start a business (reduced by 47percent), and the average taxation of profits has almost halved in 10 years.
Technological readiness has also gainedconsiderable ground in the last 10 years, yet -because most countries haveexpanded their ICT capabilities much more than Africa has in this period – thetechnological gap has widened. Similarly, improvements in higher education,infrastructure, and institutions have been too small to reduce Africa'scompetitiveness gaps in these areas.
The World Economic Forum Competitivenessreport further states that the global reduction of commodity prices in the pasttwo years has weakened the macro-economic environment of most Africancountries; this price drop has also negatively affected the financial sector,contributing to reduce the already declining regional performance in financialmarket development.
Cooperation among African countries
According to a recent article by ChristinRoby published by DEVEX – The New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD)is hoping to play a dominant role in strengthening ties between Africancountries that would boost traditionally low levels of intra-African trade byfocusing on trade corridors, or transit cross-border road networks.
NEPAD, as the agency is more commonlyknown, plans to achieve its goals by tackling logistical transport concernssuch as issues of tariff setting, duties and regulations, and harmonizationthrough the Move Africa initiative, which was launched in 2016. NEPAD, thetechnical body of the African Union, works specifically with regional economiccommunities in Africa to select projects and programs to support.
According to Roby, in terms ofdevelopmental approaches, Africa cannot be country specific anymore, butinstead take a regional dimension.
NEPAD's focus on regional tradefacilitation will primarily target three corridors this year, including theNorth-South corridor (South Africa to Tanzania), the Central corridor (Tanzaniato Burundi) and the Abidjan-Lagos corridor (Nigeria to Ivory Coast). There isalso an ambition to have the Abidjan to Dakar (Ivory Coast to Senegal) corridoralso come on board in the near future.
In recent weeks, the 2017 World EconomicForum for Africa was held in South Africa where issues around politicalleadership, stagnating economies and falling employment levels were raised – the fact that more African countries aremore willing to dialogue and contribute towards finding solutions amongstthemselves gives testament to the resurgence of the Pan-African movement.
Similar to the 1960s, emphasis has againbeen placed on realizing a promising future for the youth of Africa. Severaleconomic conferences have been held to brainstorm around tapping into the 800million strong youth population.
The youth are currently, Africa's greatestresource – as other large economies will face challenges in productivity incoming decades.
African Day serves as a reminder tocitizens to ensure that they move as a united force to protect againstenslavement of any form.
The push for industrialization has seengrowing dependence on external financing which in turn raises debate aboutneo-colonialism in the form of foreign investment and loan financing.
However, through programmes such as theAgenda 2063, national development plans are being drawn up through processes ofconsultation and partnerships across the African country to ensure a uniformand progressive approach to the continent's drive to prosperity.