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文I 本刊记者 常浩    翻译I 褚骁骥     图片提供I 中欧国际工商学院

随着中国与非洲的贸易迅速增长,熟悉中非两国的商业管理人才需求旺盛。中欧国际工商学院是由中国政府和欧盟委员会于1994年合作创办的高等管理教育机构,主要培养工商管理人才。2008年,这所具有中国元素的学院进入非洲市场,在非洲加纳首都阿克拉设立教研基地,开设高层经理培训课程。近日,中欧国际工商学院阿克拉教研基地执行主任蔡慕修(Mathew Tsamenyi)接受《中国投资》杂志记者的采访,详细介绍了中欧国际工商学院在非洲的运营模式。







蔡慕修:中欧国际工商学院在非洲设立项目是一个非常好的想法,很多理由都可以证明:第一是非洲与中国之间的联系。随着中国在非洲影响力的上升,很多中资企业都选择在非洲大陆进行投资。这些来自中国的企业要想在非洲大陆取得成功,为他们的员工提供高质量的管理培训就是非常有必要的。例如,中欧国际工商学院现在正在负责对中国航空工业集团在非洲不同国家的员工进行培训。第二是中国经济在全球范围内的影响力加大。第三是企业为当地员工提供高质量不脱产教育的需求。例如,那些在非洲日常工作繁忙的管理者们参与中欧国际工商学院提供的世界级课程的同时,也可以继续自己的工作。这对很多西欧国家的高端商学院来说,是不可能实现的,因为这些商学院通常要求学员们离开自己的工作岗位,成为全职学生。以中欧国际工商学院开设的Global EMBA课程为例,这个课程为那些非洲国家的企业管理者们提供了一个不需要离开工作岗位就可以享受高端品质课程的机会。








蔡慕修:从2008年,学院的非洲项目实施开始,我们已经成功为来自不同领域的学生进行了培训。我们的Global EMBA课程和女性企业家领导力课程 (WELA) 的学员主要来自不同国家和不同行业的企业高管。学员分别来自非洲、欧洲、中国等不同国家和地区。这其中,一些学生在毕业后回到了他们的工作岗位,将其所学知识成功应用到了他们的公司中,对其商业行为产生了积极影响。另外一些学员在毕业后自己创业,他们的创业项目涵盖了包含房地产、娱乐、金融以及广告在内的多个领域。还有一些学生步入了政界,成为出色的政治家,他们在政治领域的领导力也已经被很多人所称赞。

另一方面我们的公司特设课程(CSPs)已经开始承担多家非洲大陆顶级公司的培训任务。很多当地的大型企业都是该项目的受益者,这些公司包括可口可乐加纳公司,WPP集团南非分公司,第一银行尼日利亚分公司,喜力国际集团非洲以及中东分公司,Heritage Bank尼日利亚银行,塔洛石油公司加纳分公司以及中国航空工业集团。







蔡慕修:对于一些西方的商学院比如:哈佛商学院、欧洲工商管理学院,伦敦商学院等而言,因为殖民等历史方面的因素,这些学院往往在非洲具有一定的优势。在商业教育领域,中国以及中欧国际工商学院在非洲完全是新的市场竞争者。然而,对于我们来说,我们的优势就在于我们能够结合东西方的商业以及管理理念,这是我们有别于其他西方商学院的独一无二的优势。此外,借助我们的平台,很多当地的企业家能够和中国的企业建立起商业上的联系,这也是我们的优势之一。然而,我们面临的挑战是,我们虽然提供的是高端的教学服务,但是面对的市场却是相对低端的。很多潜在申请者都认为学费高。因此,我们在当地招生工作的开展没有像在中国那样顺利。当然,这一情况现在正在不断改善。事实上,中欧国际工商学院为非洲的经济发展已经做出了最大的努力。我们每年为非洲企业家提供75万美元的奖学金,帮助他们就读Global EMBA课程;我们开设的女性企业家以及领导力课程(WELA)在非洲的学费只有中国同样课程的三分之一;此外,中欧每年还会为200位非洲企业家提供免费公开课程。












蔡慕修:未来非洲项目的计划和目标包括:提升中欧国际工商学院在非洲的品牌影响力并更好地深入非洲市场,例如,在今年我们分别在南非以及摩洛哥的开设了女性企业家以及领导力课程(WELA);建立我们的中国校友以及非洲校友之间的联系,在2018年,我们将组织中国校友的“非洲行”以及非洲校友的“中国行”等活动;为来自非洲的学生提供更多的机会,例如,我们将会为来自非洲的学生提供奖学奖以资助他们在上海学习Global EMBA课程或在全职MBA课程的机会;和更多的在非洲的中资企业开展合作。例如,我们已经在为中国航空工业集团在非洲不同国家的中方管理者以及当地员工进行相关的培训工作;将中欧国际工商学院定位为中非相关事务的智库。(编辑:杨海霞)

CEIBS:  Explore the African Business Education

Chang Hao,  China  Investment; Photo by CEIBS

The increasing trades between China and African countries give rise to the urgent demands of people who are technically proficient in the management of China and that of the Africa. China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) was established under an agreement between the Chinese government and the European Commission in Shanghai in November 1994. CEIBS is committed to educating responsible leaders versed in business and management. Having been with Chinese elements,  the CEIBS Africa project was launched in 2008, establishing its research base in Accra, the capital city of  Ghana,to offer a wide range of Executive Education programmes.  Recently, China Investment Magazine conducted an interview with  Mathew Tsamenyi , the Executive Director of CEIBS in Africa. In the interview, Mathew Tsamenyi introduced the operation mode of CEIBS in African continent.


China Investment: What is the demand for education in Africa?

Mathew Tsamenyi: The demand for educatione specially business education in Africa is growing fast and is already exceeding supply. This rise in demand has been fuelled by a number of factors:(a) rapid growth of the middle class on the African continent. This group demands high-quality education due to their awareness of its importance; (b) a growing youthful population. That is, the average age of Africa’s population keeps dipping; and (c) need to train people for the job market. The existing educational system is unable adequately cater for the needs of organizations on the continent. Hence, there is the need to re-orient the educational system to be able to address the demand for high-quality education.


China Investment: What do you think of CEIBS setting up projects in Africa?

Mathew Tsamenyi: Setting up a CEIBS projectin Africa has been a good idea for a number of reasons: (a) the China connection. There is growing Chinese influence in Africa, with a significant number of Chinese firms setting up operations on the continent. For these companies to thrive there is the need for them to have access to high-quality management training for their staff. For example, CEIBS currently runs programmes for AVIC across different African countries; (b) China’s economic influence globally; and (c) the need for high-quality business school with flexibility for people to study without leaving their jobs. For example, CEIBS has made it possible for busy executives on the continent to access world-class business education while still pursuing their careers. This is not possible with other Western high end business schools as they require people to leave their jobs in order to undertake these studies on full time basis. The CEIBS Global Executive MBA for example provides opportunities for Africa executives to study for their MBAs while working at the same time.


China Investment: What is the emphasis on teaching?

Mathew Tsamenyi: In terms of program content CEIBS designs its programs to bring in global perspectives while at the same time embracing the local context. This is done by allowing some local faculty to teach along CEIBS faculty. Furthermore attempts are made to use international cases and blend these with local cases. Another unique feature of the CEIBS approach is to make our programs very practical by inviting practitioners to speak on our programs or taking our students for company visits. In terms of teaching approach CEIBS uses a blend of lectures and case study approaches in delivering world-class business and management education to its students. Lectures, which serve as a critical precursor to the use of the case method, help our professors to instruct students in the theoretical foundations of relevant business practices. Via the case method, the Professors lead students to undertake case analyses of business situations, after which they are expected to come up with solutions to tough business problems.This approach helps to create would-be practical management scenarios that help them to hone the managerial skills needed for the workplace. In other words, this approach to teaching holds greater potentials in terms of creating critical mass of hand-on business executives to help develop the continent.


China Investment: What do you think of the effect of implementation of the African project so far?

Mathew Tsamenyi: Starting from 2008, the school has trained students who are doing very well in various fields. Students on our Global Executive MBA and Women Entrepreneurship and Leadership (WELA)programmes are mainly business executives from diverse industries and nationalities. Our students come from different countries across Africa, China,and Europe.On the other hand, our Company Specific Programmes (CSPs)have been attended by top companies across the continent. Companies that have benefitted from our CSP include among others Coca-Cola (Ghana), WPP (South Africa), FirstBank (Nigeria), Heineken International B.V. (Africa & Middle East), and Heritage Bank (Nigeria), Tullow (Ghana), and the Chinese company AVIC. Some of the students have returned to their work places and positively impacting business performance in their various companies where as others have moved on to start their own businesses in diverse industries – Real Estate,Entertainment, Finance, Advertising etc. Indeed, some students have become successful politicians who are acclaimed by many as demonstrating good leadership.


China Investment: What challenges do you encounter in the teaching process?

Mathew Tsamenyi: Most students were taught differently in their previous studies so the CEIBS approach of using cases to teach for example is new to them. As such, transition from old to new can be challenging to some of them. Also, there is difficulty in obtaining local African business cases for teaching. The school has written a few cases but more needs to be done. Further, there is lack of flexibility because very often we fly faculty from Shanghai. There will be opportunity for the school to have more top class local faculty in the future.


China Investment: Compared to the West and local schools, what is the advantage and inadequacy of the CEIBS ?

Mathew Tsamenyi: For Western schools(such as Harvard Business School, INSEAD, and London Business School), they have the advantage of history because of colonial linkages with Africa. CEIBS and China for that matter are relatively new on the continent when it comes to business education. However, the advantage of CEIBS is that it offers a unique blend of Eastern and Western business and management ideas, something that is uncommon to Western schools. Also, CEIBS provides a networking advantage in terms of having access to Chinese businesses.For the local schools, they are unable to match the quality of business education CEIBS offers on the continent. However,the challenge is that, CEIBS happens to be an up-end product in a relatively low-end market. The fees are perceived by prospective applicants to behigh.This situation makes getting people onto our programmes not as easy as in China for example. It is important to note though that this situation is improving gradually.

In fact, CEIBS has made great contributions to the development of African economy. Each year, we offer a total of $750,000 scholarship to local entrepreneurs to study Global EMBA; the Women Entrepreneurship & Leadership for Africa (WELA) programme in Africa only costs one third of the same courses in China; we also provide free public courses to 200 African entrepreneurs every year.


China Investment: The environment of Africa and China is different, how can the Africa project fit into local demand?

Mathew Tsamenyi: Despite the cultural differences between Africa and China, I would say the quest to embrace best practice in all fields, including business and management, remains the same for both societies. Besides, there is a growing interest on the continent for people in government as well as private sectors to better understand China,so they can engage with China in ways that result in win-win outcomes. This situation has made it possible for CEIBSto live out its unique proposition of “China Depth, Global Breadth”. That is, linking China and Africa in teaching,research, and business practice.To make the Africa project even more relevant to the continent, we often address issues that are unique to the African environment by engaging top local academics as adjunct professors to design and present courses and seminar. A typical case is our very successful “Doing Business in Africa” module.

Africa is facing similar challenges that China faced 20 years ago and CEIBS played a significant role in the transformation of the Chinese economy. CEIBS is playing similar roles in Africa with its rich experience from China.


China Investment: What are the opportunities for CEIBS to set up an African project?

Mathew Tsamenyi: Growing demand forhigh-quality business school education fuelled by an increasing middle-class population represents enormous opportunity for top business schools like CEIBS to take advantage of. Also, the presence of successful and thriving organizations on the continent signals the need for Company specific programmes(CSPs), which CEIBS has enormous experience and resources to cater for.


China Investment: What are the long-term goals and short-term plans for Africa Projects in future?

Mathew Tsamenyi: The goals and plans for the Africa project among others include:

• To develop the CEIBS brand to make it more accessible across the continent. For instance, this year we have taken our acclaimed Women Entrepreneurship & Leadership for Africa (WELA) programme to South Africa and Morocco.

• To connect more Chinese and African Alumni. This will start next year (2018), by organising: (a) China Alumni tour to Africa, and (b) Africa Alumni tour to China .

• To provide more opportunities for CEIBS students from Africa. For example, we provide scholarship for Africans to study on both the Global EMBA, and the full time MBA in Shanghai.

• To work more with Chinese Companies in Africa. For example, the school is currently running a programme for the Chinese Company, AVIC in different African countries for both their Chinese managers and African participants.

• To position CEIBS as a knowledge hub forChina-Africa related issues.