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封面文章 Cover Stories



文 | 杨劲松


——专访联合国贸易和发展会议(UTCTAD)经济事务干事克劳迪娅·罗斯利斯伯格(Claudia Roethlisberger)

文 | 杨海霞


文 | 联合国贸易和发展会议《2017 年非洲经济发展报告》


文 | 联合国贸易和发展会议《2017 年非洲经济发展报告》


  文 | 文森特·奥穆森(Vincent Aomusen)

《南非: 成熟的旅游之地》

文 | 白文博(Bradley Brouwer)


文 | 塞舌尔共和国旅游部


  文 | 比塔亚(Rohey Bittaye)


文 | 赵科


现状·趋势 Status and Trends


文 | 王洪一


影像非洲  Africa Images



认识非洲 Understanding Africa


文 |  卢旺达共和国驻华大使查尔斯·卡勇加(Charles Kayonga)


文 |  曹轶彬

| 媒体纵览 |


文 | 詹姆斯·阿鲁西·阿汤加(James Arusi Atanga)

| 组织机构 |




合作实践 Efforts On The Ground


文 | 丘亮新

《巴加莫约港: 东非战略投资中心》

文 | 朱利叶斯·曼甘达(Julius Mnganga)


投资非洲 Investing  in Africa


文 | 盖塔畴·乌塔·维祖(Getachew Uta)

社会人文 Society and Culture

| 专栏 |  非洲人写非洲史


文 | 罗纳德·卡托(Ronald Kato)

| 专栏 | 非洲世界文化遗产巡礼


文 | 潘华琼

| 专栏 | 我眼中的非洲人


文 | 王正龙

读非洲 Read the Africa

| 万卷书 |

《超越部族意识  构建公民身份》


文 | 钱镇

行走非洲 Walk in Africa

《Addis, 一页晨昏》

文 | 蓝其

数说非洲 Africa in Numbers


文 | 智宇琛


文 | African Development Bank




Cover Stories

“Demand for Africa’s Tourism Services is Increasing”

“A Bright Future of China-Africa Tourism Cooperation”

| Yang Jinsong

“Demand for Africa’s Tourism Services is Increasing”

——Interview with Claudia Roethlisberger, Economic Affairs Officer, UNCTAD

| Yang Haixia

“Tourism for Transformative and Inclusive Growth”

| From 2017 Economic Development in Africa Report, UNCTAD

“Air Connectivity is Crucial for Tourism Development”

| From 2017 Economic Development in Africa Report, UNCTAD

“Kenya, Home of Safari”

| Mr.Vincent Omuse, Commercial Counsellor, Embassy of Republic of the Kenya in Beijing

“South Africa, A Developed Tourist Destination”

| Mr. Bradley Brouwer

“Island Tourism in Seychelles”

| the Ministry responsible for Tourism of the Republic of Seychelles

“Gambia, “the Smiling Coast of Africa”

| Rohey Bittaye

“My Tourism Business in Zimbabwe”

| Zhao Ke


Status and Trends

“Zimbabwe: from Political Crisis to Economic Reform”

| Wang Hongyi


African Images


Understanding Africa  

“The Republic of Rwanda and the Progress of Doing Business”

| H.E. Charles Kayonga, Ambassador of Rwanda to China

“Gambia is Committed to Economic Diversification”

| Cao Yibin

|Media Scan |

“South Sudan Media Strength”      

| James Arusi Atanga

|Organizations  Institutions |

“Southern African Development Community, SADC)”

“The Jubilee Party”


Efforts on the Ground

“The “Ice and Fire” of Investing in Ethiopia”       

| Qiu Liangxin

“A Strategic Investment Zone in the East African Region”       

| Julius Mnganga

Investing in Africa

“Ethiopia’s Investment Opportunities”       

| Mr Getachew Uta


Society and Culture  

|Column| African History in African Eyes

“Uganda: From turbulence to keeper of peace in Africa”

| Ronald Kato

|Column| Survey of Africa World Heritage Sites

“Rabat, Modern Capital and Historical City: a Shared Heritage”

| Pan Huaqiong

|Column| Africans in My Eyes

“The Social Rank Order of Nigeria’s Traditional Chief ”

| Wang Zhenglong

Read the Africa

|Thousands of Books|

“Transcend Tribalism and Build citizenship”

——Define and Rule: Native and Political Identity by Mahmood Mamdan

| Qian Zhen


Walk in Africa

“A Glance of Dawn and Dusk in Addis”

| Lan Qi

Africa in Numbers

“Africa’s Top Tourism Nations and Their Global Competitiveness”

| Zhi Yuchen

“Currency Exchange Table in Africa (2017.11)”

| African Development Bank








