封面文章 Cover Stories
文 | 日瓦丁·约万诺维奇(Zivadin Jovanovic)
文 | 盖铁戈(H.E.Mr. Diego Ramiro Guelar) 阿根廷共和国驻华大使
——专访新西兰驻华大使麦康年(H. E. Mr. John McKinnon)
文 | 潘心怡
现状·趋势 Status and Trends
文 | 刘群
文 | 陈积敏
文 | 斯捷潘诺夫·伊利亚(Stepanov Ilya)
《 2018,躁动的欧洲》
文 | 赵柯
文 | 陈建奇
《 2018年中国经济形势展望》
文 | 牛犁 闫敏
专题 Special Reports
文 | 潘心怡
文 | 宋涛
《联通海陆 融合发展》
丝路影像 Belts and Roads Images
国别 Country
文 | 伊娜·玛邱罗尼塔(H. E. Ms. Ina Marčiulionytė)立陶宛共和国驻华使馆大使
文 | 邓明魁 越南驻华大使
文 | 彼挠德·普拉拉萨德·阿喳尔耶尔(Binod Prasad Acharya Minister)
| 媒体纵览 |
文 | 朱拜尔·哈桑(Jubair Hasan)
投资与建设 Investment and Construction
文 | 谢卫军
| 投资案例分析 |
文 | 王洪一
产业与区域 Industry and Region
《 铁路产业链上的新商机》
文 | 李连成
文 | 应晓妮
《 民族品牌强企之路》
文 | 张军
研究与实务 Study and Practice
《 开启上合组织的“中国时间”》
文 | 孙壮志
文 | 王建
《 提高投资效率应对投资率下行》
文 | 邹晓梅
《 汇率的 q 比率》
文 | 程翼
PPP 观察 Observation of PPP
《PPP 项目中的“运营”是什么》
文 | 陈宏能 肖靓
《城市轨道建设引入PPP 模式》
文 | 李泽正
读世界 Rread the World
| 投资案例分析 |
——《霍布斯鲍姆看21 世纪》评介
文 | 钱镇
数据 Numbers
文 | 宁波航运交易所
文 | 国家信息中心“一带一路”大数据中心
《我国与沿线国家贸易增速在10% 以上的国家》
文 | 国家信息中心“一带一路”大数据中心
Cover Stories
For a Better Future
“Community of Shared Future of Mankaind”
by Zivadin Jovanovic
“The World Can be Better”
by H. E. Mr. Diego Ramiro Guelar
“Connectivity of BRI is the Key Factor Attracting New Zealand”
——An Exclusive Interview with John Mckinnon, Ambassador of New Zealand to China
by Pan Xinyi
Status and Trends
“U.S. Restructures Military to Maintain Advantages”
by Liu Qun
“Major Powers Rekindle Strategic Competition”
by Chen Jimin
“Northern Sea Route to become Silk Road on Ice: China and Russia in the Arctic”
by Stepanov Ilya
“2018, a Restless Europe”
by Zhao Ke
“New Trends in Global Economy and Finance”
by Chen Jianqi
“China’s Economic Situation and Prospects 2018”
by Niu Li Yan Min
Special Reports
“New Opportunities for Cooperation in International Port Cities”
——International Forum on the Belt and Road Port Cities
by Pan Xinyi
“Promote the Well-coordinated Development of Land and Sea Economy”
by Song Tao
“Connect Sea and Land Economy and Promote Integrated Development”
Belts and Roads Images
“Bridge to Link China and the EU”
by H. E. Ms. Ina Marčiulionyt
“Expand Mutual Investments in Multiple Fields”
by Dang Minh Khoi Vietnamese ambassador to China
“Investment Opportunities in Nepal”
by Binod Prasad Acharya Minister (Economic), Embassy of Nepal, Beijing
丨Media Scan丨
“Bangladesh Becomes Fertile Land for Media Industry”
by Jubair Hasan
Investment and Construction
“Minmetals: Australian Zinc Ore Production”
by Xie Weijun
丨Investment Case Analysis丨
“Why Rio Tinto Exited Simandou Project”
by Wang Hongyi
Industry and Region
“New Business Opportunities in the Railway Industry Chain”
by Li Liancheng
“Activity of Venture in Western and Central China Remain to be Improved”
by Ying Xiaoni
“The Path to Powerful National Brands”
by Zhang Jun
Study and Practice
“Open SCO’s China Time”
by Sun Zhuangzhi
“Asset Bubbles and New Globalization Logic”
by Wang Jian
“Improve Investment Efficiency to Meet the Downward Investment Rate”
by Zou Xiaomei
“Q ratio of Exchange Rate”
by Cheng Yi
Observation of PPP
“What Is “Operation” in the PPP Project”
by Chen Hongneng, Xiao Liang
“The Urban Track Construction Introduces PPP Model”
by Li Zezheng
Rread the World
丨Silk Road and Thousands of books丨
“If Hobsbawm is Still Alive”
——Review on Globalisation, Democracy and Terrorism by Eric Hobsbawm
by Qian Zhen
“The Index of Trade between China and “Maritime Silk Road” Countries(November 2017)”
by Ningbo Shipping Exchange
“The Countries along the Belt and Road Whose Trade Deficit and Surplus with China Surpass $5 Billion”
by Big Data Center For the Belt and Road Initiative of China State Information Center
“The Countries along the Belt and Road Whose Trade Growth with China Surpass 10.00%”
by Big Data Center For the Belt and Road Initiative of China State Information Center
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