您做在的位置: 中国投资 > 过往期刊目录 > 过往期刊 > 2018年1月(下)




封面文章 Cover Stories


《同心协力  共创未来》

文 | 梅拉库·穆鲁阿勒姆(Melaku Mulualem)

《放弃观望  行动起来》

文 | 达尼埃尔·奥瓦萨(H. E. Mr. Monsieur Daniel OWASSA)刚果共和国驻中华人民共和国大使


文 | 爱德华·博阿滕(H. E. Mr. Edward Boateng)加纳共和国驻华大使


文 | 文霭洁(Agi Veres)



文 | 潘心怡     特邀对话嘉宾  钱镇


现状·趋势 Status and Trends

《2018 非洲展望》

文 | 王洪一

《埃俄走近  影响几何》

文 | 贺文萍   希沙姆·阿布巴卡尔(Hisham AbuBakr Metwally)


影像非洲  Africa Images



认识非洲 Understanding Africa


文 |  塔尼亚·罗穆阿尔多(H.E.Ms. Tania Romualdo)佛得角共和国驻华大使


文 |  理查德·鲁希巴纳(Richard Ruhimbana)

| 媒体纵览 |


文 | 朱利叶斯·曼甘达(Julius Mnganga)

| 组织机构 |



合作实践 Efforts On The Ground


文 | 郑海君


社会人文 Society and Culture

| 专栏 |  非洲人写非洲史

《尼日利亚:非洲巨人 石油之地》

文 | 布克拉·奥冈西纳(Bukola Ogunsina)

| 专栏 | 非洲世界文化遗产巡礼


文 | 潘华琼

| 专栏 | 我眼中的非洲人


文 | 王正龙

读非洲 Read the Africa

| 万卷书 |


文 | 钱镇

| 八方友 |


文 | 钱镇

数说非洲 Africa in Numbers


文 | 智宇琛


文 | African Development Bank




Cover Stories

“Creating a Shared Future”

“Work Together in Revamping the Better World”

| Melaku Mulualem K.

“2017 en Chine: Une Grande Année”

| H. E. Mr. Monsieur Daniel OWASSA, Ambassadeur de la République du Congo en République Populaire de Chine

“Wonderful Visions for a Shared Future”

| H. E. Mr. Edward Boateng, Ambassador Extraordinaire and Plenipotentiary the Republic of Ghana in China

“What can China Contribute to the World?”

| Agi Veres, Country Director

“China and Africa Are Ideal Partners”

——An Exclusive Interview with Yuan Nansheng, Former Chinese Ambassador to Zimbabwe.

| Pan Xinyi    Qian Zhen


Status and Trends

“Outlook for Africa in 2018”

| Wang Hongyi

“Egypt New Relations with Russia and the Influence on China”

|  He Wenping and Hisham AbuBakr Metwally


African Images

“South Africa”

Understanding Africa  

“Cape Verde, An Archipelago”

|  H.E.Ms. Tania Romualdo, Ambassador of Cabo Verde in China

“Rwanda’s Education Journey”

| Richard Ruhimbana

|Media Scan |

“Tanzania Media Situation”      

| Julius Mnganga

|Organizations  Institutions |

“Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation”


Efforts on the Ground

“Can Chinese Trains Bring China Speed?”       

| Zheng Haijun


Society and Culture  

|Column| African History in African Eyes

“Nigeria, The Giant of Africa, The Land of Oil”

| Bukola Ogunsina

|Column| Survey of Africa World Heritage Sites

“Cradle of Humankind:  Ancient Human Fossil Site in South Africa”

| Pan Huaqiong

|Column| Africans in My Eyes

“The Origin of Nigeria capital of Abuja”

| Wang Zhenglong

Read the Africa

|Thousands of Books |

“History Can be Written This Way”

| Qian Zhen

|Friends Near and Far |

“On Ambassador Yuan: Passion, Thinking, and Writing”

| Qian Zhen

Africa in Numbers

“2018: New Drivers of Development Will be Nurtured by the Community of Shared Future for China and Africa”

| Zhi Yuchen

“Currency Exchange Table in Africa (2017.12)”

| African Development Bank









