您做在的位置: 中国投资 > 过往期刊目录 > 过往期刊 > 2018年4月(下)



现状·趋势 Status And Trends

《铭记历史 创造美好未来》

——专访卢旺达驻华大使查尔斯·卡勇加(H. E. Mr. Charles Kayonga)

|钱镇  裴安迪



| 王洪一


封面文章 Cover Stories




|杨海霞  张梅  裴安迪






——专访苏丹共和国驻华大使欧玛尔·伊萨·艾哈迈德 (H. E. Mr. Omar Issa Ahmed)




|白心悦(B. Matiri Maisori)



|阿福尔(Benson AFFUL)



|程诚  张恬





影像非洲 Africa Images



认识非洲 Understanding Africa 


|姆贝尔瓦·凯鲁基(H. E. Mr. Mbelwa Kairuki)坦桑尼亚驻华大使







|伊肯内·埃梅乌(Ikenna Emewu)





合作实践 Efforts On The Ground





|梅拉库·穆鲁阿勒姆(Melaku Mulualem)


投资非洲 Investing in Africa


|马克·沃尔顿(Mark Goddebo)



|霍桑·阿卜杜勒姆(Hossam Abd Al-alem)


社会人文 Society and Culture 




|艾德蒙·史密斯- 阿桑特(Edmund Smith-Asante)










数说非洲 Africa in Numbers


|African Development Bank



Status and Trends

Learning History and Create a better Future   

——Interview with H. E. Mr. Charles Kayonga, Ambassador of the Republic of Rwanda in China

|Qian Zhen   Pei Andi


The CFTA will Profoundly Change Africa

| Wang Hongyi


Cover Stories

Building Maritime Hubs


The Modernization of African Ports has Just  Begun

——Interview with Lin Yichong, Secretary of Party Committee and Chairman of China Harbour  Engineering Co., Ltd.

|Yang Haixia   Zhang Mei    Pei Andi


Building Maritime Hubs

|Zhi Yuchen


The Rising Importance of Sudan’s Ports    

——Interview with H. E. Mr. Omar Issa Ahmed,  Ambassador of the Republic of Sudan in China

|Pei Andi


The Economic Development of Kenya’s Ports and Opportunities for China-Africa Cooperation

|B. Matiri Maisori


Ghana Port Ready to Lead the Sub-Region…As the Country Moves to Become Maritime Hub

|Benson AFFUL


Competing for the right to operate in African ports

|Cheng Cheng   Zhang Tian


China and France Cooperate to Develop KRIBI Port

|Xu Huajiang


African Images



Understanding Africa 

China-Tanzania Implementing Production Capacity Cooperation    

|H.E.Mr.Mbelwa. Kairuki Ambassador of the United Republic of Tanzania to China


Cape Verde: Green Cape Connecting Three Continents     

|Huang Junlong


【Media Scan】

Nigeria media: Conscience of a complex country      

|Ikenna Emewu


【Organizations  Institutions】

African Regional Industrial Property Organization


Efforts on the Ground

UnionPay Goes Into Africa

|hang Luping


The Role of Think Tanks in the China and Africa Relations in the 21st Century

|Melaku Mulualem


Investing in Africa

How China Investment Promotes Economic integration in Ethiopia    

|Mark Goddebo


Egypt’s Ports: the main pivot of the Silk Road    

|Hossam Abd Al-alem


Society and Culture  

【Column】Africans tell stories

From dead end to UNIFIL Commander

|Edmund Smith-Asante


【Column】Survey of Africa World Heritage Sites

Rock Art in Southern Africa
|Pan Huaqiong


【Column】Africans in My Eyes

Real African Countryside

|Wang Zhenglong


Africa in Numbers

Exchange Rate of Major African Currencies (March 2018)

|African Development Bank
