您做在的位置: 中国投资 > 过往期刊目录 > 过往期刊 > 2018年5月(上)


现状·趋势 Status and Trends


| 陈积敏


《德国主导欧洲经济: 能力还是运气?》

| 赵柯



| 刘群



| 董青岭


封面文章 Cover Stories




| 杨海霞



| 沈学政



| 朱仲海



| 侯洁如



| 农业农村部种植业管理司经作处



| 乌普尔·维克拉马辛哈(Upul Wickramasinghe



| 文森特·奥穆瑟(Vincent E·Omuse



| 饶禹


丝路影像 Belts and Roads Images



国际 International


| 奥斯卡·鲁埃达·加西亚(H. E. Mr. Oscar Rueda García )哥伦比亚共和国驻华大使



| 倪景润(Jeroen Nijland)荷兰外商投资局局长




| 路斯安娜·图伊迈萨拉(Lusiana Tuimaisala



2017 <蒙特利尔宣言>


投资与建设 Investment and Construction


| 杨雨鑫



| 卢琰


产业与区域 Industry and Region


| 张嘉国



| 杨海霞


国际合作 International Cooperation



| 杨海霞


PPP观察 Observation of PPP


| 彭奕晖  王海涛


读世界 Read the World



| 钱镇


数据 Numbers


| 宁波航运交易所


Status and Trends

USA: The State That Needs An Enemy

Chen Jimin


Germany Dominates the European Economy: Ability or Luck?  

Zhao Ke


Concerns about the Proliferation of SALW

Liu Qun


New Application of Big Data: Conflict Prevention

Dong Qingling


Cover Stories

New Silk Road of Tea

Remodeling the Influence of Chinese Tea

Yang Haixia


Chinese Tea Culture: from China to the World

Shen Xuezheng


World Tea Trade Tends to be Stable

Zhu Zhonghai


Maritime Silk Road of Guangxi Wuzhou LiubaoTea Co.,Ltd.

Hou Jieru


The Green Development of Chinese Tea

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs


The Tea Industry in Sri Lanka

Upul Wickramasinghe


Unveiling the Kenya Tea Industry

Vincent E·Omuse


Tea Spans Time and Space

Rao Yu


Belts and Roads Images




Expectations of Opportunities Between China and Colombia

H.E.Mr. Oscar Rueda García, Ambassador of the Republic of Colombian to China


The Netherlands is fertile ground for Chinese companies wishing to grow in Europe

Jeroen Nijland, Commissioner Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency


Media Scan

Fiji’s Growing Media Market

Lusiana Tuimaisala


International Regime

Montreal Declaration


Investment and Construction

Guangdong Guangken Rubber Group’s Practice in Southeast Asia

Yang Yuxin


The Risk of Agricultural Investment in Indochina

Lu Yan


Industry and Region

Solve the Problem Hindering Civil-military Integration

Zhang Jiaguo


Breakthrough in Private Investment in Manufacturing

Yang Haixia


International Cooperation

International Poverty Reduction Cooperation Promotes People-to-People Exchanges

——Interview with Tan Weiping, Deputy Director of China International Poverty Alleviation Center

Yang Haixia


Observation of PPP

Land Issues in PPP Projects

Peng Yihui, Wang Haitao


Read the World

Silk Road and Thousands of books

Chinese Tea on the Silk Road

Qian Zhen



The Index of Trade between China and “Maritime Silk Road” Countries (March 2018)

Ningbo Shipping Exchange
