封面文章 Cover Stories
P32 绿化长江经济
34 绿色发展难题怎么解
|肖金成 黄征学 刘保奎
36 产业发展趋向明晰
|朱黎阳 罗恩华 黄波
39 湖北:有“退”有“进”谋全局
|杨海霞 侯洁如
43 重庆:融入长江经济带的机遇与担当
|王志强 重庆市发展改革委副主任
47 长江经济带升级机遇
|肖金成 黄征学 刘保奎
阿卜杜勒-卡迪尔·埃明·厄嫩(H.E. Ambassador Abdulkadir Emin Önen )
杜傲杰(H.E. Ambassador José Augusto Duarte)葡萄牙共和国驻华大使
现状·趋势 Status and Trends
19 共同致力国际舞台上的一体化
|鲍·古谢列多夫(Гуселетов Б.П.)
22 中阿合作新阶段
24 特朗普与WTO说再见?
26 美欧关系迎来“拐点”
28 共建海上安全机制
30 为什么非洲需要大数据
丝路影像 Belts and Roads Images
50 葡萄牙
国际 International
56 从世界谷仓到世界超市
|盖铁戈(H.E. Ambassador Diego Ramiro Guelar)
61 中间走廊发展机遇
|阿卜杜勒-卡迪尔·埃明·厄嫩( H.E. Ambassador Abdulkadir
Eminnen )土耳其共和国驻华大使
66 欢迎多形式的中国投资
——专访圭亚那合作共和国财政部部长温斯顿·乔丹( Winston Jordan )
70 丝路通往大西洋的门户
|杜傲杰(H.E. Ambassador José Augusto Duarte)
72 加勒比海的明珠
|胥琨 外交部拉美司副处长
76 菲律宾投资指南
|格伦·佩尼亚兰达(Mr. GLENN G. PEARANDA)
78 《南极条约》
81 多语言环境下的马来西亚媒体
| 诺落兹利拉·诺尔·阿兹曼(Norshazlina Nor Azman)
84 瓜达尔:新游戏改变者
|拉希德·马哈茂德(Rashid Mahmood) 巴基斯坦准将
投资实践 Investment Practices
86 应对尼泊尔水电投资风险
| 刘俊超
行业与市场 Industries and Markets
91 危机善后:中国企业可以学到什么
| Niall Coburn 汤森路透高级监管情报专家
绿色产业 Green Industry
93 需求驱动下的产业爆发
| 史作廷
96 船舶如何节能?
| 侯洁如
97 显热回收创效千万元
| 侯洁如
金准·PPP 观察 KTRUE·Observation of PPP
98 轨道交通PPP项目的症结
| 李晓艳 许树生
社会人文 Society and Culture
100 乡村传统文化复兴
| 杨谦
读世界 Read the World
102 IMF贷款真的是穷国良药么?
| 程诚
104 从新疆看中华文化
| 钱镇
数据 Numbers
110 数说“一带一路”国家投资环境
| 于施洋 杨道玲 王璟璇 邢玉冠
112 海上丝路贸易指数(2018年6月)
| 宁波航运交易所
Cover Stories
P36 Green Development of
the Yangtze Economic Belt
34 How to Meet the Green Development Challenge
| Xiao Jincheng Huang Zhengxue Liu Baokui
36 The Clear Trend of Industry Development
| Zhu Liyang Luo Enhua
39 Hubei: Industrial Adjustment Promotes Green
——Interview with Cao Song, Deputy Director of Hubei
Development and Reform Commission
| Yang Haixia Hou Jieru
28 Chongqing: Opportunity and Responsibility to
Integrate into the Yangtze Economic Belt
| Wang Zhiqiang
30 The Yangtze Economic Belt: Opportunity to Upgrade
| Xiao Jincheng Huang Zhengxue Liu Baokui
Status and Trends
16Текущие проблемы и возможные перспективы
развития экономических отношений между
Россией и Китаем
| Гуселетов Б.П., д.полит.н., профессор, ведущий
научный сотрудник института Европы РАН
22 New Stage of China-Arab Cooperation
| Zhen Dongchao
24 Trump Says Goodbye to the WTO?
| Zhao Ke
26 Relations Between the US and Europe have
Reached a Turning Point
| Sun Chenghao
28 Jointly Build Maritime Security Mechanisms
| Liu Qun
30 Why does Africa need Big Data?
| Dong Qingling
Belts and Roads Images
78 Portugal
| H.E. Ambassador Diego Ramiro Guelar of the Republic
of Argentina to China
58 Development Opportunities in the Middle Corridor
| H.E. Ambassador Abdulkadir Emin Önen of
The Republic of Turkey to China
63 Welcome Multiple Forms of Chinese Investment
——Interview with Winston Jordan, Ministry of
Finance of Guyana
| Pei Andi
68 The new silk road between Portugal and China
| H.E. Ambassador José Augusto Duarte of The Republic
of Portugal to China
72 The Jewel of the Caribbean
| Xu Kun, Deputy Division Chief of the Department of Latin
American and Caribbean Affairs of the Foreign Ministry
74 Partner Philippines:Building Values Together
| GLENN G. PEÑARANDA Commercial counsellor
of Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines to China
【 International Regime 】
79 The Antarctic Treaty
【 Media Scan 】
80 Malaysian media Overview
| Norshazlina Nor Azman, journalist for Malaysian
National News Agency (Bernama)
82 Gwadar : a new economc game changer
| Rashid Mahmood, Brigadier General Pakistan
Investment Practices
86 Responding to the risk of hydropower investment
in Nepal
| Liu Junchao
Industries and Markets
【 Compliance Risk 】
88 Chinese companies can learn from the west
about corporate rehabilitation after a crisis
| Niall Coburn, Senior Regulatory Intelligence
Expert, Thomson Reuters
Green Industry
93 Demand-driven Industry Explosive Growth
| Shi Zuoting
96 How can Ships Save Energy?
| Hou Jieru
97 Sensible Heat Recovery Generates Ten Million Yuan
| Hou Jieru
KTRUE·Observation of PPP
98 The Crux of the Rail Transit PPP Project
| Li Xiaoyan Xu Shusheng
Society and Culture
100 The Revival of Rural Traditional Culture
| Yang Qian
Read the World
【 Reading along the Silk Road 】
102 Is the IMF Loan Really a Good Medicine for
Poor Countries?
| Cheng Cheng
【 Friends Far and Near 】
104 Viewing Chinese Culture from Xinjiang
| Qian Zhen
110 Data on the investment environment in "The
Belts and Roads" countries
| Yu Shiyang Yang Daoling Wang Jingxuan Xing Yuguan
112 The Index of Trade between China and
"Maritime Silk Road" Countries(June 2018)
| Ningbo Shipping Exchange
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