封面文章 Cover Stories
P40 乡村振兴的全球课题
● 带动了各国遗产申报与保护热潮
|闵庆文 曹幸穗
● 乡村振兴是全球面临的共同课题
● 持续传承8000年的生态智慧
● 保留至今的旱作农业文化
● 人类文化与自然环境协同进化的结晶
|张永勋 闵庆文
● 佐渡岛稻田-朱鹮共生系统
|刘某承 杨伦
● 创新农业发展模式让农业文化遗产焕发活力
现状·趋势 Status and Trends
|日瓦丁·约万诺维奇(Zivadin Jovanovic)
● 四天三场峰会
● 从商品货币发展到信用货币
● 南海沿岸国合作机制势在必行
● 大数据重塑非洲医疗图景
● 第一张地缘政治版图
丝路影像 Belts and Roads Images
国际 International
|阿扎玛特·乌谢诺夫(H.E.Ambassador Azamat Usenov)
● 一带一路倡议下两国人文交流
|Luís Castro Henriques
● 葡中经济合作领域
● 匈牙利与中国
97 马尔代夫的岛国媒体
|哈菲扎·阿卜杜尔·萨塔(Hafeeza Abdul Sattar)
行业与市场 Industries and Markets
| 金上浩 汤森路透中国区董事总经理
● 企业合规在中国
绿色产业 Green Industry
| 杨海霞 侯洁如
● 绿色金融如何实现商业可持续
| 侯洁如
金准·PPP 观察 KTRUE·Observation of PPP
| 杨帆
发展论坛 Development Forum
| 吴亚平
112 广元市优化供给探索
| 应晓妮
读世界 Read the World
| 钱镇
| 钱镇
数据 Numbers
122 数说地方丝路建设
| 于施洋 王璟璇 杨道
124 海上丝路贸易指数(2018年7月)
| 宁波航运交易所
Cover Stories
P40 A global theme for rural
44 Conserving Agribultural Diversity and
Promoting Cultural Exchange for Rural
——China’s contribution to GIAHS conservation under
the South-South Cooperation Framework
| Department of International Cooperation,
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, P.R. China
●It has led to a tide of agricultural heritage conservation and applications for GIAHS sites
●It has promoted exchange and mutual learning on the culture of farming between China and other countries
●It has facilitated global recognition of the value of farming culture
●It has contributed to the development of FAO's working system of the GIAHS Programme
50 The significance of Agricultural Heritage
Systems for Rural Revitalization
| Min Qingwen Cao Xingsui
●Rural Revitalization: A Global Issue
●Agricultural Heritage Systems: “Gene Bank” for Rural Revitalization
●Agricultural Heritage Systems Sites: Best Demonstration Region for Rural Revitalization Strategy
54 Enlighten modern agriculture’s dry farming
system of Aohan
——Interview with Qiu Wenbo, Vice Chairman of the
Chifeng Municipal CPPCC and Secretary of the
Aohan Autonomous Banner Party Committee
| Yang Haixia
58 Aohan: An agrarian legend from ancient to
modern times
| Yang Haixia
62 Agricultural wisdom facilitates rural
——Interview with Su Jianguo, Deputy Head of
Congjiang County, Guizhou Province
| Hou Jieru
66 High-efficiency Dong’s Rice Fish Duck System
| Hou Jieru
69 Sado’s Satoyama in Harmony with Japanese
Crested Ibis
| Zhang Yongxun Min Qingwen
71 Drawing nutrients from heritage protection
| Liu Moucheng Yang Lun
Status and Trends
20 EU in Turmoll and Relations with China
|Zivadin Jovanovic, The Belgrade Forum for a
World of Equals, Silk Road Connectivity Research Center
●Three summits on four days
●EU in more speeds
●Differences or divisions?
● EU and China
26 The experience and lessons of the Rise of America
|Chen Jimin
28 The cycle of money
| Zhao Ke
30 Building a cooperation mechanism for coastal
countries around the South China Sea
|Liu Qun
32 Big data healthcare: Life saving and
dilemma in africa
| Dong Qingling
34 Competition in Antarctica and China strategy
——Interview with Zhang Xia, Director of Polar Strategy
Research Office, China Polar Research Center
| Yang Haixia
Belts and Roads Images
76 Pakistan
80 Культурно-гуманитарное сотрудничество
между Кыргызской Республикой и КНР
в рамках инициативы «Один пояс – Один путь»
| Чрезвычайный и Полномочный Посол Кыргызской
Республики Азамат Усенов
84 Portugal-China Cooperation in the Automotive
Industry: Investing in Portugal
| Luís Castro Henriques Chairman & CEO of AICEP
● Outlook of Portugal’s Auto Industry
89 Hungarian investment environment
| Embassy of Hungary in China
● Hungary and China
● Business and investment climate in Hungary
● Laws and regulations
● Why to invest in Hungary
【 International Regime 】
The Outer Space Treaty, formally the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, is a treaty that forms the basis of international space law. Adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 19, 1966, the treaty was opened for signature on January 27, 1967, and entered into force on October 10, 1967. It is a development of the Declaration on the Legal Principles of the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space adopted in 1963. The principles relating to outer space activities established by the Outer Space Treaty have a guiding significance for states’ peaceful exploration and use of outer space and also help to limit the arms race in outer space.
● Key points
● Challenge and development
● China’s participation in outer space affairs
【 Media Scan 】
96 Maldives media situation
| Hafeeza Abdul Sattar, Journalist of Public Service
Industries and Markets
【 Compliance Risk 】
98 A strong corporate compliance culture is a strong
boost to a company’s further growth
| Thomas Kim, Managing Director of Thomson
Reuters China
Green Industry
102 Green finance is promising
——Interview with Luo Shiyi, General Manager of the
Green Finance Department of Industrial Bank Co.,Ltd.
| Yang Haixia Hou Jieru
105 The modified fan saves 41% of electricity
| Hou Jieru
KTRUE·Observation of PPP
106 Chengdu model of rail transit PPP
| Yang Fan
Development Forum
110 How to deal with the drawbacks in government
| Wu Yaping
112 Guangyuan’s exploration in optimizing supply
| Ying Xiaoni
Read the World
【 Reading along the Silk Road 】
114 Poor whites who support Trump
| Qian Zhen
【 Friends Far and Near 】
117 The food issue in the Sino-US trade war
| Qian Zhen
122 Numbers in local silk road construction
| Yu Shiyang Wang jingxuan Yangdao
124 The Index of Trade between China and
“Maritime Silk Road” Countries(July 2018)
| Ningbo Shipping Exchange
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