您做在的位置: 中国投资 > 过往期刊目录 > 过往期刊 > 2018年10月(下)


封面文章 Cover Stories

22 新格局 新机遇

24  北京峰会开启的新格局

| 智宇琛

29  中非携手落实八大行动

| 查尔斯·卡勇加(Charles Kayonga)


33  尼日利亚:因北京峰会而振奋

| 伊肯内·埃梅乌(Ikenna Emewu)

37  博茨瓦纳 : 合作带来的就业前景

| 托洛洛·莱雅梅内(Tlotlo Lemmenyane)

41  肯尼亚 : 寻求促进贸易的机会

| 卢温迪(Trix Ingado Luvindi)

42  中非合作四大领域投资机遇

| 智宇琛

43  “贸易便利行动”下的商机

| 宋微

45  农业合作重要性更加凸显

| 卢琰

现状·趋势 Status And Trends

18  天然气引领中非能源合作方向

| 王洪一

影像非洲 Africa Images

48  坦桑尼亚——桑给巴尔

认识非洲 Understanding Africa


53  津巴布韦媒体概况

| 布拉(Fatima Bulla)


54  印度洋委员会

合作实践 Efforts On The Ground

56  吉布提国际自贸区创新

| 于春光

投资非洲 Investing in Africa

58  多样化的南非本土化立法

| 朱伟东


60  马里农业投资视野

| 陈锦 王战

63  “以物易物协定”帮助“加纳超越援助”

| 本森·阿福尔(Benson Afful)

社会人文 Society and Culture


67  津巴布韦的祈雨文化

| 法蒂玛·布拉(Fatima Bulla)


69  大西洋奴隶贸易的文化遗产

| 潘华琼


74  我在尼日利亚当经理

| 王正龙

读非洲 Read Africa


76  破解津巴布韦土地改革的迷思

| 高明秀


79  一言难尽的非洲

| 钱镇

数说非洲 Africa in Numbers

83  非洲主要货币汇率表(2018 年 9 月)

| African Development Bank

22 Cover Stories

New Opportunities New Landscapes

24  A new pattern of cooperation between

China and Africa

| Zhi Yuchen

26  China and Africa can forge an Even Stronger

Comprehensive Strategic and Cooperative


| H.E.Ambassador Charles Kayonga of the Republic

of Rwanda to China

31  Nigerians excited about last FOCAC 2018

Summit economic agenda

| Ikenna Emewu, Editor-in-Chief of the AFRI-CHINA


35  China cooperates with Botswana to bring more

employment opportunities

| Tlotlo Lemmenyane, Journalist of Sunday Standard


39  Expert Insights in the Concluded FOCAC 2018

| Trix Ingado Luvindi, Journalist of Kenya Television


42  Investment opportunities in four areas of China-

Africa cooperation

| Zhi Yuchen

43  Business opportunities under the “Trade

Facilitation Initiative”

| Song Wei

45  Agricultural cooperation assumes a more

outstanding role

| Lu Yan

Status and Trends

18  Natural gas leads the direction of China-Africa

energy cooperation

| Wang Hongyi

African Images

48  Tanzania–Zanzibar

Understanding Africa

【 Media Scan 】

52  Media In Zimbabwe

| Fatima Bulla, journalist for The Sunday Mail


【 Organizations Institutions 】

54  Commission de l’Océan Indien

Efforts on the Ground

56  Innovation in the DIFTZ

| Yu Chunguang

Investing in Africa

58 Diversification of localization legislation in

South Africa

| Zhu Weidong

【 French Afeica 】

60 Vision of Mali’s agricultural investment

| Chen Jin Wang Zhan

62  US$2 billion bauxite deal signed in China

| Benson Afful, Journalist of Business and Financial

Times in Ghana

Society and Culture

|Column| Africans tell stories

64  The Rainmaking Culture in Zimbabwe

| Fatima Bulla, Journalist of the Sunday Mail in


|Column| Survey of Africa World Heritage Sites

69  The cultural heritage of the Atlantic slave trade

| Pan Huaqiong

|Column| Africans in My Eyes

74  I worked as a manager in Nigeria

| Wang Zhenglong

Read Africa

|Thousands of Books|

76  Demystify the Land reform in Zimbabwe

| Gao Mingxiu

|Friends Near and Far|

79 Long Story of Africa

| Qian Zhen

Africa in Numbers

83  Exchange Rate of Major African Currencies

(September 2018)

| African Development Bank
