您做在的位置: 中国投资 > 过往期刊目录 > 过往期刊 > 2018年6月(下)


封面文章 Cover Stories

18 金色十年 添砖非洲

20  同心共筑金砖合作第二个“金色十年”

|  林松添(H.E. Ambassador Lin Songtian)


28  为金砖注入新思想

|  多拉娜·姆西曼 (H.E. Ambassador.Dolana Msimang)


34  新开发银行如何助非洲发展?

|  莱斯利·马斯多普(Leslie Maasdorp)


37  金砖机制对非洲的意义

|  沈逸 复旦大学金砖国家研究中心主任、副教授

现状·趋势 Status And Trends

16  非洲油气投资回升

|  王洪一

影像非洲 Africa Images

40  赤道几内亚

认识非洲 Understanding Africa

47  中埃共同经历的丝绸之路

|  梅拉库·穆鲁阿勒姆(Melaku Mulualem)


51  肯尼亚媒体概况

|  崔丝·鲁文迪(Trix Ingado Luvindi)



52  伊斯兰合作组织

合作实践 Efforts On The Ground

53  建设纳米比亚“世纪之港”

|  冯元飞 徐玉青

57  水稻产量翻了三倍

|  文森特·姆伯尼汉库耶(Mbonihankuye)

投资非洲 Investing in Africa

58  非洲 : 下一个生产制造中心?

|  吴桐

60  肯尼亚的本土化立法

|  朱伟东

社会人文 Society and Culture


65  约鲁巴人的信仰和宗教

|  卡比尔(Kabir Oladele Olanrewaju)


68  马达加斯加的皇家蓝山

|  潘华琼


72  中非友谊的历史见证人

|  王正龙

读非洲 Read Africa


74  非洲摆脱落后,国际社会能做什么?

|  钱镇


77  骑行非洲的摄影师

|  钱镇

非洲纵横 Africa Insight

80  非洲的治理环境特点

|  智宇琛 裴云明

数说非洲 Africa in Numbers

83  非洲主要货币汇率表(2018 年 5 月)

|  African Development Bank


Cover Stories

20 BRICS Boosts Africa’s Development

22  Embracing New Opportunities for BRICS

Cooperation and China-South Africa Cooperation

| H.E.Ambassador Lin Songtian of China to South Africa,

Translated by Embassy of China to South Africa

25  The BRICS Summit in South Africa

| H.E. Ambassador Dolana Msimang of The Republic of

South Africa to China

31  What Benefits will the New Development Bank

Deliver to the African Continent?

|Leslie Maasdorp,Vice President and Chief Financial

Officer of the New Development Bank

37  The Significance of BRICS for Africa

| Shen Yi,Director and Associate Professor of BRICS

Research Center, Fudan University

Status and Trends

16  Oil and Gas Investment in Africa has Rebounded

| Wang Hongyi

African Images

40  Equatorial Guinea

Understanding Africa

44  China-Ethiopia Economic Relations in the Two

Silk Road Periods

| Melaku Mulualem K.

【 Media Scan 】

50  The Kenyan Media Landscape

| Trix Ingado Luvindi

【 Organizations Institutions 】

52  Organization of Islamic Cooperation

Efforts on the Ground

53  Building the "Port of the Century" for Namibia 

| Feng Yuanfei Xu Yuqing

55  l’expertise Chinoise en Riziculture au Burundi 

| Vincent Mbonihankuye

Investing in Africa

58  Africa: The Next Manufactoring Center? 

| Wu Tong

60  Localization Legislation in Kenya 

| Zhu Weidong

Society and Culture

|Column| Africans tell stories

62  Yorùbá Beliefs and Religions

| Kabir Oladele Olanrewaju

|Column| Survey of Africa World Heritage Sites

68  The Royal Hill of Ambohimanga, Madagascar 

| Pan Huaqiong

|Column| Africans in My Eyes

72  Historical Witness of Sino-African Friendship

| Wang Zhenglong

Read Africa

|Thousands of Books|

74  What could the International Community do to

Rid African Countries of Backwardness to China?

| Qian Zhen

|Friends Near and Far|

77  Photographer Cycling in Africa

| Qian Zhen

Africa Insight

80  Characteristics of the Governance in Africa

| Zhi Yuchen Pei Yunming

Africa in Numbers

83  Exchange Rate of Major African Currencies

(May 2018)

| African Development Bank
