您做在的位置: 中国投资 > 过往期刊目录 > 过往期刊 > 2019年6月(上)







封面文章 Cover Stories

26    城市与乡村:怎样融合?


现状趋势Current Trend
16    什么样的中国? 什么样的世贸组织?
18    美伊对峙:紧张但可控

战略与投资 Strategy and Investment
20    绸缪天然气供需安全

国际合作  International Cooperation
34    乐观看待合作新机遇
|鲁赫萨尔·佩克詹(Ruhsar Pekcan) 土耳其共和国贸易部长
40    互联互通  联接两国发展之路
|舒赫拉特·乌米洛夫  乌兹别克斯坦共和国驻华使馆新闻官
43    缅甸数字媒体逐渐发展
|多达 温毕松(Thawtar Win Pyae Sone)  缅甸国际广播电台记者

丝路商会  Chambers of Commerce BRI
44    俄罗斯联邦工商会
|巴维尔   俄罗斯联邦工商会北京代表处首席代表

丝路百科  Encyclopedia BRI
46    阿根廷城市风貌与历史遗迹

专题  Special Topic
50        推进投资治理法治化

52    规划和预算: 如何有效衔接
|白景明  王思轩
54    落实政府投资原则的途径
| 黄阳发

丝路实践  BRI In Practice
56    如何降低境外投资外汇风险
58    建项目也是“交朋友”
|董军 黎锐

交通与物流  Transport and Logistics
60    严管之下城市轨道交通去向

环境与资源  Environment and Resources
62    固废处理行业痛点:规模与技术

能源与矿产 Energy and Mining
64    补充气源购销合同供气保证机制
|姜海波 刘贵洲 陈妍松

科技与教育 Science, Technology and Education
68    人工智能:从技术演变到战略布局

文化与旅游 Culture and Tourism
70    激发旅游投资新热点

农业与农村 Agriculture and Rural Areas
72    实现遗产价值与农民收益有机结合

75    山东夏津黄河故道古桑树群

公益与减贫  Charity and Poverty Reduction
76    产业基金探路可持续减贫

投资与融资  Investment and Financing
78    私募股权基金估值方法的选择

金准·PPP观察   KTRUE·Observation of PPP
80    PPP项目的IRR调价方法
|肖靓  陈宏能

数据  Numbers
82    海上丝路贸易指数(2019年4月)







Cover Stories

26    Town and Country: How to Integrate
——Interview with Mr. Xiao Jincheng, Chairman of Regional Science Association of China
| Yang Haixia

Current Trend

16    What Kind of China?  What Kind of WTO?
|Xu Chengzhi

18    US-Iran Confrontation: Tense but Controllable
|Zheng Dongchao

Strategy and Investment

20    Taking Precautions for Natural Gas Demand and Supply Security
|Xie Minghua

International Cooperation

32     Taking an Optimistic View of New Opportunities for Cooperation
|Ruhsar Pekcan  Minister of Trade of the Republic of Turkey

38    Connectivity: Linking Both Countries’Roads to Development
|Shukhrat Umirov  Press officer of the Embassy of the Republic of  Uzbekistan to China

42    Digital Media Develop in a Gradual Way
| Ms. Thawtar Win Pyae Sone  journalist Of  Radio Reporter  Myanmar International Radio

Chambers of Commerce BRI

44    Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
|Pavel A. Kudriavtsev   CCI Russia Chief Representative in Eastern Asia (Beijing)

Encyclopedia BRI

46    【Images】
Urban Landscape and Historical Sites in Argentina

Special Topic
50    Advancing the Rule of Law in Investment Governance
|Zhang Changchun

52    Planning and Budget: How to Link Them Effectively
|Bai Jingming ,Wang Sixuan

54    Ways to Implement Government’s Investment Principles
|Huang Yangfa

BRI in Practice
56    【Risk Management】
How to Reduce Foreign Exchange Risks When Investing Abroad
|Du Chunguo

58    To Build a Project Is Also to Make Friends
|Dong Jun,Li Rui

Transport and Logistics

60    Whither Urban Rail Transit Facing Tight Control?
|Yang Yongping

Environment and Resources

62    Pain Points of Solid Waste Disposal Industry: Size and Technology
——Interview with Mr. Li Hengfang, Chairman and CEO of ReTo Eco-Solutions, Inc.
|Yang haixia

Energy and Mining

64    Supplementary to Gas Supply Guarantee Mechanism for Gas Sale
and Purchase Contract
|Jiang Haibo,Liu Guizhou,Chen Yansong

Science, Technology and Education

68    AI: From Technological Evolution to Overall Strategic Arrangement
|Liu Limin

Culture and Tourism

70    Stimulating New Hot Spots of Investment on Tourism
|Yang Jinsong

Agriculture and Rural Areas

72    Organically Combining Heritage Value with Farmers’ Earnings
——Interview with Mr. Cai Yupu, Secretary of CPC Xiajin County Committee, Shandong Province
|Hou Jieru

75    Ancient Mulberry Trees in the Old Course of Yellow River in Xiajin, Shandong

Charity and Poverty Reduction

76    Use Well and Recover Poverty Reduction Funds
|Wang Weidong

Investment and Financing

78    Choosing Valuation Methods for Private Equity Funds
|Qi Yujun

KTRUE·Observation Of PPP

80    IRR Price Adjustment Method for PPP Projects
|Xiao Liang,Chen Hongneng


82    Trade Indicators of Maritime Silk Road (April 2019)
|Ningbo Shipping Exchange







