您做在的位置: 中国投资 > 过往期刊目录 > 过往期刊 > 2019年9月(上)




32  西部陆海新通道:三层关系应重视/王杨堃

35  重庆迎来前所未有的机遇/杨海霞
——专访重庆市发展和改革委员会党组成员、副主任  赵宝权

39  甘肃:陆海新通道的关键节点/甘肃省发展改革委

45  中国的加速联通与南亚的崛起/朱拜尔·哈桑(Jubair Hasan)

50  中老铁路:建设中的新通道/葛宽斋·马力占西(Keutkhuanchai  Malychansy)

         观察与思考 Observation And Contemplation
7       保护土地 脱离贫困
沙妮卡·贾亚塞克拉(Shanika Jayasekara)
9       建设中央商务区的上海启示
克丽丝·克里姆多(Kris Crismundo)

  动态与趋势 Tendencies and Trends
21      新欧洲:对中俄意味着什么?
24      土耳其和欧盟关系:重塑与转型

战略与投资 Strategy and Investment
28      美英德如何布局新兴产业
王志伟 许有志 董亚秋

国际合作 International Cooperation
56      互联互通提升区域合作潜力
——专访吉尔吉斯共和国驻华大使 巴克特古洛娃·卡纳伊姆
63      克罗地亚期待投资多元化
达里欧·米海林(Dario Mihelin) 克罗地亚共和国驻华大使

丝路百科 Encyclopedia BRI
66       泰国城市风貌与历史遗迹

    丝路实践 Bri In Practice
72      中国电建老挝投资超20亿美元
葛宽斋·马力占西(Keutkhuanchai  Malychansy)

交通与物流 Transport and Logistics
76      “互联网+”启发物流模式创新

  能源与矿产 Energy and Mining
80     让氢能成为可持续能源重要一员

82    壳牌LNG战略:上游扩张下游盈利
刘贵洲  窦立荣


科技与教育 Energy and Mining
86      科技创新要加大基础研究投入

农业与农村 Agriculture And Rural Areas
88      工商资本下乡的挑战

都市圈 Metropolitan Area
90      都市圈的界定与对比
安树伟  李瑞鹏

金准·PPP观察KTRUE·Observation of PPP
94      轨交存量项目社会资本参与策略
许树生 徐志超

97      公益性基础设施投资的PPP模式

数据  Numbers
99      海上丝路贸易指数(2019年7月)

32/West China’s New Land-Sea Corridors: Three Tiers of Relationships Need Attention  Wang Yangkun

35/Chongqing Welcomes Unprecendented Opportunities  Yang Haixia
——Interview with Mr. Zhao Baoquan, Member of Leading Party Members Group and Deputy-Director, Chongqing Municiple Development and Reform Commission
39/Gansu: A Key Junction of New Land-Sea Corridor  Gansu Provincial Development and Reform Commission
42/China’s growing interconnections;the rise of South Asia Jubair Hasan
48/Laos-China railway considered as part of the BRI’s artery    Keutkhuanchai Malychansy

32/West China’s New Land-Sea Corridors: Three Tiers of Relationships Need Attention  Wang Yangkun

35/Chongqing Welcomes Unprecendented Opportunities  Yang Haixia
——Interview with Mr. Zhao Baoquan, Member of Leading Party Members Group and Deputy-Director, Chongqing Municiple Development and Reform Commission
39/Gansu: A Key Junction of New Land-Sea Corridor  Gansu Provincial Development and Reform Commission
42/China’s growing interconnections;the rise of South Asia Jubair Hasan
48/Laos-China railway considered as part of the BRI’s artery    Keutkhuanchai Malychansy

32/West China’s New Land-Sea Corridors: Three Tiers of Relationships Need Attention  Wang Yangkun

35/Chongqing Welcomes Unprecendented Opportunities  Yang Haixia
——Interview with Mr. Zhao Baoquan, Member of Leading Party Members Group and Deputy-Director, Chongqing Municiple Development and Reform Commission
39/Gansu: A Key Junction of New Land-Sea Corridor  Gansu Provincial Development and Reform Commission
42/China’s growing interconnections;the rise of South Asia Jubair Hasan
48/Laos-China railway considered as part of the BRI’s artery    Keutkhuanchai Malychansy

New Land-Sea Corridor

32/West China’s New Land-Sea Corridors: Three Tiers of Relationships Need Attention  Wang Yangkun
35/Chongqing Welcomes Unprecendented Opportunities  Yang Haixia
——Interview with Mr. Zhao Baoquan, Member of Leading Party Members Group and Deputy-Director, Chongqing Municiple Development and Reform Commission
39/Gansu: A Key Junction of New Land-Sea Corridor  Gansu Provincial Development and Reform Commission
42/China’s growing interconnections;the rise of South Asia Jubair Hasan
48/Laos-China railway considered as part of the BRI’s artery    Keutkhuanchai Malychans


Observation And Contemplation  
【China in the Eyes Of Foreign Journalists】
6/Re-siphoning life through a green miracle
Shanika Jayasekara
8/Inspired by Shanghai’s Building of the CBD
Kris Crismundo


Tendencies and Trends
18/New Europe: What Does It Mean to China and Russia
Timofei Bordachev
24/Turkey-EU Relations: Reshape and Transform
Zheng Dongchao


Strategy and Investment
28/How US, UK and Germany Make Overall Arrangements for Emerging Industries?
Weng Zhiwei, Xu Youzhi and Dong Yaqiu


International Cooperation
52/Connectivity Increases Potentials for Regional Cooperation
——Interview with H.E. Baktygulova Kanaiym, Ambassador of the Republic of Kyrgyz  to China
Zhang Mei
60/Croatia Looks forward to Pluralization of Investment
H.E. Dario Mihelin,Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia to  China

Encyclopedia BRI
66/City Sights and Historical Sites in Thailand

Bri In Practice
70/PowerChina Invests Over US$ 2 Billion In Laos
Keutkhuanchai  Malychansy

Transport and Logistics
76/“Internet+” Inspires Innovation on Logistics Model
Deloitte Research

Energy and Mining
78/Making Clean Hydrogen Part of Our Energy Future
International Energy Agency

82/Shell’s LNG Strategy: Expand Upstream and Make Profit Downstream
Liu Guizhou and Dou Lirong


Science, Technology and Education
86/Technological Innovation Needs More Input to Basic Research
——Dialogue with Mr. Dong Jianjun, iFlytek Smart City BG Vice-President
Zhang Pan

Agriculture and Rural Areas
88/Challenges for Industrial and Commercial Capital Paticipating in Rural Vitalization
Liu Zhenzhong

Metropolitan Area
90/Definition of Metropolitan Area and Comparison
An Shuwei and Li Ruipeng

KTRUE·Observation of PPP
94/Stock Projects of Rapid Transit and Strategy for Social Capital to Participate
Xu Shusheng and Xu Zhichao
97/PPP Model of Non-Profit Infrastructure Investment
Ren Lezhong

99/Trade Indicators of Maritime Silk Road (July  2019)
Ningbo Shipping Exchange

