封面文章 Cover Stories 28 一带一路顺应世界发展需求 32 开拓工业化最后的边疆 34 文明视野下的大变局 36 新挑战孕育新机遇 新形势呼唤新作为 38 后疫情时代非洲发展前景展望 40 以人为本的国土空间发展蓝图 48 多边合作 创造更加平等的未来 53 提高能效投资促中国经济翻番 战略与投资 【“十四五”前瞻】 国际合作 64 西巴尔干——欧洲最后一个天然气增长市场? 【专栏】 产业与投资 投资与管理 【专栏】 投融资研究 76 “一带一路”综试区的地方探索 尹慧颖 金准·PPP观察 社会人文 数据 NUMBERS 宁波航运交易所 动态与趋势 认识非洲 99 中非合作论坛20年:成功与挑战 投资非洲 【非洲经贸投资法】 110 培养契合非洲发展需要的本土人才 社会人文 114 喀麦隆中文教育向师资本土化发展 116 上“非洲十年”感受活力非洲 119 精准对接需求 优化合作模式
Maximo Torero Cullen 联合国粮农组织(FAO)首席经济学家
李知贤 国际能源署能源效率司能源效率政策分析师/ 中国主管
16 世界经济发展的大变局
20 碳中和愿景催生“风光”产业新目标
23 “十四五”生活污水垃圾处理设施需补短板
59 RCEP 扩充缅中合作新内涵
——专访缅甸驻华大使苗丹佩(H.E U Myo Thant Pe)
阿塔纳斯·格奥尔吉耶夫(Atanas Georgiev)
66 赴泰国投资与承包工程的风险
68 新能源汽车新政促产业“扩盘”
70 专业化——建筑业转型升级必经之路
74 试点REITs需以市场化为出发点
曾奕 方浪
78 流域综合治理探索专项债券+市场化融资
80 中土文化互通共融
刘贵洲 胡红民 王昕 刘芷溪(见习)
84 海上丝路贸易指数(2020年11月)
89 借力非洲大陆自贸区促非洲经济复苏
克莱顿·哈兹维尼·沃姆布努(Clayton Hazvinei Vhumbunu)
92 中非共建“一带一路”风正一帆悬
刘豫锡 中国驻非洲联盟使团团长兼驻联合国非洲经济委员会代表特命全权大使
达尼埃尔·奥瓦萨(Daniel Owassa) 刚果(布)驻华大使
105 尼日利亚谋划宽带未来
108 从南非进口非资源类产品必读的五部法律
洪永红 杨千藜
112 非洲内陆探险
——《合作共赢 共建中非命运共同体研究》概述
——Interview with Huang Renwei, Executive Vice Dean of Fudan Institute of Belt and Road and Global Governance
Zhang Mei
32 Open up Industrialization’s Last Frontier
Tang Xiaoyang
34 Profound Changs in Civilization Perspectiver
Hok-Lin Leung
36 New Challenges Nurture New Opportunities, a New Situation Calls for New Acconplishments
Wu Peng
38 An Outlook of Post-COVID Era African Development Prospect
Zheng Yu
40 A Blueprint for Spatial Development That Takes People First
——Interview with Xiao Jincheng, Chairman of China Association of Research into Regional Economies
Xiao Jingqiu
46 COVID-19 Has Shown Us Inequality and How to Treat It
Maximo Torero Cullen
50 Greater energy efficiency could double China’s economic growth sustainably
Jihyun Selena Lee
Observation and Reflection
16 Profound Changes in World Economic Development
Ding Yifan
Strategy And Investment
20 Vision of Carbon Nuetrality Gives Rise to New Goals for Wind Power and PV Industries
Wang Zhongying
【Foresight of the 14th Five-Year Plan】
23 Weakness in Domestic Sewage Treatment Facilities Ought to Be Bolstered in the 14th Five-Year Plan
Zhang Yingjian
International Cooperation
56 RCEP Expands Connotations of Myanmar-China Cooperation
——Interview with H.E. U Myo Thant Pe, Myanmar Ambassador
to China
Zhang Mei
62 The Western Balkans – the Last Growing Gas Market in Europe?
Assoc. Prof. Atanas Georgiev
66 Risks in Investing and Contracting Projects in Thailand
Zhu Zhonghua
Industries And Investment
68 New Deal for New Energy Vehicles Promotes Industrial “Dilatancy”
Wang Wei
Investment And Management
70 Specialization: the Only Way to Upgrade Construction Industry
Yang Hailin
Investment And Financing Studies
74 Piloting REITs Ought to Take Marketization as Point of Departure
Zeng Ying and Fang Lang
76 A Local Exploration of BRI Comprehensive Experimental Area
Yin Huiying
Ktrue·Observation Of PPP
78 Exploring Special Treasury Bonds+Market Financing for Watershed Management
Liang Hongyu
Society And Culture
80 Cultural Connection and Inclusion between China and Turkmenistan
Inspirations from Spiritual World of the Turkmens
Liu Guizhou, Hu Hongmin, Wang Xin and Liu Zhixi (Intern)
84 Trade Indicators of Maritime Silk Road (November 2020)
Ningbo Shipping Exchange
Tendencies And Trends
86 Leveraging on the AfCFTA for Africa’s Economic Recovery
Clayton Hazvinei Vhumbunu
Uderstanding Africa
94 China-Africa Joint Contribution of the BRI is Riding on the Momentum
H.E.Mr. Liu Yuxi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Head of Mission of the People’s Republic of China to the African Union and Representative of the People’s Republic of China to the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
96 Twenty Years of China-Africa Cooperation Forum: Success and Challenges
H.E. Daniel Owassa, the Republic of Congo’s Ambassador to China
Investing In Africa
102 The Future of Nigeria’s National Broadband Plan 2020-2025
Space in Africai
108 Five Laws One Must Read to Import Non-Resource Products from South Africa
Hong Yonghong and Yang Jianli
110 Nurturing Local Talent Who Fit African Development Needs
Zu Xiaodong
Health Industry
110 Every minute counts,Only for Maternal and Newborn Safety
Ma Ying
Country Profile of Mozambique from 21 Country Profiles: An
Introduction to Local Pharmaceutical Production Opportunities in Africa
Society And Culture
112 Chinese Language Education of Camaron Moves toward a Localized Faculty
Wu Qiang
114 Adventures in Africa Inland
Liu Weicai
116 Watch a Vibrant Africa on “African Decade”: African Business Opportunities behind a Tink Tonk Blogger
Li Jiaxuan
119 Tailor Made Interface Dovetailing to Meet the Needs and Optimize Cooperation Model: A Summary of Mutually Beneficial Cooperation: A Study of Joint Construction of a Community with a Shard Future between China and Africa
Song Wei
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