20 中欧地区交通物流枢纽功能凸显
帕尔科维奇·拉兹洛(Prof. Dr. László Palkovics)
24 白俄罗斯致力优化中欧班列过境效率
尤里·先科(Yury SENKO) 白俄罗斯驻华大使
30 中欧班列:拉紧西中合作纽带
拉法尔·德斯卡亚(Rafael Dezcallar) 西班牙驻华大使
36 土中货运列车——土中合作新起点
阿布杜卡迪尔·埃明·约南(Abdulkadir Emin Onen )
40 期待更多中欧班列入境塞尔维亚
卡特琳娜·扎科奇(Katarina Zaki)
54 执着坚守 构筑内畅外联大通道
李关鹏 中国外运股份有限公司董事长
61 俄中铁路运输数字化合作愿景
科兹洛夫(Козлов АнтонСергеевич)
66 新丝路上的欧洲铁路货运枢纽
马特恩(Axel Mattern) 德国汉堡港营销协会董事兼首席执行官
70 依托中欧班列织就全新价值链
董建国 重庆市发展和改革委员会主任
74 支撑服务内陆开放高地建设率
何雄 河南省发展和改革委员会党组书记、主任
78 打造“黄金通道”,助力“一带一路”
周海兵 湖南省发展和改革委员会党组书记、主任
82 保通保畅 提升班列建设运营水平
王岿然 新疆维吾尔自治区发展和改革委员会主任、
84 联通世界的重要经济纽带
邓超 四川省实施西部大开发办公室专职副主任
88 构建效率高、成本低、服务优的国际贸易通道
刘迎军 陕西省发展和改革委员会副主任
22 Belarus is to gain sustainable development of China-Europe Railway Express
H.E. Yury SENKO,Ambassador of Belarus to China
26 CR Express: Closing Up Ties of Spain-China Cooperation
H.E. Rafael Dezcallar,Ambassador of Spain to China
34 Turkey-China Freight Trains: A New Page In Turkish-Chinese Partnership
H.E. Abdulkadir Emin Onen, Ambassador of Turkey to China
38 The impact of China-Europe Railway Express – past, present and future
Katarina Zakić, PhD Research Fellow,Regional Center “Belt and Road” Institute of International Politics and Economics Serbia
54 Persevering in Constructing a Smooth Going and Outreaching Great Passage
Li Guanpeng, Chairman of Sinotrans ltd.
58 A Vision of Russia-China Cooperation in Digitalization in Railway Transport
Anton Kozlov, Head of Foreign Projects and International Cooperation Department, JSC Russian Railways
64 A European Railway Freight Hub on the New Silk Road
Axel Mattern, Member of the Executive Board and CEO of Hafen Hamburg Marketing
70 Forging a Brand New Value Chain with the Support of CR Express
Dong Jianguo
74 Supporting and Serving the Construction of a New Platform for Inland Provinces to Open to the Outside World
He Xiong
78 Building a “Golden Passage” to boost the “Belt and Road”
Zhou Haibing
82 Keep Smooth Going and Unobstructed, Improve CR Express Operational Efficacy
Wang Kuiran
84 New Chengdu-Europe Express: An Important Economic Tie Linking the World
Deng Chao
88 Building an Efficient, Low-Cost, Good-Service International Trade Corridor
Liu Yingjun
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